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Liferay Documentation Writer's Guidelines

Now that the documentation is on Github, Liferay and the community can collaborate on documentation. To make this collaboration successful, it is important that all documentation be written and formatted consistently. Otherwise, time is wasted reformatting and wordsmithing the docs for publication--time that could be used to create new or improve existing documentation.

For these reasons, we ask that those contributing to the documentation adhere to the following editorial conventions.

Hierarchical Design

The official documentation has a hierarchical design. This means that the text is divided up into small sections that have headings above them. This breaks up the text and allows the reader to see more easily the overall organization of the documentation. It has the added benefit of allowing the reader to skip to the section he or she wants to read most (because we--even those of us who write it--all know that reading documentation is not necessarily everyone's favorite task).

Sections should be kept as short as possible, by breaking them up further into subsections. Markdown gives you six levels of headings (the same as HTML), which should be sufficient for all your needs.


Tutorials should be in the neighborhood of 1000-2000 words. If you have more material than that, you should consider breaking it up.

Tutorial Intro

A tutorial should begin with an unlabeled section that serves as your introduction. You can use an anecdote, a story, or industry information to provide your introduction. This introduction, however, needs to lead up to a series of bullet points that summarize what the tutorial is about. This enables the reader to quickly glance over the topics to see if the tutorial covers the information the reader is looking for.

Don't end your intro with the bullet points themselves; always provide some summary text after the bullet points.

Tutorial Body

The body of the tutorial contains a set of multiple, hierarchical sections. See below for information on sections.

Tutorial Summary

The end of each chapter should contain a summary section that briefly recounts what was covered in the tutorial.


If you're a programmer, think of sections like linked lists. While each section needs to cover its own material, at the end of a section you should point to what's coming next. This is called a segue, and it generally sounds like:

You can see from this how easy it is to do. Next, we'll look at this other thing.

Segues are discussed in more detail below.

Never end a section with an image.

Never end a section with code.

Section Headings and Subheadings

Headings and Subheadings should follow an outline format. This means that if they're in a hierarchy, there should always be at least two children: otherwise, you don't have a true hierarchy.

Because of the way Markdown is often parsed, header lines should never break. If you have set your text editor to automatically break lines, and you have a long header, make sure your header does not break.


Use segues to introduce new headings and to sum up completed ones. For example:

*...that's how you configure Liferay. Next, we'll look at what it takes to make it sing a song. *

Singing a Song

You'd think that making Liferay sing would be hard, but it is in fact easy. All you have to do....

Text Conventions

There are several text conventions that will help to ensure a consistent documentation style. Please follow these conventions when entering documentation.

Code in Text

Programmers love to put stuff in quotes when they're doing documentation, probably because it's similar to code. Code looks like this:

String myString = "Hello there!";

Consequently, many programmers therefore write documentation that looks like this:

# Set this property to false for easier debugging for development. You can
# also disable fast loading by setting the URL parameter "css_fast_load" to
# "0".   

Please do not do that for documentation. Use a code style instead. In Markdown, this is done by placing your code inside a left accent character, which on US keyboards is to the left of the number 1 key, like this:

`my code is here`

We are not writing code; we are writing instructions for human beings to be able to write code or use our software. Obviously, if you are documenting something in a text file in the product itself, you can't do this, and the example above was taken from Liferay's file.

This text was reformatted in the documentation so that it looks like this:

Set this property to false for easier debugging for development. You can also disable fast loading by setting the URL parameter css_fast_load to 0.

Always set off code so that it is clear it's code and not text. This makes it so that people can easily copy/paste from the documentation whatever code you are providing. Of course, make sure your code works.

File Names

When you need to refer to a file name, put the file name in a code font as well.

Example: You will want to use the Software Catalog portlet if you will have multiple users submitting portlets into the repository, and if you don't want to worry about creating the liferay-plugin-repository.xml file yourself.

Quotation Marks

It's much better to set off properties, classes, or code blocks with a code style instead of quotation marks. This has two benefits: the text is marked so that people pay more attention to it, and there is no ambiguity as to whether or not to include the quotation marks when copying and pasting these values.

Programmers are used to writing code, not prose. Because of this, programmers like to put periods, commas, and other punctuation outside the quotation marks, which is incorrect punctuation--but good programming syntax. If you do need to use quotes for something, please remember the punctuation goes inside the quotes.


Below are some guidelines for when to use italics.

Introducing Concepts

If you're introducing a concept, italicize the concept the first time you use it. Thereafter, you don't need the italics.

Example: One of the primary ways of extending the functionality of Liferay Portal is by the use of plugins. Plugins are an umbrella term for installable portlet, theme, layout template, and web module Java EE .war files. Though Liferay comes bundled with a number of functional portlets, themes, layout templates, and web modules, plugins provide a means of extending Liferay to be able to do almost anything.

Notice the italics on plugins, portlet, theme, layout template, and web module the first time the terms are used, but none when the terms are used after they are introduced.

UI Elements

When you're telling the user to click on something in the UI, italicize it.

Example: Click the Save button to continue.

If you're referring to a UI element, but there's no direction for the user, capitalize it, but don't italicize it.

Example: After clicking the button, the Configuration page appears.

To provide as much clarity on UI elements as possible, let's combine the above two rules:

Example: On the Configuration page, click the Add button.

As you can see, the UI element that contains direction for the user is italicized, but the UI element that has no direction is not.


Bold is used sparingly in the documentation. Why is this? Because too much bold is distracting. The reader's eye is drawn to bold text more than to anything else. All the headings are bold anyway, so we don't want to use it very much in the body text itself. There is one place where we want to use bold: field Lists.

When explaining a form that users can fill out, use bold for the field names.


Name: Enter the user's name.

Address: Enter the user's address.

Never end a section with a list of form elements, like I was about to do before I typed this sentence.

Bullet Points

Bullet points are strange animals. They can be lists of things. They can be lists of arguments. Here's a good rule for bullet points: if it's a sentence, use a period. If it's not a sentence, don't.

Examples: Don't use a period for bullets that are not sentences, like:

  • Shoes
  • Pants
  • Shirt

Use a period for bullets that are sentences, like:

  • Roll your mouse over the Dock and click Sign In.
  • Enter your email address and password.

Never end a section with bullet points, like I was about to do before I typed this sentence.

Trailing Spaces

The Markdown source files for the documentation should be clean. Every sentence, regardless of whether it ends a paragraph or not, should end with one--and only one--trailing space. This is so that paragraphs can be combined more easily during the editing process, when this becomes necessary.

There should never be more than one trailing space after a sentence, paragraph, or bullet point.

Spaces vs. Tabs

Unlike the Liferay source code, Liferay documentation should have no tabs in it. This is so that you can more easily differentiate various constructs within Markdown. For example, preformatted text is denoted in Markdown by either one tab or four spaces. List levels are denoted by indenting by spaces. If you use spaces instead of tabs, you have three list levels to work with before your syntax-highlighting text editor mistakes your outline levels for preformatted text.

Images and Captions

Every image should have a caption, and the caption should be at least one descriptive, complete sentence. In other words, captions that are simple labels aren't enough. DON'T do something like this for a caption:

The Liferay setup wizard.

Instead, do this:

The Liferay setup wizard makes connecting to your database and configuring a default administrator easy.

Picture yourself taking the reader by the hand and leading him or her through the concept you're describing. All of these tips are designed to help you do that.

Images should be in a web-friendly format (.png or .jpg). If you've created a drawing in a vector format (.svg or other), save it in the drawings folder for the guide you're working on and save a converted .png or .jpg in the images folder.

Image file names should all be lower case, with no spaces in the file names. Use dashes (-) to replace spaces in multi-word file names.


Platform: Always platform

Configuration: Always Configuration

Site: Always Site

Site Administration: Always Site Administration

Personal Site: Always Personal Site

Role: Always Role

User: Always User

User Group: Always User Group

Organization: Always Organization

Control Menu: Always Control Menu

Navigation: Always Navigation

Account Settings: Always Account Settings

Common Documentation and Phraseology Issues

Explain every option, no matter how redundant and stupid it seems. Yes, most forms in the product ask for a name and a description, but you need to explain them anyway.

Never, ever, ever say something is "self-explanatory." It isn't. All you're doing is insulting the reader who doesn't understand the same things you understand.

Remove the future tense from your documenting vocabulary. When you click on something, something else appears. You don't want to say it will appear, and you especially don't want to say you are going to do something else after it appears.

Know your audience!

You have at least two types of people to whom you are writing: the person who is reading the book cover to cover (rare), and the person who is flipping or clicking through trying to find a specific section that tells him or her everything necessary (more common).

It's better to write for this second type of reader. Many features in the product overlap (message board threads can be tagged; wiki articles can be tagged; blogs can be tagged, etc.), but we can't assume readers have read everything. For this reason, don't say things like "Tagging wiki articles works the same way it does for web content," and leave it there. If you say that, use it only by way of introduction to how you'll tell readers exactly how to tag wiki articles. You can then point readers to the specific place where tagging in general is explained.

With that in mind, another thing you want to avoid is mind reading. It's easy to fall into making statements like: "You probably aren't interested in blah blah now, but you will be once you finish this section." As the writer, you actually have no idea what your readers might be thinking, so avoid mind reading at all costs.

The Golden Rule says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's a great way to approach documentation. Write something you'd want to read. Include all the details you would want if you were newly approaching the topic.

Be Creative!

Use jokes. Add anecdotes. Write stories. Do whatever you can to keep the text from being regular, old, dry, boring documentation. One of our authors (Stephen Kostas) came up with the Nosester Social Network. That's awesome. I (Rich Sezov) wrote a story as the intro and summary of the Audit section. Do this sort of thing. It makes the text more interesting to read, and that causes people to actually read the documentation. Let's make sure Liferay's docs don't sound like everybody else's. Let's be recognized as much for our cool documentation as for our cool product.

Common Grammatical Mistakes

We all make grammatical errors sometimes. I'm sure that even J.R.R. Tolkien had to correct some grammatical errors before publishing Lord of the Rings. What separates the men from the boys (or women from the girls) here, though, is whether or not you are willing to look at your text a second, third, or fourth time and find those grammatical errors to which you are prone (See? I didn't end that sentence with a preposition--even though that's not always wrong). You can then try to be more aware of those errors as you write and thereby avoid them. It also helps to read your text after you have written it. This sounds like common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people just write something and send it off like it's email. To get good prose, you have to go over it several times.

What follows is a list of common grammatical mistakes.

It's and Its

This one is easier than it looks, even though most people give up and always use it's. Why they choose the one with the apostrophe is beyond me, since you have to type an extra character.

It's: This is short for "it is." So when you're about to write an its or an it's, ask yourself: do I mean "it is" here? If so, use the single quote. If not, see below.

Its: This is always possessive. The cat blinked its eyes.

Subject Agreement

Your subjects' references must always agree in a sentence. You can't have one be singular and another be plural. For example, you never say, "If you configure this permission for the user, they cannot access the resource." You have to say, "If you configure this permission for the user, he or she cannot access the resource." Since you're talking about a single user, it's either he or she (or both), but not they. Some people, in order to try to be fair to the genders, alternate genders as they go ("If you configure this permission for the user, she cannot access the resource."). That's also correct. Others try to make the sentence plural ("If you configure this permission for users, they cannot access the resource."). Again, this is correct.

Notes on Commas

Commas have several elements which can be confusing. Here are some tips to help you be successful with commas.

Conjunctions vs. Compound Verbs

You only use a comma after a conjunction (i.e., "and," "or," "but," etc.) if it is separating two independent clauses. If you have a compound verb, you don't need a comma. So you'd use a comma with "Click on the button, and the portal will refresh." But you wouldn't use a comma with "Select option three and click save." In the first instance, you have two independent clauses; in the second, you have a compound verb ("select and click"). One easy way to tell which one you're dealing with is to find the subject(s). If you have two different subjects, you have two independent clauses. If you have one subject sharing two verbs, you have a compound verb.

So in our first example, our two subjects were you and portal (the you is understood as (You) click on the button...). So we need a comma there, because we're separating two independent clauses.

In our second example, we had one subject: you. The subject of the sentence is doing two things: selecting and clicking. We therefore have a compound verb and don't need a comma.

Comma Splices, Semicolons, and Em Dashes

Most people I've talked to have no idea what to do with a semicolon (;). Java programmers, of course, know what to do with it: you end a statement with it! (That's a poor attempt at humor.) Seriously, though, many people wind up using a comma in a place where you should use a semicolon, and that is when you're separating two independent clauses (i.e., sentences). Consider the following example:

Don't try doing it all yourself, it's better to work as a team.

That's a comma splice. You're splicing together two complete sentences with a comma:

Don't try doing it all yourself. It's better to work as a team.

While a comma splice is incorrect punctuation, using a semicolon in the same place is a correct drop-in replacement for a comma splice, as a semicolon's purpose in life is to separate two independent clauses:

Don't try doing it all yourself; it's better to work as a team.

If you write it this way, your punctuation is correct, and you have just become one of those few who know how to use a semicolon!

It's also important to note that the em-dash (--) can also be used in this way:

Don't try doing it all yourself--it's better to work as a team.

Em-dashes have no spaces around them and always consist of two dash characters. Our Markdown parser will convert that into a proper em-dash character, but it won't convert any of the other variants.


Below is terminology and how we use it.

Folder: Always use folder. Never use directory, directory structure, etc.

Command line: Never use Terminal or Command Prompt. We're trying to stay OS-agnostic here, people.

Script: Always use script; never batch file, batch, etc. And always default to the Unix/Mac/Linux way of doing things (./, not catalina or catalina.bat) because those environments are used more often by Liferay developers and administrators.


These guidelines help us to ensure consistency and clarity within the documentation. All contributors should be familiar with them and do their best to adhere to them before sending a pull request to have their text included in our documentation. They are evolving over time, so you may want to review them for changes if you haven't looked at them in a while.