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πŸ‘‹ Hi there, I'm Aditya Singh Mandrawal

Passionate about leveraging technology to create innovative solutions

About Me

  • πŸŽ“ Currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science
  • πŸ’» Enthusiast in exploring new technologies and programming languages
  • 🌱 Constantly learning and growing in the field of computer science


  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript
  • Data Science: Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Natural Language Processing


  • Graph Algorithm: This repository contains various graph algorithms implemented in C++, including Dijkstra's, Kruskal's, and Prim's algorithms.

  • Sorting Algorithm: A collection of different sorting and searching algorithms implemented in C++, such as Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Counting Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort.

  • Java Database and Connectivity (JDBC): This project demonstrates various operations using JDBC, such as fetching, inserting, updating, and removing data from a database.

  • Dynamic Programming Algorithms: A repository containing solutions to various dynamic programming problems, including the Knapsack problem, Longest Common Subsequence, and others.


  • Object Detection System for Visually Impaired Individuals: This system utilizes the YOLOv3 algorithm, COCO dataset, OpenCV, and Google Text-to-Speech (GTTS) to detect objects in real-time from a webcam feed and provide auditory feedback to visually impaired users.

  • Real-Time Age and Gender Detection: This project demonstrates real-time age and gender detection using computer vision techniques. It utilizes pre-trained deep learning models to detect faces, estimate age, and classify gender from webcam input.

  • AudioBook PDF Reader: Audiobook Reader is a Python program that allows users to convert PDF documents into spoken audio. It utilizes the PyPDF2 library to extract text from PDF files and the pyttsx3 library to convert the text into speech. The program provides a simple user interface (UI) where users can select a PDF file, specify the page number or choose to read the entire document, and initiate the reading process.

  • SMS Spam Classifier: This Python script analyzes SMS messages to classify them as spam or ham (non-spam). It utilizes the Naive Bayes algorithm for classification.

  • Facial Recognition Attendance System: The Facial Recognition Attendance System offers a modern and efficient solution for tracking attendance using facial recognition technology.

  • YouTube Comment Analyzer: This Python application fetches comments from a specified YouTube video using the YouTube Data API, processes the comments to identify the most common words, and displays these insights in a user-friendly graphical interface built with Tkinter.

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Fun Fact

  • ⚑ Fun Fact: I love to travel and explore new places, especially those with scenic landscapes.