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67 Commits

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Lerna & Husky & CommitLint & Vue.js 2 & Vue Composition API & Element UI & Windi CSS & AntV X6 & Axios & CryptoJS & date-fns & Tinymce & VirtualScroll & Iconfont & Permission Control & ES Lint



# clone the project
git clone

# enter the project directory
cd crh-advanced-digital-factory

# install dependencies
npm i

# dev
npm run dev


# release staging
npm run build:stage

# relase production
npm run release:minor
or npm run release:patch
or npm run release:major

# push production code to CI
npm run build:prod

Git Commit Message Format

<type>(scope): <short summary>

type: Commit Type, build | ci | docs | feat | style | fix | perf | refactor | test
scope: Commit Scope, 
short summary: Not Capitalized. No period at the end. Less than 100 characters

build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies(Ex scopes: gulp, npm, broccoli)
ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts(Ex scopes: Circle, BrowserStack)
docs: Documentation only changes or code messages
feat: A new feature
style: improve CSS
fix: A bug fix
perf: A code change that improves performance
refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
test: Adding missing tests or unit test or correcting existing tests

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