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40 lines (33 loc) · 1.47 KB

File metadata and controls

40 lines (33 loc) · 1.47 KB


Changes in version 2022-04-29

  • mapview::mapviewOptions(fgb = FALSE) now set on load
  • Greatly simplified some older methods that accept Spatial* objects
    • Use sf methods under hood, converting via st_as_sf() first
    • Result still inherits from Spatial if first argument does
    • Retaining these for backwards-compatibility till rdgal expires in 2023
  • Changes to S3 methods for Spatial*DataFrame
    • mutate() is un-deprecated
    • filter() and select() now rely on sf methods under the hood
  • All tests now succeed
    • Some empty tests were removed
  • Added quasi-experimental raster methods
    • These rely on terra
    • raster_sum(), a fast and cached way of summing rasters, optionally with weights
    • raster_digest(), which hashes result of terra::values()

Changes in version 2022-01-13


  • meters()
  • as_square_meters()


  • S3 merge methods for Spatial*DataFrame
  • polygon_areas() made obsolete by st_area()


  • S3 filter methods for Spatial*DataFrame
  • S3 mutate methods for Spatial*DataFrame
  • fortify() made obsolete by sf::geom_sf()
  • reproject() superseded by sf::st_transform()


  • drop_geometry() now leverages sf::st_drop_geometry()
  • read_ncdf_raster() now returns terra::SpatRaster instead of raster::RasterLayer
  • raster_overlay() coerces its input to raster::RasterBrick