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Tekton Pipelines API Specification


The Tekton Pipelines platform provides common abstractions for describing and executing container-based, run-to-completion workflows, typically in service of CI/CD scenarios. The Tekton Conformance Policy defines the requirements that Tekton implementations must meet to claim conformance with the Tekton API. TEP-0131 lay out details of the policy itself.

According to the policy, Tekton implementations can claim Conformance on GA Primitives, thus, all API Spec in this doc is for Tekton V1 APIs. Implementations are only required to provide resource management (i.e. CRUD APIs) for Runtime Primitives (TaskRun and PipelineRun). For Authoring-time Primitives (Task and Pipeline), supporting CRUD APIs is not a requirement but we recommend referencing them in runtime types (e.g. from git, catalog, within the cluster etc.)

This document describes the structure, and lifecycle of Tekton resources. This document does not define the runtime contract nor prescribe specific implementations of supporting services such as access control, observability, or resource management.

This document makes reference in a few places to different profiles for Tekton installations. A profile in this context is a set of operations, resources, and fields that are accessible to a developer interacting with a Tekton installation. Currently, only a single (minimal) profile for Tekton Pipelines is defined, but additional profiles may be defined in the future to standardize advanced functionality. A minimal profile is one that implements all of the “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, and “REQUIRED” conditions of this document.


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

There is no formal specification of the Kubernetes API and Resource Model. This document assumes Kubernetes 1.25 behavior; this behavior will typically be supported by many future Kubernetes versions. Additionally, this document may reference specific core Kubernetes resources; these references may be illustrative (i.e. an implementation on Kubernetes) or descriptive (i.e. this Kubernetes resource MUST be exposed). References to these core Kubernetes resources will be annotated as either illustrative or descriptive.

Modifying This Specification

This spec is a living document, meaning new resources and fields may be added, and may transition from being OPTIONAL to RECOMMENDED to REQUIRED over time. In general a resource or field should not be added as REQUIRED directly, as this may cause unsuspecting previously-conformant implementations to suddenly no longer be conformant. These should be first OPTIONAL or RECOMMENDED, then change to be REQUIRED once a survey of conformant implementations indicates that doing so will not cause undue burden on any implementation.

Resource Overview - v1

The following schema defines a set of REQUIRED or RECOMMENDED resource fields on the Tekton resource types. Whether a field is REQUIRED or RECOMMENDED is denoted in the "Requirement" column.

Additional fields MAY be provided by particular implementations, however it is expected that most extension will be accomplished via the metadata.labels and metadata.annotations fields, as Tekton implementations MAY validate supplied resources against these fields and refuse resources which specify unknown fields.

Tekton implementations MUST NOT require spec fields outside this implementation; to do so would break interoperability between such implementations and implementations which implement validation of field names.

NB: All fields and resources not listed below are assumed to be OPTIONAL, not RECOMMENDED or REQUIRED.


A Task is a collection of Steps that is defined and arranged in a sequential order of execution.

Field Type Requirement Notes
kind string RECOMMENDED Describes the type of the resource i.e. Task
apiVersion string RECOMMENDED Schema version i.e. v1
metadata ObjectMeta REQUIRED Common metadata about a resource
spec TaskSpec REQUIRED Defines the desired state of Task.

NB: If kind and apiVersion are not supported, an alternative method of identifying the type of resource must be supported.


A Pipeline is a collection of Tasks that is defined and arranged in a specific order of execution

Field Type Requirement Notes
kind string RECOMMENDED Describes the type of the resource i.e. Pipeline
apiVersion string RECOMMENDED Schema version i.e. v1
metadata ObjectMeta REQUIRED Common metadata about a resource
spec PipelineSpec REQUIRED Defines the desired state of Pipeline.

NB: If kind and apiVersion are not supported, an alternative method of identifying the type of resource must be supported.


A TaskRun represents an instantiation of a single execution of a Task. It can describe the steps of the Task directly.

Field Type Requirement Notes
kind string RECOMMENDED Describes the type of the resource i.e.TaskRun
apiVersion string RECOMMENDED Schema version i.e. v1
metadata ObjectMeta REQUIRED Common metadata about a resource
spec TaskRunSpec REQUIRED Defines the desired state of TaskRun
status TaskRunStatus REQUIRED Defines the current status of TaskRun

NB: If kind and apiVersion are not supported, an alternative method of identifying the type of resource must be supported.


A PipelineRun represents an instantiation of a single execution of a Pipeline. It can describe the spec of the Pipeline directly.

Field Type Requirement Notes
kind string RECOMMENDED Describes the type of the resource i.e.PipelineRun
apiVersion string RECOMMENDED Schema version i.e. v1
metadata ObjectMeta REQUIRED Common metadata about a resource
spec PipelineRunSpec REQUIRED Defines the desired state of PipelineRun
status PipelineRunStatus REQUIRED Defines the current status of PipelineRun

NB: If kind and apiVersion are not supported, an alternative method of identifying the type of resource must be supported.

Detailed Resource Types - v1


Derived from Kuberentes Type Meta

Field Type Notes
kind string A string value representing the resource this object represents.
apiVersion string Defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.


Derived from standard Kubernetes meta.v1/ObjectMeta resource.

Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Mutually exclusive with the generateName field.
labels map<string,string> RECOMMENDED
annotations map<string,string> RECOMMENDED annotations are necessary in order to support integration with Tekton ecosystem tooling such as Results and Chains
creationTimestamp string REQUIRED (see note) creationTimestamp MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.
The field is required for any runtimeTypes such as TaskRun and PipelineRun and RECOMMENDED for othet types.
uid string RECOMMENDED If uid is not supported, the implementation must support another way of uniquely identifying a runtime object such as using a combination of namespace and name
resourceVersion string OPTIONAL
generation int64 OPTIONAL
generateName string RECOMMENDED If supported by the implementation, when generateName is specified at creation, it MUST be prepended to a random string and set as the name, and not set on the subsequent response.


Defines the desired state of Task

Field Type Requirement Notes
description string REQUIRED
params []ParamSpec REQUIRED
steps []Step REQUIRED
sidecars []Sidecar REQUIRED
results []TaskResult REQUIRED
workspaces []WorkspaceDeclaration REQUIRED


Declares a parameter whose value has to be provided at runtime

Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
description string REQUIRED
type ParamType REQUIRED (see note) The values string and array for this field are REQUIRED, and the value object is RECOMMENDED.
properties map<string,PropertySpec> RECOMMENDED PropertySpec is a type that defines the spec of an individual key. See how to define the properties section in the example.
default ParamValue REQUIRED


Defines the type of a parameter

string enum, allowed values are string, array, and object. Supporting string and array are required while the other types are optional for conformance.


A Step is a reference to a container image that executes a specific tool on a specific input and produces a specific output. NB: All other fields inherited from the core.v1/Container type supported by the Kubernetes implementation are OPTIONAL for the purposes of this spec.

Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
image string REQUIRED
args []string REQUIRED
command []string REQUIRED
workingDir []string REQUIRED
env []EnvVar REQUIRED
script string REQUIRED
securityContext SecurityContext REQUIRED


Specifies a list of containers to run alongside the Steps in a Task. If sidecars are supported, the following fields are required:

Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Name of the Sidecar specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each Sidecar in a Task must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL).Cannot be updated.
image string REQUIRED Container image name
command []string REQUIRED Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The image's ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided.
args []string REQUIRED Arguments to the entrypoint. The image's CMD is used if this is not provided.
script string REQUIRED Script is the contents of an executable file to execute. If Script is not empty, the Sidecar cannot have a Command or Args.
securityContext SecurityContext REQUIRED Defines the security options the Sidecar should be run with.


All other fields derived from core.v1/SecurityContext are OPTIONAL for the purposes of this spec.

Field Type Requirement Notes
privileged bool REQUIRED Run the container in privileged mode. Default to false


Defines a result produced by a Task

Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Declares the name by which a parameter is referenced.
type ResultsType REQUIRED Type is the user-specified type of the result. The values string this field is REQUIRED, and the values array and object are RECOMMENDED.
description string RECOMMENDED Description of the result
properties map<string,PropertySpec> RECOMMENDED PropertySpec is a type that defines the spec of an individual key. See how to define the properties section in the example.


ResultsType indicates the type of a result.

string enum, Allowed values are string, array, and object. Supporting string is required while the other types are optional for conformance.


Defines a pipeline

Field Type Requirement Notes
params []ParamSpec REQUIRED Params declares a list of input parameters that must be supplied when this Pipeline is run.
tasks []PipelineTask REQUIRED Tasks declares the graph of Tasks that execute when this Pipeline is run.
results []PipelineResult REQUIRED Values that this pipeline can output once run.
finally []PipelineTask REQUIRED The list of Tasks that execute just before leaving the Pipeline
workspaces []PipelineWorkspaceDeclaration REQUIRED Workspaces declares a set of named workspaces that are expected to be provided by a PipelineRun.


PiplineTask defines a task in a Pipeline, passing inputs from both `Params`` and from the output of previous tasks.

Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED The name of this task within the context of a Pipeline. Used as a coordinate with the from and runAfter fields to establish the execution order of tasks relative to one another.
taskRef TaskRef RECOMMENDED TaskRef is a reference to a task definition. Mutually exclusive with TaskSpec
taskSpec TaskSpec REQUIRED TaskSpec is a specification of a task. Mutually exclusive with TaskRef
runAfter []string REQUIRED RunAfter is the list of PipelineTask names that should be executed before this Task executes. (Used to force a specific ordering in graph execution.)
params []Param REQUIRED Declares parameters passed to this task.
workspaces []WorkspacePipelineTaskBinding REQUIRED Workspaces maps workspaces from the pipeline spec to the workspaces declared in the Task.
timeout int64 REQUIRED Time after which the TaskRun times out. Setting the timeout to 0 implies no timeout. There isn't a default max timeout set.


Refers to a Task. Tasks should be referred either by a name or by using the Remote Resolution framework.

Field Type Requirement Notes
name string RECOMMENDED Name of the referent.
resolver string RECOMMENDED A field of ResolverRef.
params []Param RECOMMENDED A field of ResolverRef.


Field Type Requirement Notes
resolver string RECOMMENDED Resolver is the name of the resolver that should perform resolution of the referenced Tekton resource, such as "git".
params []Param RECOMMENDED Contains the parameters used to identify the referenced Tekton resource.


Provides a value for the named paramter.

Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
value ParamValue REQUIRED


A ParamValue may be a string, a list of string, or a map of string to string.


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
type ResultsType REQUIRED
value ParamValue REQUIRED


Field Type Requirement Notes
params []Param REQUIRED
taskRef TaskRef REQUIRED
taskSpec TaskSpec REQUIRED
workspaces []WorkspaceBinding REQUIRED
timeout string (duration) REQUIRED Time after which one retry attempt times out. Defaults to 1 hour.
status Enum:
- "" (default)
- "TaskRunCancelled"
serviceAccountName^ string RECOMMENDED In the Kubernetes implementation, serviceAccountName refers to a Kubernetes ServiceAccount resource that is assumed to exist in the same namespace. Other implementations MAY interpret this string differently, and impose other requirements on specified values.


Field Type Requirement Notes
conditions []Condition REQUIRED Condition type Succeeded MUST be populated. See Status Signalling for details. Other types are OPTIONAL
startTime string REQUIRED MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.
completionTime string REQUIRED MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.
taskSpec TaskSpec REQUIRED
steps []StepState REQUIRED
results []TaskRunResult REQUIRED
sidecars []SidecarState RECOMMENDED
observedGeneration int64 RECOMMENDED


Field Type Requirement Notes
type string REQUIRED Required values:
Succeeded: specifies that the resource has finished.
Other OPTIONAL values:
status string REQUIRED Valid values:
"FALSE". (Also see Status Signalling)
reason string REQUIRED The reason for the condition's last transition.
message string RECOMMENDED Message describing the status and reason.


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Name of the StepState.
imageID string REQUIRED Image ID of the StepState
containerState ContainerState REQUIRED State of the container


Field Type Requirement Notes
waiting [ContainerStateWaiting] REQUIRED Details about a waiting container
running [ContainerStateRunning] REQUIRED Details about a running container
terminated [ContainerStateTerminated] REQUIRED Details about a terminated container

* Only one of waiting, running or terminated can be returned at a time.


Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
startedAt* string REQUIRED Time at which the container was last (re-)started.startedAt MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.


Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
reason string REQUIRED Reason the container is not yet running.
message string RECOMMENDED Message regarding why the container is not yet running.


Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
exitCode int32 REQUIRED Exit status from the last termination of the container.
reason string REQUIRED Reason from the last termination of the container.
message string RECOMMENDED Message regarding the last termination of the container
startedAt* string REQUIRED Time at which the container was last (re-)started.
finishedAt* string REQUIRED Time at which the container last terminated.

* startedAt and finishedAt MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
type ResultsType REQUIRED
value ParamValue REQUIRED


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string RECOMMENDED Name of the SidecarState.
imageID string RECOMMENDED Image ID of the SidecarState.
containerState ContainerState RECOMMENDED State of the container.


Field Type Requirement Notes
params []Param REQUIRED
pipelineRef PipelineRef RECOMMENDED
pipelineSpec PipelineSpec REQUIRED
timeouts TimeoutFields REQUIRED Time after which the Pipeline times out.
workspaces WorkspaceBinding REQUIRED


Field Type Requirement Note
name string RECOMMENDED Name of the referent.
resolver string RECOMMENDED A field of ResolverRef.
params []Param RECOMMENDED A field of ResolverRef.


Field Type Requirement Notes
conditions []Condition REQUIRED Condition type Succeeded MUST be populated. See Status Signalling for details. Other types are OPTIONAL
startTime string REQUIRED MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.
completionTime string REQUIRED MUST be populated by the implementation, in RFC3339.
pipelineSpec PipelineSpec RECOMMEDED Resolved spec of the pipeline that was executed
results []PipelineRunResult RECOMMENDED Results produced from the pipeline
childReferences []ChildStatusReference REQUIRED References to any child Runs created as part of executing the pipelinerun


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string RECOMMENDED Name is the result's name as declared by the Pipeline
value ParamValue RECOMMENDED Value is the result returned from the execution of this PipelineRun


Field Type Requirement Notes
Name string REQUIRED Name is the name of the TaskRun this is referencing.
PipelineTaskName string REQUIRED PipelineTaskName is the name of the PipelineTask this is referencing.


Field Type Requirement Notes
Pipeline string (duration) REQUIRED Pipeline sets the maximum allowed duration for execution of the entire pipeline. The sum of individual timeouts for tasks and finally must not exceed this value.
Tasks string (duration) REQUIRED Tasks sets the maximum allowed duration of this pipeline's tasks
Finally string (duration) REQUIRED Finally sets the maximum allowed duration of this pipeline's finally

string (duration) : A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"

Note: Currently three keys are accepted in the map: pipeline, tasks and finally. Timeouts.pipeline >= Timeouts.tasks + Timeouts.finally


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Name is the name by which you can bind the volume at runtime.
description string RECOMMENDED
mountPath string RECOMMENDED
readOnly boolean RECOMMENDED Defaults to false.


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Name is the name of the workspace as declared by the task
workspace string REQUIRED Workspace is the name of the workspace declared by the pipeline


Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED Name is the name of a workspace to be provided by a PipelineRun.


Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
emptyDir empty struct REQUIRED

NB: All other Workspace types supported by the Kubernetes implementation are OPTIONAL for the purposes of this spec.


Field Name Field Type Requirement Notes
name string REQUIRED
value string REQUIRED

NB: All other EnvVar types inherited from core.v1/EnvVar and supported by the Kubernetes implementation (e.g., valueFrom) are OPTIONAL for the purposes of this spec.

Status Signalling

The Tekton Pipelines API uses the Kubernetes Conditions convention to communicate status and errors to the user.

TaskRun's status field MUST have a conditions field, which must be a list of Condition objects of the following form:

Field Type Requirement
type string REQUIRED
status Enum:
- "True"
- "False"
- "Unknown" (default)
reason string REQUIRED
message string REQUIRED
severity Enum:
- "" (default)
- "Warning"
- "Info"
lastTransitionTime* string OPTIONAL

* If lastTransitionTime is populated by the implementation, it must be in RFC3339.

Additionally, the resource's status.conditions field MUST be managed as follows to enable clients to present useful diagnostic and error information to the user.

If a resource describes that it must report a Condition of the type Succeeded, then it must report it in the following manner:

  • If the status field is "True", that means the execution finished successfully.
  • If the status field is "False", that means the execution finished unsuccessfully -- the Condition's reason and message MUST include further diagnostic information.
  • If the status field is "Unknown", that means the execution is still ongoing, and clients can check again later until the Condition's status reports either "True" or "False".

Resources MAY report Conditions with other types, but none are REQUIRED or RECOMMENDED.