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Felipe da Veiga Leprevost edited this page Feb 25, 2019 · 7 revisions

Statistical validation of peptide assignments for MS/MS Proteomics data


PeptidProphet v5.01


philosopher peptideprophet [flags] [files]



Use Accurate Mass model binning.


Set Conservative Level in neg_stdev from the neg_mean, low numbers are less conservative, high numbers are more conservative.


Combine the results from PeptideProphet into a single result file.


Path to the database file.


Semi-supervised mode, protein name prefix to identify Decoy entries.


Compute possible non-zero probabilities for Decoy entries on the last iteration.


Enzyme used in sample


Exclude deltaCn*, Mascot*, and Comet* results from results (default Penalize * results).


Use expectation value as the only contributor to the f-value for modeling.


Bypass quality control checks, report model despite bad modeling.


Enable peptide Glyco motif model.


Apply ICAT model (default Auto detect ICAT).


Can be used multiple times to specify all charge states to exclude from modeling.


Warn and continue if combined data was generated by different instrument models.


Leave alone deltaCn*, Mascot*, and Comet* results from results (default Penalize * results).


Enable MALDI mode.


model mass width (default 5.0)


Minimum number of NTT in a peptide used for positive pI model (default 2).


Minimum probability after first pass of a peptide used for positive pI model (default 0.9).


Report results with minimum probability (default 0.05).


Minimum number of NTT in a peptide used for positive RT model.


Minimum probability after first pass of a peptide used for positive RT model.


Use Gamma distribution to model the negative hits.


Do no apply ICAT model (default Auto detect ICAT).


Disable mass model.


Disable NMC missed cleavage model.


Use semi-parametric modeling, must be used in conjunction with --decoy option.


Disable NTT enzymatic termini model.


(SpectraST only) optimize f-value function f(dot,delta) using PCA.


Output name prefix (default "interact").


Multiply by SpectraST library probability.


Enable peptide Phospho motif model.


Enable peptide pI model.


Use ppm mass error instead of Dalton for mass modeling.


Enable peptide RT model, use <rtcatalog_file> peptide RTs when available as the theoretical value.


Report results with minimum probability 0 (default 0.05).


Process two pepXML files, combining them into a single output called combined_samples. The analysis will compute possible non-zero probabilities for decoy entries using an accurate mass model for binning.

philosopher peptideprophet --database db.fasta --combine --decoyprobs --accmass --nonparam --output combined_samples sample1.pepxml sample2.pepxml


Do I need TPP installed for running this ?
