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components llm_rag_crack_chunk_embed_index_and_register

github-actions[bot] edited this page Sep 24, 2024 · 33 revisions

Crack, Chunk, Embed, Index, and Register Data



Creates chunks no larger than chunk_size from input_data, extracted document titles are prepended to each chunk\n\n

LLM models have token limits for the prompts passed to them, this is a limiting factor at embedding time and even more limiting at prompt completion time as only so much context can be passed along with instructions to the LLM and user queries.\n Chunking allows splitting source data of various formats into small but coherent snippets of information which can be 'packed' into LLM prompts when asking for answers to user queries related to the source documents.\n\n

Supported formats: md, txt, html/htm, pdf, ppt(x), doc(x), xls(x), py\n\n

Also generates embeddings vectors for data chunks if configured.\n\n

If embeddings_container is supplied, input chunks are compared to existing chunks in the Embeddings Container and only changed/new chunks are embedded, existing chunks being reused.\n\n

After indexing completes, a MLIndex yaml and supporting files are registered as an AzureML data asset.\n\n"

Version: 0.0.31



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Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
input_data uri_folder False
embeddings_container Folder containing previously generated embeddings. Should be parent folder of the 'embeddings' output path used for for this component. Will compare input data to existing embeddings and only embed changed/new data, reusing existing chunks. uri_folder True
asset_uri Where to save MLIndex uri_folder True
input_glob Limit files opened from input_data, defaults to '**/*' string */ False
chunk_size Maximum number of tokens per chunk. integer 768 False
chunk_overlap Number of tokens to overlap between chunks. integer 0 False
use_rcts Use langchain RecursiveTextSplitter to split chunks. boolean True False
citation_url Base URL to join with file paths to create full source file URL for chunk metadata. string True
citation_replacement_regex A JSON string with two fields, 'match_pattern' and 'replacement_pattern' to be used with re.sub on the source url. e.g. '{"match_pattern": "(.)/articles/(.)", "replacement_pattern": "\1/\2"}' would remove '/articles' from the middle of the url. string True
doc_intel_connection_id AzureML Connection ID for Custom Workspace Connection containing the endpoint key and api_key secret for an Azure AI Document Intelligence Service. string True
embeddings_model The model to use to embed data. E.g. 'hugging_face://model/sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2' or 'azure_open_ai://deployment/{deployment_name}/model/{model_name}' string True
embeddings_connection_id The connection id of the Embeddings Model provider to use. string False
batch_size Batch size to use when embedding data. integer 100 False
num_workers Number of workers to use when embedding data. integer -1 False
asset_name Name of the asset to register. string False
acs_config JSON string containing the ACS configuration. e.g. {"index_name": "my-index"} string False
index_connection_id The connection id of the ACS provider to use. string True
validate_deployments Enables Validation of Model and Index deployments. string True
llm_config JSON string containing the LLM configuration. string True
llm_connection_id The connection id of the LLM provider to use. string True



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