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Development Workflows with Tox

Local tox workflows and helper scripts to automate building and deploying Yocto build artifacts, which includes the following features based on the enclustra docs Yocto layers:

  • clone user BSP layer to get Kas build configuration(s)
  • clone metadata repositories and build/install workflow dependencies into a python virtual environment managed by Tox
  • build yocto images using supported boot modes (qspi and sdmmc)
  • optionally create sdcard image from sdmmc build
  • deploy qspi build artifacts to bootable sdcard rootfs

Workflow descriptions

The workflow commands described here fall roughly into three categories:

Workspace workflows

dev:Sync and checkout build metadata, create virtual environment with build/deploy dependencies.
clean:Remove staged qspi artifacts and Yocto build/tmp-* folder.

Yocto build workflows

sdmmc:Build bootable sdcard target (sets UBOOT boot mode variable).
qspi:Clean and build corresponding named build target (sets UBOOT boot mode variable).

Deployment workflows

bmap:Use vendor-recommended bmaptool to burn raw disk image to an SDCard. Optionally apply udev rule to optimize I/O performance.
deploy:Use udiskctl to handle SDCard mounts and deploy qspi artifacts to deployed sdcard artifact. Optionally apply polkit rule to provide equivalent console permissions.

Big Fat Warning


The above deployment workflows directly touch disk devices and will destroy any data on the DISK target. Therefore, as the workflow user, you need to make sure the value you provide is the correct DISK value for your sdcard device, eg, /dev/mmcblk0 or /dev/sdb. See below in section Setup micro-SDCard for an example of how to find your device name.

Workflow permissions

  • general Linux development host permissions to install/update system packages
  • development user added to removable media group, eg, disk
  • development user added to wheel group for polkit rule

General requirements

  • supported Linux host with yocto build dependencies and tox package installed
  • development user with sudo privileges to install OS packages

With at least Python 3.8 and tox installed, clone this repository, then run the dev command to create the yocto build environment. From there, either use the virtual environment to run kas and/or bitbake commands or run one or more tox commands to build/deploy specific yocto targets.

Install dependencies on vendor-recommended Ubuntu build host:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential \
chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils \
iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 \
xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev zstd liblz4-tool libyaml-dev libelf-dev python3-distutils
$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv tree libgpgme-dev

On ubuntu 20 or 22, install a newer version of tox into user home:

$ python3 -m pip install -U pip  # this will install into ~/.local/bin
$ source ~/.profile
$ which pip3
$ pip3 install tox

Setup micro-SDCard

We need to access the External Drive to be utilized by the target device. Run lsblk to help figure out what linux device has been reserved for your External Drive. To compare state, run lsblk before inserting the USB card reader, then run the same command again with the USB device inserted.

Example: for DISK=/dev/sdX

$ lsblk
sda      8:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0   512M  0 part /boot/efi
└─sda2   8:2    0 465.3G  0 part /                <- Development Machine Root Partition
sdb      8:16   1   962M  0 disk                  <- microSD/USB Storage Device
└─sdb1   8:17   1   961M  0 part                  <- microSD/USB Storage Partition

Thus your value is DISK=/dev/sdb

Example: for DISK=/dev/mmcblkX

$ lsblk
sda         8:0      0 465.8G  0 disk
├─sda1      8:1      0   512M  0 part /boot/efi
└─sda2      8:2      0 465.3G  0 part /                <- Development Machine Root Partition
mmcblk0     179:0    0   962M  0 disk                  <- microSD/USB Storage Device
└─mmcblk0p1 179:1    0   961M  0 part                  <- microSD/USB Storage Partition

Thus your value is DISK=/dev/mmcblk0 which is the default workflow value so may be omitted.


The qspi deployment workflow SDCard requirement is essentially "the first partition must be VFAT". This allows both the enclustra bootable SDCard or an empty VFAT-formatted card to be used as the deployment DISK target. If your board has been set to boot from QSPI, then there is no need to change the boot target. Just build the qspi artifacts and use a blank VFAT-formatted sdcard for the deployment workflow.


The commands shown below will clone the required yocto layers along with some tools, then build and install the python deps for running build and deploy commands. The install results will end up in a tox virtual environment named .venv which you can activate for manual use as needed.

The tox/kas commands create two directories to contain the yocto metadata and build outputs, ie, layers and build respectively. Note the Kas tool treats both these directories as transitory, however, development workflows include testing yocto changes inside build/conf as well as preserving yocto downloads and sstate_cache to speed up builds.

Tox commands

From inside the repository checkout, use tox list to view the list of workflow environment descriptions:

$ tox list
default environments:
dev     -> Create a kas build virtual environment with managed deps
bmap    -> Burn the wic image to sdcard device (default: /dev/mmcblk0)
sdmmc   -> Build the default (wic) sdmmc boot target
qspi    -> Clean and build the qspi boot target
deploy  -> Deploy qspi build products to sdcard


The default DISK value shown below is at least somewhat "safe" as it is not likely to be critical on most development hardware. If the value you provide, or the default device, does not exist, then the deploy script will skip the sdcard deployment when there is no device to mount.

Also note the primary tox commands given here are order-dependent, eg:

$ tox -e qspi                   # first build the qspi flash artifacts
$ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e deploy   # then deploy the qspi artifacts to an existing sdcard

Same goes for sdcard creation:

$ tox -e sdmmc                  # first build the bootable sdcard image
$ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e bmap     # then burn the image to an sdcard

Additional Tox environment commands include:

$ tox -e changes    # generate a changelog
$ tox -e clean      # clean build artifacts/tmp dir


When running tox commands using an existing build tree, it is advisable to run tox -e clean before (re)building the qspi or sdmmc artifacts.

Workflow support files

In terms of development functionality, there is essentially one "support" file required, that being the kas build config. The default vendor build lives in the (now unused) enclustra-refdes layer, and the new custom build configurations live in the meta-user-aa1 layer.

The main functionality and development user knobs are contained directly in the parent repo tox.ini file (any helper scripts can be found in the scripts directory).

Default options are set as tox environment variables with defaults matching the yocto build tree, machine, and image names:

DEPLOY_DIR = {env:DEPLOY_DIR:build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/{env:MACHINE}}
DISK = {env:DISK:/dev/mmcblk0}
IMAGE = {env:IMAGE:devel-image-minimal}
MACHINE = {env:MACHINE:me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3}

Full QSPI flash example

End-to-end qspi flash example assuming a clean parent repo checkout. The following example runs the build/deploy commands to the bootable sdcard for deploying and installing the qspi build artifacts. After installing the yocto build dependencies and Tox, run the following commands from a terminal window; note the first-time build will dowload several large source artifacts and build several thousand packages.

Step 1. Create the required artifacts.

$ cd $HOME/src
$ git clone
$ cd vct-enclustra-bsp-platform/
$ tox -e dev                   # fetch all yocto layers
$ tox -e sdmmc                 # build a bootable sdcard image
# <insert USB card reader or sdcard>
$ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e bmap    # USE YOUR SDCARD DEVICE
$ tox -e qspi                  # build qspi flash artifacts
$ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e deploy  # deploy qspi flash artifacts to sdcard

The last few lines of console messages should look like this:

Unmounted /dev/sda1.
  deploy: OK (5.84=setup[0.04]+cmd[0.00,5.79] seconds)
  congratulations :) (5.91 seconds)

Step 2. Insert the SD card you just created in the AA1 card slot.

Step 3. Attach serial console, power up the board, and stop the boot at the u-boot prompt.

Step 4. From the u-boot prompt, run the following two commands marked by comments:

=> load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} flash.scr  # load flash script
1079 bytes read in 6 ms (174.8 KiB/s)
=> source ${loadaddr}                  # run flash script, then WAIT
## Executing script at 01000000
switch to partitions #0, OK
...  # output snipped
device 0 offset 0x1000000, size 0x1000000
6029312 bytes written, 10747904 bytes skipped in 22.35s, speed 798915 B/s
device 0 offset 0x2000000, size 0x2000000
23330816 bytes written, 10223616 bytes skipped in 74.150s, speed 466033 B/s

Step 5. Confirm success and power OFF the board.

Step 6. Remove the SD card and configure the hardware for QSPI boot.