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These responses answer each comment point by point with the exception of occasionally aggregated nits.

References into the issue tracker are primarily intended for bookkeeping and to give you access to the altered text if you're curious -- but for general review purposes, the responses are self-contained.

There are three areas we intend to address in a later revision, as the comments have sparked discussions that have not concluded in time to have usable text. We have nevertheless opted to submit a new version that should clear out all the other comments, so that the remaining work can be focused and swift:

  • Replay and Freshness (OPEN-REPLAY-FRESHNESS)

    The comment on DTLS replay made us reevaluate the security properties of operations on the registration resource. While these are successively harder going from DTLS without replay protection to DTLS with replay protection and hardest with OSCORE, the text as it is is still vulnerable to an attacker stopping a reoccurring registration, or undoing alterations in registration attributes.

    Mitigation from a concurrent document (the Echo mechanism of I-D.ietf-core-echo-request-tag in event freshness mode) is planned, but the text is not complete yet.

  • Necessity of the anchor value in all responses

    The requirements around Limited Link Format and the necessity to express all looked up links in fully resolved form have stemmed from different ways RFC6690 has been read, both in the IETF community and by implementers.

    A comment from Esko Dijk has shown a clear error in one of the readings. That reading is single-handedly responsible for most of the overhead in the wire format (savings can go up to 50%), which is of high importance to the CoRE field.

    Due to that, it is the WG's and authors' intention to remove the reading from the set of interpretations that led to the rules set forth. The change will not render any existing RD server implementation incompatible (older RDs would merely be needlessly verbose), and the known implementations of Link-Format parsers can easily be updated.

    The updates to the document could not be completed in time with the rest of the changes, because a) it requires revisiting the known implementations for confirmation and b) will affect almost every example that contains lookup results.

  • Server authorization (OPEN-SERVER)

    The two areas of "how is the RD discovery secured" and "what do applications based on the RD need to consider" jointly opened up new questions about server authorization and the linkage between a client's intention and the server's promises that may easily not conclusde in timeframe reasonable for RD.

    While steps have been taken to address the issue both on the RD discovery and the applications side (#306), the ongoing discussions in the working group may turn up with a less cumbersome phrasing for these parts.

  • There's a few small open issues Esko brought up on the issue tracker that could not be addressed in time; most of them are about enhancing the examples, which best happens after the anchor cleanup anyway.

A few common topics came up in multiple reviews, and are addressed in the following section; the individual responses can be found further down the text, and refer to the common topics as necesary.

Repeated topics


"Where do the ff35:30:2001:... addresses come from?"


There's a coverage gap between RFC3849 (defining example unicast addresses) and RFC3306 (defining unicast-prefix-based multicast addresses). For lack of an agreed-on example multicast address, the used ones were created by applying the unicast-prefix derivation process to the example address. The results (ff35:30:2001:db8::1) should be intuitively recognizable both as a multicast address and as an example address.

The generated address did, however, fail to follow the guidance of RFC 3307 and set the first bit of the Group ID. Consequently, the addresses were changed from ff35:30:2001:db8::x to ff35:30:2001:db8::8000:x, which should finally be a legal choice of a group address for anyone operating the 2001:db8:: site. (The changes can be viewed at #270).


"Whas this discussed with 6MAN?"


Not yet; a request for feedback was sent out recently.

(Mail at


"How does the client know which security policies the RD supports?"


The client can only expect any level of trustworthiness if there is a claim to that in the RD's credentials. Typically, though, that claim will not be encoded there, but implied. For example, when configuring an application that relies authenticated endpoint names, then telling the application to use the RD authenticated via PKI as coaps:// should only be done if the configurator is sure that will do the required checks on endpoint names.

Some clarification has been added in #265.


"Section 7.1 says: '... can be transported in the subject.' -- where precisely?"


That text was only meant to illustrate to the reader what such a policy could contain, not to set one (which would require more precision).

It has been made more explicit that this is merely setting the task for the policies. As an example, some more precision is given by referring to SubjectAltName dNSName entries.

Changes in #308.

Russ for Gen-ART


Tracking issue: #247

Section 7.1 says: "... can be transported in the subject." I think you should say "subject field" or "subject name". Do you mean to exclude the subject alternative name?



Section 7.1.1 says:

Registrants that are prepared to pick a different identifier when their initial attempt at registration is unauthorized should pick an identifier at least twice as long as the expected number of registrants; registrants without such a recovery options should pick significantly longer endpoint names (e.g. using UUID URNs [RFC4122]).

I think that the reason for the recommendation on length is to reduce the likelihood of name collision. However, it is not clear to me why this is linked in any way to authorization failures on the first attempt to register.


With growing numbers of participants, the chances some collision happening stays at a constant level even with the 2n length due to the birthday paradox, which is why the collision on the initial attempt is highlighted.

A bit of clarifying information was added in #248, without attempting to verbosely lay out the whole background.

Nits: [...]


All addressed in #246

IDnits reports:

== There are 3 instances of lines with non-ascii characters in the document.


Two of them are in an author's name, the third is in an example and relevant there (as it talks about variations of a representation containing non-ascii charactes).

== There are 1 instance of lines with multicast IPv4 addresses in the document. If these are generic example addresses, they should be changed to use the 233.252.0.x range defined in RFC 5771


That instance is a suggestion to IANA, it will be replaced with the actually assigned address.

== There are 3 instances of lines with non-RFC3849-compliant IPv6 addresses in the document. If these are example addresses, they should be changed.



Valery for SecDir


Tracking issue: #247

The -24 version of this draft was reviewed by Adam Montville. I looked over his review and I think that the issue he raised about possible mitigation of DDoS amplification attacks has been addressed in this version. I personally think that sentences describing how DNS and NTP are vulnerable to amplification attacks are redundant in this document, but that's a matter of taste and doesn't hurt.


We've taken the comment as an opportunity to cut back on the history lesson (change in #249).

It is my impression, that Security Considerations were mostly written having in mind that (D)TLS is always used, however it is only "SHOULD" in this draft (or even "MAY" if we look at RFC6690 which Security Considerations this draft refers to). I think that adding a few words describing which consequences for security not using (D)TLS would have and in which cases it is allowed will make the Security Considerations more consistent.


Which level of protection is adaequate depends on the security policies. The text you refer to was missed in updates, and now reflects that some security mechanism ((D)TLS or OSCORE) SHOULD be used where the policies in place indicate sensitive data. (See #250 for the full change).

Roman Danyliw


Tracking issue: #257


There appear to be a few areas of straightforward, under-specified elements of the authorization model.

-- How does the RD know that a node claiming to be a CT is in fact a CT and is permitted to register on behalf of end-points? It seems like there is a missing, simple statement to make that this is configured out of band with the RD? Or is that carrier somehow in a authentication credentials?


The RD does not distinguish between endpoints and CTs; both are just CoAP clients that have to present suitable credentials.

The first mention of CTs in the security policies has some text to that.

-- Is there are reason why there is not normative guidance requiring the RD to check whether authentication clients are authorized to register particular resources? Section 7.1 covers the issue, but all of Section 7.* is explicitly noted as informative. Section 8.1. says “Endpoint authentication needs to be checked independently of whether there are configured requirements on the credentials for a given endpoint name (Section 7.1) or whether arbitrary names are accepted (Section 7.1.1)” but this text seems to frame it as authentication issue. Section 8.2 seems to stress only the distinction between the registration and lookup API.


The "authentication" here is a plain error -- it is the authorization that needs to be checked. (Fixed in #271).

The First-Come-First-Remembered policy that is now provided should help the reader to understand how a policy can come to an authorization decision even with arbitrary endpoint names (see #258).

-- Section 8.1. Per “If the server does not check whether the identifier provided in the DTLS handshake matches the identifier used at the CoAP layer then it may be inclined to use the endpoint name for looking up what information to provision to the malicious device.”, this is good advice. If DTLS PSK and RPK are used, what identifiers does the RD have to check to ensure the DTLS and CoAP layers match? Per (for PSK) and (for RPK) of RFC7252 there is the notion of identifiers for DTLS but those don’t manifest in CoAP? Additionally, when DTLS with a certificate is used, is it intended to compare the subjectAltName with the authority in the Registration Base URI (i.e., which exact certificate fields should it compare with the CoAP)?


The precise identifiers used will depend on the security policies in place.

The abovementioned First-Come-First-Remembered policy makes precise points about the fields to introspect for that case, other to-be-defined policies are expected to do the same.


** Section 3.5. Per “When endpoints are not connected … a remote server is usually used to provide proxy access to the endpoints”, this architecture wasn’t entirely clear to me. How can a proxy provide access to an endpoint that isn’t connected? Or is proxy meant as a substitute here or an intermediary?


There have been different approaches to the sleepy nodes problem. None has resulted in a WG document even, but the awake helper being a proxy is a common theme. Note that a proxy does not need to contact the origin server to serve all requests as it may have a fresh representation. The different approaches to sleepy result in "beefed up" proxies that have better chances of being able to serve some kind of cached response.

** Section 3.6. The home and building automation use case doesn’t make any reference to the RD architecture (like the other two use cases).


They do now (as per #264).

** Section 4.0. Per “… falling back to failing the operations if recovery is not possible”, can “failing the operation” be clarified?


Not without growing the text a lot. A failed operation's meaning depends on the operation: In steps from finding an RD to registration, it means stopping whatever was just tried and continuing with other options, and eventually running out of them notifying the user. In regstration updates, it means that a new registration is started. In lookups, the application may fall back to methods outside the specification (eg. doing multicast discovery when no RD is around or usable) or just report to the user.

For where there is something to say, sections contain paragraphs starting "If the ... fails".

** Per Section 4.0. Per “An RD MAY make the information submitted to it available to further directories”, are there circumstances where end points would not want that?


If there is a security policy in place for link confidentiality, yes. The presence of such a policy doesn't rule out replication at all, though -- if the target directory is authorized to receive the links (as it upholds the same link confidentiality policies), forwarding can still be justified, and is expected to happen like that in managed installations.

The paragraph has been amended to refer to the security policies applicable to lookups. (Concrete change in #272).

** Section 4.1. Per “2. In a network that supports multicast well, …”, what does it mean to “support multicast well”?


"Not well" is meant to roughly summarize "not efficiently" (when the multicast would be flooded over many individual links), "not conveniently" (when it works but the tooling around it makes it hard to use for implementations), or even "not at all" (when other CoAP transports than CoAP-over-UDP are involved).

** Section 5. Per the ep definition of the URI Template Variables, what does it mean for the an endpoint to be “(mostly mandatory)?

"Mostly mandatory" here means that it is mandatory unless the RD is configured to recognize the endpoint name from the credentials. Enhancements have been made to the wording of the exception at #273, which should make the phrase "mostly mandatory" fully understandable by the end of the item.

** Section 7.1. Per “When certificates are used as authorization credentials, the sector(s) and endpoint name(s) can be transported in the subject”, recommend being more precise on what exact X.509 field(s) you mean when saying “subject”.



** Section 7.1.1. Per “Registrants that are prepared to pick a different identifier when their initial attempt at registration is unauthorized should pick an identifier at least twice as long as the expected number of registrants”, how would a registrant know the population size?


Applications can describe typical sizes of their deployments; for example, in a single-tenant home automation system, 256 is a sane upper bound for the size estimate, so 4 hex digits would suffice.

Where there's no such estimates available, the UUID way is universally applicable.

** Section 7.2. Per “To avoid the limitations, RD applications should consider prescribe that lookup clients only use the discovered information as hints, and describe which pieces of information need to be verified with the server”, I wasn’t sure which verification this would be.


The intended verification is with a trusted source, which would typically be the server hosting the resource.

This became part of a larger discussion around server authorization at, and while there is hope that what comes of this will be useful to CoRE (or even web) applications in general, the changes to the text ("to request it again from an authorized server, typically the one that hosts the target resource", #306) should make the paragraph itself clear enough.

** Section 7.3. This section cautions about the differences between the registrant publishes itself vs. what is in the RD. It might be worth reiterating that the RD may also publish what it knows to others per Section 4.0’s “An RD MAY make the information submitted to it available to further directories”


A reference has been added in the other direction, as that is where the care must be taken -- the "MAY make [...] available" now cautions about any link confidentiality policies (change in #272).

** Editorial Nits -- Global. s/can not/cannot/g


Addressed in #253

-- Section 4. Editorial. Per “Only multicast discovery operations are not possible on HTTP, and Simple Registration can not be executed as base attribute … can not be used there”, this sentence didn’t parse.


Understandable; it was changed in #274.

Benjamin Kaduk


Tracking issue: #257


I agree with Roman that the authorization model seems under-developed. While I recognize that there is need for flexibility across various deployments, I think that we should be providing a default model (and procedures for it) that will apply in many cases, and let deployments specify alternate models if needed. This stuff is hard enough to get right that we should have a secure option that people can use if they don't need to have customized details. (To be clear, I agree with the change of focus from -24 to -25 on the properties that a security policy needs to provide and/or consider, as that is fundamentally the important thing. I just want a fallback/default option that "does something reasonable in most cases" in addition. Doing that by reference to some other existing thing would be fine, if such a thing exists.)


There is no external policy we could reference, so a new section was created. The First-Come-First-Remembered policy implements one of the candidates that were considered for this role, and was picked because unlike its "endpoint name comes from the certificate" it is a mode which an implementation can use without any further configuration whatsoever.

The related changes can be viewed in #258.

In particular, the current text seems to rely on the authorization model including:

(1) the RD knowing how clients will be using it (and thus what properties the RD needs to enforce), which in the general case cannot be known (though for static networks it could be), yet I don't see any discussion that indicates this as a prerequisite; and

(2) the client either knowing out-of-band that an entity is authorized to act as a RD or just blindly trusting any of the unauthenticated () advertisement mechanisms. ( Yes, there may be some protection in the network on subscribing to the relevant multicast address, DNS-SD, etc., but the client cannot a priori know that such protections are in place.)

Relatedly, the naming model and naming authority should have some clearer discussion. We do mention in Section 7 the possibility for a weak naming model where the RD is responsible for enforcing uniqueness of names but otherwise link attributes are the primary authorization criteria (vs. a traditional scheme with a naming authority and naming hierarchy), but with naming as a fundamental prerequisite of any authentication/authorization scheme, I think clearer discussion of how a naming model is to be selected (and, perhaps more importantly, that it must be fixed as part of a given deployment) for a given network is needed.


The responsibilities are the other way around. The RD does not need to know the clients' expectations, the clients may only expect things they know to be true of the RD.


If I understand correctly, we have some codepoint squatting going on in the examples (e.g., for resource types).


The rt=temperature-c, rt=light-lux and if=sensor are used where endpoints mimick the examples of RFC6690; it is a point here to have things look just like in direct discovery.

The if=core.a and if=core.p use values from the expired and partially abandoned core-interfaces -- given its future is unclear, they've been replaced by examples with tag URIs, as has the et=oic.d.sensor (a value that's registered, but not to for et but for rt) and rt="light"; rt=sensor was dropped as it was not essential to the example.

The individual changes are listed in #266.

We should talk about the security properties of the various RD discovery mechanisms that are defined.


A section was added in the security considerations on this topic (see #275 for text changes). It does not go into the properties of each mechanism, as the host discovery steps are generally unprotected; instead, it emphasizes the importance of checking the RD's authorization for any security properties the client would expect. In the context of the server authorization topic (see OPEN-SERVER), it was added that if the authorization is conditional on the resources being advertised with a particular resource type, that authorization already needs to be checked during the discovery phase (details in #306).


My apologies for where these comments diverge off into rambling incoherency, or where I'm misunderstanding something that's clearly laid out; this document had the misfortune of being the last one I got to this week.

Section 1

[RFC6690] only describes how to discover resources from the web server that hosts them by querying "/.well-known/core". In many constrained scenarios, direct discovery of resources is not practical due to sleeping nodes, disperse networks, or networks where multicast traffic is inefficient. These problems can be solved by employing an entity called a Resource Directory (RD), which contains information about resources held on other servers, allowing lookups to be performed for those resources.

nit(?): I'd consider specifying that the RD is "a trusted entity". (Even when the resources themselves are authenticated, a hostile RD can still deny existence of a given resource, so by choosing to use an RD there is some level of trust involved.)


Putting it in there as a trusted entity would give the reader a wrong impression of the general case. Any trust placed in the RD must be earned by a security policy backed by the RD's credentials.

Section 2

Resource Directory (RD) A web entity that stores information about web resources and implements the REST interfaces defined in this specification for discovery, for the creation, the maintenance and the removal of registrations, and for lookup of the registered resources.

nit: the list structure is not parallel here. Maybe "for discovery, creation, maintenance, and removal of registrations, and for lookup of the registered resources"?


The intended structure that's linearized into the sadly untreeish structure of written language was

  • discovery
  • of registrations
    • creation
    • maintenance
    • removal
  • lookup

I think this is what the current text expresses, whereas the proposed one groups discovery with "of registrations", while it's more a top-level thing.

Commissioning Tool Commissioning Tool (CT) is a device that assists during the installation of the network by assigning values to parameters, naming endpoints and groups, or adapting the installation to the needs of the applications.

Is "the installation of the network" a one-time event? (Might a CT be involved when adding a new device to a network at a later time?)


CTs can come back to help new devices into the network; the text has been clarified to that point in #295.

There are remaining questions about how long a network can operate autonomously while the CT is absent and can thus not refresh registrations, but those exceed the scope of the document. (Discussed at #290).

Section 3.1

Information SHOULD only be stored in the RD if it can be obtained by querying the described device's /.well-known/core resource directly.

When might that not be the case?


The prime example here is with devices that don't even have a copy of what they might want to (but can't for resource constraints) express there; those use a CT to do their work.

The second example I can come up with is when devices have complex confidentiality requirements on the links, but rely on the RD and thus publish data to an authorized RD of which they don't even know who precisely might be authorized to read them.

Section 3.2

The RD architecture is illustrated in Figure 1. An RD is used as a repository of registrations describing resources hosted on other web servers, also called endpoints (EP). An endpoint is a web server associated with a scheme, IP address and port. A physical node may

(side note) hmm, I feel like in the HTTP world an endpoint is more likely to be associated with a DNS name than an IP address, in common usage. Also, we later go on to assert that the endpoint's name has primacy and that the IP address/port can be ephemeral.


This is leading the reader from the CoAP definition of endpoints to the endpoints as registrants as used in the RD.

An endpoint uses specific interfaces to register, update and remove a registration. It is also possible for an RD to fetch Web Links from endpoints and add their contents to its registrations.

At the first registration of an endpoint, a "registration resource" is created, the location of which is returned to the registering endpoint. The registering endpoint uses this registration resource to manage the contents of registrations.

Does the "RD fetches links unilaterally" case count as a "first registration of an endpoint"? I'm having a hard time seeing how these two statements are consistent with each other, and a naive reading admits the possibility that a given endpoint could be "locked out" of the ability to manage the contents of its registrations.


The act of the endpoint triggering the RD to fetch links from it is the creation. And the "locking out" is the correct reading -- a client that uses simple client has no way of managing the contents. If it were capable enough to do that, it'd go the regular registration route.

Section 4

REST clients (registrant-EPs and CTs during registration and maintenance, lookup clients, RD servers during simple registrations) MUST be prepared to receive any unsuccessful code and act upon it according to its definition, options and/or payload to the best of their capabilities, falling back to failing the operation if recovery is not possible. In particular, they should retry the request upon

"MUST be prepared [...] to the best of their abilities" seems non-actionable. The stuff after "In particular", on the other hand, is actual concrete guidance that could be mandated using normative language.


Right; fixed in #276.

Section 4.1

  1. In a 6LoWPAN, just assume the Border Router (6LBR) can act as an RD (using the ABRO option to find that [RFC6775]). Confirmation can be obtained by sending a Unicast to "coap://[6LBR]/.well- known/core?rt=core.rd*".

nit(?): I was unaware that "Unicast" was a proper noun.


Addressed in #277.

Section 4.3

"core.rd" in the query string. Likewise, a Resource Type parameter value of "core.rd-lookup*" is used to discover the URIs for RD Lookup operations, core.rd* is used to discover all URI paths for RD operations. [...]

Is the distinction between URIs (for RD Lookup) and URI paths (for RD) important here?


No, it isn't. Fixed in #277.

While the link targets in this discovery step are often expressed in path-absolute form, this is not a requirement. Clients of the RD SHOULD therefore accept URIs of all schemes they support, both as URIs and relative references, and not limit the set of discovered URIs to those hosted at the address used for URI discovery.

I'm not sure I see how the "not limit [...] to those hosted at the address used for URI discovery" follows from the non-requirement for expression of the link-targets from discovery in path-absolute form. (Given the ability to send the discovery query to a multicast address, the guidance seems okay; it's just the "therefore" that is puzzling me.)


If it was a requirement on the server, the clients could rely on it and thus implicitly limit the set by failing to parse the full URIs.

(It could say "explicitly or implicitly limit", but only the "implicitly limit" case justifies the "therefore".)

It would typically be stored in an implementation information link (as described in [I-D.bormann-t2trg-rel-impl]):

Req: GET /.well-known/core?rel=impl-info

This seems to be depicting a link-relation type that is not registered at , i.e., codepoint squatting. Please put in a stronger disclaimer that this is an example link relation type, not just an example exchange.


A note has been added that the type is just proposed in a WIP document (in #278).

Section 5

These first few paragraphs give the impression that this is first-come-first-served with minimal authentication or authorization checking. Mentioning that there are authorization checks, with a forward-reference, might be helpful.


It's more a last-come-longest-remembered, but even the most minimal security policies would ensure that the registration resources belong to the "same" device (for whatever the policy defines as same).

Clarified in #292.

further parameters (see Section 9.3). The RD then creates a new registration resource in the RD and returns its location. The

Is this returned "registration resource" expected to function as a "capability URL" ( that would need to contain an appropriate amount of entropy to be reasonably unguessable by parties other than the registrant-ep/CT responsible for it?


No, it is not a capability URL -- it will be discoverable through the endpoint lookup interface.

Note that around ACE, bearer tokens (which capability URLs are) are generally discouraged in favor of proof-of-possession tokens.

The registration request interface is specified as follows:

Interaction: EP -> RD

I thought that the CT could be a requestor as well as the EP.


Yes it can be. The expression in the interaction tables is an artifact of the CTs being a not-even-special case of EPs, but as we have both of them in the rest of the text, so do we now in those lists. (Changes in #309).

     well.  The endpoint name and sector name are not set when one
     or both are set in an accompanying authorization token.

What should the RD do if they are set but also present in the accompanying authorization token?


The wording has been updated in #273; it now (by construction, but also explicitly) explains conflict handling.

Req: POST coap:// Content-Format: 40 Payload: </sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor",

(side note) XML for the sensors, not SenML? With Carsten as an author, even? ;)


This is clearly a mistake, and got removed in an emergency update in #279.

More seriously, though, these examples are from RFC6690 (which does not have ct= entries for reasons of chronology), and keeping them aligned is a good thing.

An RD may optionally support HTTP. Here is an example of almost the same registration operation above, when done using HTTP.

Req: POST /rd?ep=node1&base=http://[2001:db8:1::1] HTTP/1.1 Host:

Wouldn't "Host:" be closer to "almost the same registration"?


Fixed in #277.

(I had brief qualms about introducing a protocol-negotiation situation here, but performing "almost the same registration" over two protocols already necessarily does that).

Section 5.1

I'm a little uneasy about specifying new behavior for POST to the existin /.well-known/core that was defined by RFC 6690 for other uses. What factors go into using the same well-known URI vs. defining a new one for this usage?


It-always-having-been-that-way, primarily. As no large deployments are known, this is fixed in #259 by switching to a standalone /.well-known/rd.

The sequence of fetching the registration content before sending a successful response was chosen to make responses reliable, and the caching item was chosen to still allow very constrained registrants.

I'm not sure what "the caching item" is supposed to be (if it's not a typo/misordering of words).


Now phrased as "the point about caching" (in #277) which should be easier to read. A few lines up we recommend that the RD caches the .wk/c, and this provides the rationale.

Section 5.3

queries concerning this endpoint. The RD SHOULD continue to provide access to the Registration Resource after a registration time-out occurs in order to enable the registering endpoint to eventually refresh the registration. The RD MAY eventually remove the registration resource for the purpose of garbage collection. If the Registration Resource is removed, the corresponding endpoint will need to be re-registered.

(This MAY is actually a MUST for the simple registration case, per §5.1, right?)


No, it's a choice there as well. One server may keep them around forever, and when the simple client comes back it'll show with the same registration resource in the resource lookup. Another server may GC it and assign a different registration resource when it returns.

Section 5.3.1

An update MAY update the lifetime or the base URI registration parameters "lt", "base" as in Section 5. Parameters that are not

What about the "extra-attrs"; are they inherently forbidden from updates?


The introduction paragraph was overly specific and fixed in #294.

                        base :=  Base URI (optional).  This
     parameter updates the Base URI established in the original
     registration to a new value.  If the parameter is set in an
     update, it is stored by the RD as the new Base URI under which
     to interpret the relative links present in the payload of the
     original registration, following the same restrictions as in
     the registration.  If the parameter is not set in the request

nit: is it the interpretation of relative links that is following the same restrictions as in the registration, or the new value of the parameter being supplied in the update?


The restrictions apply to the new value, and were moved up there in #294.

The following example shows how the registering endpoint updates its registration resource at an RD using this interface with the example location value: /rd/4521.

The path component "4521" contains a worryingly small amount of unpredictableness; I would prefer examples that used longer random locations, as for capability URLs. (Throughout the document, of course.) See also draft-gont-numeric-ids-sec-considerations, that I'm AD sponsoring, though I do not see any clear issues on first glance.


See comment on the original capability URL question -- they are not.

(Also, it might be worth another sentence that this update is serving just to reset the lifetime, making no other changes, since this might be expected to be a common usage.)


Stating purpose rather than mechanism now (since #294).

Section 6

With "Resource Lookup" and "Endpoint Lookup" as (apparent) top-level siblings, would it make sense to put 6.2, or at least 6.3, as subsections under 6.1?


It would from a hierarchical table-of-contents point of view, but given the focus of lookup is on resource lookup, the existing sequence captures the narrative of "With an RD, you can look up resources, here is how you use it, here is what it looks like, and by the way if you really need it you can even look at the registrations themselves".

Section 6.1

Resource lookup results in links that are semantically equivalent to the links submitted to the RD. The links and link parameters returned by the lookup are equal to the submitted ones, except that the target and anchor references are fully resolved.

Are the "submitted ones" the submissions at registration time, or during the lookup query itself? (I assume registration-time, but being explicit costs little.)


Some words added for clarity in #294.

If the base URI of a registration contains a link-local address, the RD MUST NOT show its links unless the lookup was made from the same link. The RD MUST NOT include zone identifiers in the resolved URIs.

Same link as what?


The link the endpoint sits on; clarified in #294.

Section 6.2

The page and count parameters are used to obtain lookup results in specified increments using pagination, where count specifies how many

(We haven't introduced the page and count parameters yet.)


Wording has been enhanced in #294.

operator as in Section 4.1 of [RFC6690]. Attributes that are defined as "link-type" match if the search value matches any of their values

Where is it specified how an attribute might be "defined as 'link-type'"? This is the only instance of the string "link-type" in this document, and it does not appear in RFC 6690 at all...


That should have said "relation-types"; it does now, and also refers to the 6690 ABNF (since #294.

references) and are matched against a resolved link target. Queries for endpoints SHOULD be expressed in path-absolute form if possible and MUST be expressed in URI form otherwise; the RD SHOULD recognize either. The "anchor" attribute is usable for resource lookups, and, if queried, MUST be for in URI form as well.

I don't see how it can be only a SHOULD to recognize either given these generation criteria.


If the URI is on a different scheme/host, I assert things are clear. (Just to ensure I didn't get your point wrong.)

Otherwise, in practice there can happen mistakes where server and client disagree about the default values of the Uri-Scheme, Uri-Host and Uri-Port options -- as anyone who's ever tried to set up an HTTP reverse proxy for a WebDAV server can attest to. We're trying to avoid creating these situations, but when they do happen. We don't automatically declare the offending party broken by putting a MUST here, but encourage the peer to assist it. The client can help by providing the relative reference (for then, disagreement passses unnoticed), and the server by recognizing the full URI (for the client may have obtained it and not know that it'd match what the server thinks is its Uri-Host name).

(The "and MUST be expressed in URI form otherwise" sounds like a factual necessity, but it is here to rule out the corner case of a client handing out //hostname/path style references).

Section 6.3

The following example shows a client performing a lookup of all resources of all endpoints of a given endpoint type. It assumes that two endpoints (with endpoint names "sensor1" and "sensor2") have previously registered with their respective addresses "coap://" and "coap://", and posted the very payload of the 6th request of section 5 of [RFC6690].

Er, the 6th request is a GET; do we mean to say the response to the 6th request?


Yes. Fixed in #294.

Section 6.4

The endpoint lookup returns registration resources which can only be manipulated by the registering endpoint.

This seems to leave it unclear whether the endpoint lookup is expected to return resources that the requestor will not have permission to manipulate (in addition to those it does have permission for).


Clarified in #294.

While Endpoint Lookup does expose the registration resources, the RD does not need to make them accessible to clients. Clients SHOULD NOT attempt to dereference or manipulate them.

But why expose them at all if they're not going to be accessible?


They serve as identifiers (think URI rather than URL), and may additionally be used in implementation defined operations on the resource that could be allowed for administrators. Last but not least, link-format (unlike the upcoming CoRAL) does not have means of talking about something without naming it.

(I do see the point, and if we started RD anew with the benefit of having CoRAL, chances are this would look a bit different, and the names would not be exposed to just any lookup client).

The WG discussion of this did, however, lead to a point added to the security considerations about the RD's choice of what to put in there (change in #267).

An RD can report endpoints in lookup that are not hosted at the same address. [...]

The "same address" as what?


Sharpened in #294.

Section 7.1

Whenever an RD needs to provide trustworthy results to clients doing endpoint lookup, or resource lookup with filtering on the endpoint

How will the RD know whether the client is expecting trustworthy results? (When would a client not expect trustworthy results?)


It won't per-client, it is configured for one. See GENERIC-WHOPICKSMODEL.

name, the RD must ensure that the registrant is authorized to use the given endpoint name. This applies both to registration and later to operations on the registration resource. It is immaterial there whether the client is the registrant-ep itself or a CT is doing the registration: The RD can not tell the difference, and CTs may use

I suppose there might be plausible authorization models where a return-routability check to a given address constitutes authorization to use that address as an endpoint name, in which case the RD can tell the difference between a registrant-ep and a CT attempting to act on its behalf.

WGF-6 response:

The RD might do such checks, but then again the EP might just be using different network interfaces simultaneously. At that point where the EP uses a different (and usually dormant) network interface for registration, the line between EP and the CT gets blurry; we tolerate that blurriness because the distinction is not so much a technical one (the REST server does not care whether the request originates at its network peer, is proxied through there or sent from there on behalf of someone completely different) as long as the credentials are good.

Frankly, I'm personally not too happy with distinguishing CTs in the first place; it is more reflective of what I understand to be an industry practice than a distinction in this CoAP application.

When certificates are used as authorization credentials, the sector(s) and endpoint name(s) can be transported in the subject. In an ACE context, those are typically transported in a scope claim.

As Russ noted in the Gen-ART review, "transported in the subject" is sufficiently vague to not really be actionable. It might be better to say that the holder of the private key corresponding to the public key certified in the certificate is generally considered authorized to act on behalf of any identities (including endpoint names) contained in the certificate's subject name.



Section 7.1.1

Conversely, in applications where the RD does not check the endpoint name, the authorized registering endpoint can generate a random number (or string) that identifies the endpoint. The RD should then

How much entropy/randomness in the random name? Does a CSPRNG need to be used? (I do see the follow-up about doubling the length in case of failure or starting with a UUID if that's not possible, but some guidance on where to start still seems appropriate.)


There is no requirement here as collisions only result in retries.

For those cases where the client implementer thinks they can get away with not implementing retry, UUID URNs are pointed to, which themselves cover the topic.

Section 7.2

When lookup clients expect that certain types of links can only originate from certain endpoints, then the RD needs to apply filtering to the links an endpoint may register.

As before, how will the RD know what behavior clients are relying on?


It will not. It may, however, advertise it explicitly. If, for example, an application like LwM2M always ensures trusted endpoint names, the RD may advertise as rt="core.rd-lokup-ep example.lwm2m", and then clients that trust that metadatum (which they'll want to verify from some claim) know they can trust the RD to have checked ep names.


An RD may also require that only links are registered on whose anchor (or even target) the RD recognizes as authoritative of. One way to

I don't think I can parse this sentence (especially "the RD recognizes as authoritative of").


Rephrased to "require that links are only registered if the registrant is authorized to publish information about the anchor [...] of the link." in #294.

Section 8

In contexts where we discuss DTLS and TLS as being generally comparable, we typically will state that DTLS replay protection is required in order to provide equivalent levels of protection.


This item rippled quite a bit beyond the original response of "Huh? CoAP doesn't already do this? Well, here we need it".

As things stand, requiring replay protection make it harder to exploit the issue described at OPEN-REPLAY-FRESHNESS, but once that is addressed for good, replay protection should not be necessary any more for the RD, as all its operations are becoming long-term idempotent.

We might also want to reiterate or refer back to the previous discussion of the potential for attributes or resource/endpoint names, link relations, etc. that may need to be confidential, the relevant access control/filtering, and the avenues by which disclosure of resource names can occur even when access to those resources will not be permitted. (I think some of this overlaps with 8288 and 6690, but don't mind repeating it.)


There is a pointer back saying that the necessary access control depends on the protection objectives set in the policies (since #250).

Section 8.1

It's probably worth reiterating that all name comparisons must be done at sector scope (since failing to do so can lead to attacks).


It is; fixed since #296.

Endpoint authentication needs to be checked independently of whether there are configured requirements on the credentials for a given endpoint name (Section 7.1) or whether arbitrary names are accepted (Section 7.1.1).

I think this is more properly authorization than authentication.


Yes; fixed in #271.

Section 8.3

attacks. There is also a danger that NTP Servers could become implicated in denial-of-service (DoS) attacks since they run on unprotected UDP, there is no return routability check, and they can have a large amplification factor. The responses from the NTP server were found to be 19 times larger than the request. An RD which

(It's not clear to me why the specific discussion of NTP numbers is relevant here, since RD is not NTP.)


The section has been shortened in #249.

Section 9.3

Should we also include "rt" in the initial entries? I see it is used as a query parameter for resource lookup in the examples in Section 6.3.


It's used as is any other link attribute. There's no registry for them, and while there's been talk over ond over that it would be nice, I don't think there will be any until linkformat-CoRAL conversion is defined (and even then it may not be comprehensive). Selectively picking some distinguished common link attributes into this registry won't make things less messy.

The prime line of defense against this getting messy is the expert guidance that for some types of parameters their short names should be checked against "commonly used target attributes".

  • indication of whether it can be passed as a query parameter at registration of endpoints, as a query parameter in lookups, or be expressed as a target attribute,

(Since this text does not clarify about lookup of endpoints vs. resources...

Review" as described in [RFC8126]. The evaluation should consider formal criteria, duplication of functionality (Is the new entry redundant with an existing one?), topical suitability (E.g. is the described property actually a property of the endpoint and not a property of a particular resource, in which case it should go into the payload of the registration and need not be registered?), and the

... and this text suggests that query parameters for resource lookups need not be registered.)

potential for conflict with commonly used target attributes (For example, "if" could be used as a parameter for conditional registration if it were not to be used in lookup or attributes, but would make a bad parameter for lookup, because a resource lookup with an "if" query parameter could ambiguously filter by the registered endpoint property or the [RFC6690] target attribute).

Then why do we use it as an example of lookup filtering in Section 6.2?


The text suggests that target attributes for registered resources need not be registered. These unregistered wild-west attribute names can be used both with resource lookups (matching only resources which), and in endpoint lookups (matching endpoints that contain any resource which).

If if were to be put in for use in an RD parameter used with lookup, that would not per se create ambiguous queries (the rules would still say "matches either"), but the results would be prone to causing confusion.

Section 10.1.2

Should we really be using unregistered resource types (i.e., codepoint squatting) in the examples?


Addressed together with the earlier code squatting comments in #266.

After the filling of the RD by the CT, the application in the luminaries can learn to which groups they belong, and enable their interface for the multicast address.

Just to check: the luminaries are learning their own group membership by querying the resource directory?


Not directly. They (in this very particular example that seems to be based on industry process but which I'd not necessarily recommend for imitation) use a heuristic to find any multicast URI they might possibly provide, and join that group.

Section 10.2.2

Please expand MSISDN.


Taking a step back from this and other comments led to a drastical shortening of the example.


Section 13.2

I think RFC 7252 should probably be normative.

Likewise for RFC 8288 ("the query parameter MUST be [...] a token as used in [RFC8288]").


RFC7252 (CoAP) and RFC7230 (HTTP) were promoted to a normative reference. (RFC7641 (CoAP observe) wasc left as informative because while they are optional components, RD is not so much specified using them but more happens to combine with them).

RFC8288 was also promoted, but not due to the quoted line (that's not implementation relevant but merely setting out rules for the registry operation), but because we explicitly pull it in in terminology and the information model.

(Changes in #307).

Erik Kline


Tracking issue: #257


[ section 4.1.1 ]

  • Did this get presented to 6man at any point, either via mail to the list or chair or in a presentation slot at an IETF meeting or a 6man interim?

    I feel confident that there would be no objection to the option as described here, but the working group should have its chance to make an evaluation irrespective of my opinion.


If this is to be used when link-local methods don't work, another option would have been to add an RD PVD API key and recommend including a PVD option.


The RDAO should compose well with PvD based options without further measures, but does not receive explicit treatment here as no use of PvDs is known with constrained devices yet. Please see the more comprehensive discussion of PvD in the comment Éric Vyncke raised.

[ section 4.1.1 & 9.2 ]

  • Please clarify which ND messages can carry an RDAO. I suspect they should only appear in RAs, but it would be good to state the expectation explicitly.


You are right, and the text now says so.

The concrete change is in #262.

[ Appendix A. ]

  • Can you explain the ff35:30:2001:db8:1 construction? RFC 3306 section 4 defines some fine-grained structure, and I'm wondering how a group ID of 1 is selected/computed/well known. If there is already a COAP document describing this vis. RFC 3307 section 4.*, perhaps it's worth dropping a reference in here.




[ section 1 ]

  • I'm unclear on what "disperse networks" might mean.


Well how do I phrase this ... so were we. As the term does not provide justification for using an RD, it was removed from abstract and introduction in #269.

[ section 10.1.1 ]

  • What is meant by "therefore SLAAC addresses are assigned..." followed by this table of not-very-random-looking IPv6 addresses?

    Is the assumption that there might not be some off-network DNS server but there is some RA with a /64 A=1 PIO?


There are two scenarios that satisfy the tacit assumptions -- a router can be in place without an uplink or any DNS server and still supply ULA A=1 PIOs, or there is a routable prefix around, but not yet coordinated with the lighting installation.

The 2001:db8:: addresses are indeed not what one would get out of SLAAC, but full random addresses would make the examples hard to read. Where the addresses are introduced, they are now called stand-in addresses for the examples (see #268 for full change).

Éric Vyncke


Tracking issue: #257


Thank you for the work put into this document. I am little puzzled by the document shepherd's write-up dated more than one year ago (the responsible AD has even changed and the change is not reflected in the write-up)... while well-written this write-up seems to indicate neither a large consensus nor a deep interest by the CORE WG community. But, I am trusting the past and current responsible ADs on this aspect.


The shepherd write-up has been updated.

Did the authors check with 6MAN WG about the new RDAO option for IPv6 NDP ? I was unable to find any 6MAN email related to this new NDP option and, after checking with the 6MAN WG chairs, they also do not remember any discussion.


Just recently (see GENERIC-6MAN).


-- Section 4.1 -- It will be trivial to fix, in IPv6 address configuration (SLAAC vs. DHCP) is orthogonal to DHCP 'other-information'. E.g., even if address is configured via SLAAC, DHCPv6 other-information can be used to configure the Recursive DNS Server (or possibly the RD).


Thanks, fixed in #263.

Conversely, the RDAO's applicability is now phrased more generally as well.

-- Section 4.1.1 -- Another trivial DISCUSS to fix: in which message is this RDAO sent ? I guess unicast Router Advertisement but this MUST be specified.


Indeed; fixed in #262.



In general, I wonder how much interactions and exchanges of ideas have happened in the long history of this document with the DNSSD (DNS Service Discovery) Working Group that has very similar constraints (sleeping nodes) and same objectives.

WGF-5 response:

Discussion was primarily on the level of granularity of service description (what is announced in DNS-SD often corresponds to multiple resources in an RD), and on protocol negotiation (input which is more suitable for the protocol-negotiation work than it is going into RD).

-- Section 2 -- To be honest: I am not too much an APP person; therefore, I was surprised to see "source address (URI)" used to identify the "anchor="... I do not mind too much the use of "destination address (URI)" as it is really a destination but the anchor does not appear to me as a "source address". Is it common terminology ? If so, then ignore my COMMENT, else I suggest to change to "destination URI" and simply "anchor" ?


"Context" is the term that RFC8288 uses, and other than when defining the Context we don't use source address for that (as that term is used more commonly with CoAP/UDP messages).

The "source" part in the definition has no clear lineage in RFC8288 (which does not introduce the term formally), it stems from a link going "from" somewhere (the context, or source) "to" somewhere (the target, or destination).

-- Section 3.3 -- Should the lifetime be specified in seconds at first use in the text?

WGF-3 response:

The lifetime is thought of as a quantity of time, which is only expressed in multiples of a unit when serialized (and there, it is consistently used with seconds).

-- Section 3.6 -- Is the use of "M2M" still current? I would suggest to use the word "IoT" esp when 6LBR (assuming it is 6LO Border Router) is cited later.


For Home and Industrial Automation, IoT is indeed used more commonly these days. Updated in #297.

Please expand and add reference for 6LBR.


Done (in #297).

Using 'modern' technologies (cfr LP-WAN WG) could also add justification to section 3.5.


At least with the currently available setups, the cellular applications have the "advantage" (from the perspective of motivating the RD) that they are less integrated with typical application deployments, and thus have a more pronounced need for discovery in networks that are not under full control of the device operator.

-- Section 4.1 -- About "coap://[MCD1]/.well-known/core?rt=core.rd*", what is the value of MCD1 ? The IANA section discuss about it but it may help the reader to give a hint before (or simply use TBDx that is common in I-D).


TBDx would have been easier in hindight, but there's hope that until RFC editor replaces that, more people will be reading the diffs than new people that might stumble here will read the document, so it's kept that way.

Any reason to use "address" rather than "group" in "When answering a multicast request directed at a link-local address" ?

No, and 'group' should reduce the chances of readers overlooking that this is about multicasts. (Changed in #297).

Later "to use one of their own routable addresses for registration." but there can be multiple configured prefixes... Which one should the RD select ? Should this be specified ?


I don't think it needs to be fully specified out (especially as this is merely a suggestion), but the terms of RFC6724 seem to be helpful and were added in #298.

A review from this has been requested in the review request to 6MAN (see GENERIC-6MAN).

As a co-author of RFC 8801, I would have appreciated to read PvD option mentionned to discover the RD. Any reason why PvD Option cannot be used ?


Probably because 8801 was just published, and the RDAO predates even -pvd-00 by a year.

Sassiness aside, as I understand the PvD option from a skim and the vague recollections of having had a look at this at some earlier time, this would be orthogonal to the RDAO: a router with multiple PvDs could forward the RDAO from either uplink inside PvD options, and pick a primary one to forward to PvD-unaware hosts.

I don't see any conflict, but don't see much potential either (are there many constrained devices that benefit from becoming PvD-aware?) -- so I'd keep it as with any other RA option: They can be combined, but there's no particular reason to point that out on either side.

If such a combination can be expected, this could be a good example for the "MAY keep concurrent registrations if explicitly configured to do so" part, but that was not added in this iteration for lack of known use cases.

(This is slightly more interesting in cases when the RD picks the addresses; a note on that will appear in the next version of draft-amsuess-core-resource-directory-extensions).

-- Section 4.1.1 -- I suggest to swap the reserved and lifetime fields in order to be able to use a lifetime in units of seconds (to be consistent with other NDP options).


Implementors will appreciate that; done in #299.

-- Section 5 -- May be I missed it, but, can an end-point register multiple base URI ? E.g., multiple IPv6 addresses.


No, that is deferred to protocol-negotiation (where whatever comes out of it is expected to do multiple addresses on the same protocol just as well as different protocols).

-- Section 9.2 -- For information, value 38 is already assigned to RFC 8781.


Leaving it in the draft as-is, anticipting that IANA just picking the next available number will create less total cognitive load than another set changed lines in the diffs.

== NITS ==

-- Section 2 -- The extra new lines when defining "Sector" are slighly confusing. Same applies to "Target" and "Context". This is cosmetic only.


We're having issues with the tooling here; if it can't be ironed out before the final version, this will be fixed manually during the handover to RFC editor.

Issue: #252

Martin Duke


Tracking issue: #257


One nit: the sentence that contains “cannot be executed as a base attribute” appears to have been mangled.


The paragraph has been reworded (in #274).

Murray Kucherawy


Tracking issue: #257


In Section 9.2, you might want to mention that you're talking about a sub-registry under "Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Parameters".

Expanded (in #300).

In Section 9.3, you enumerate six fields in each registration, but the initial table of entries has only five columns. It's obvious (I think) that the sixth column would be "this document" for all entries, but I suggest that you should either include the column or some prose making this explicit (since everything else is).


There is a sentence in the paragraph below the figure to that respect.

Warren Kumari


Tracking issue: #257



1: "These CTs are thought to act on behalf of endpoints too constrained, or generally unable, to present that information themselves. "

This reads very oddly - "thought to act on" sounds like we've seen some of these in the wild, and only have a vague idea about how they work. Does "These CTs act on behalf of endpoints too constrained, or generally unable, to present that information themselves. " work?


Yes that works. (Fixed in #301).

2: "From the system design point of view, the ambition is to design horizontal solutions that can enable utilization of machines in different applications depending on their current availability and capabilities as well as application requirements, thus avoiding silo like solutions" - this is very buzzwordy, and I have no idea what it is actually trying to say...


What it was trying to say was that parts of the complete system should not be specific to an application. The sentence has been replaced with something that is less keyword oriented and more descriptive.

(See #302 for precise text).

3: " A (re-)starting device may want to find one or more RDs for discovery purposes."

Either I don't understand what this sentence is trying to say, or "for discovery purposes" should be dropped....


The intention here was to express that some host must be found before the further URI discovery steps can take place. Enhanced in #301.

4: "As some of the RD addresses obtained by the methods listed here are just (more or less educated) guesses, endpoints MUST make use of any error messages to very strictly rate-limit requests to candidate IP addresses that don't work out. " What happens if device A discovers RD X, and device B discovers RD Y? Surely there has to be some sort of deterministic method so that one doesn't end up in a "split brain" type outcome?


There are various approaches that can apply depending on the actual application:

  • In managed networks, care can be taken to not make multiple RDs discoverable.
  • In larger setups, multiple RDs may be available but set up for federation as it is being explored in draft-amsuess-core-rd-replication
  • RDs that are deployed without overarching coordination can opt for the Opportunistic Resource Directory approach that is being explored in draft-amsuess-core-resource-directory-extensions, where one RD yields to the other. The error handling steps in RD make that transition smooth.

But long story short, this draft does not attempt to solve them.


1: " The input to an RD is composed of links and the output is composed of links constructed from the information stored in the RD." While true, this sentence doesn't actually communicate anything useful to the reader -- I'd suggest removing it from the Abstract (note that this is just a nit).


There has been repeated confusion about what an RD stores, with people understanding it to store resources. This sentence serves to visibly emphasise that only links go in and out.

2: "The RD is primarily a tool to make discovery operations more efficient than querying /.well-known/core on all connected devices, or across boundaries that would be limiting those operations."

s/would be limiting those/that would limit those/


Fixed in #253.

Robert Wilton


Tracking issue: #257


I'm glad that the shepherd's writeup indicates that there are implementations since that indicates that there does appear to be value in standardizing this work, despite its long journey.

My main comment (which I was considering raising as a discuss) is:

Since this document is defining a new service, I think that this document would benefit on having a short later section on "Operations, Administration and Management". This document does seem to cover some management/administration considerations in various sections in a somewhat ad hoc way, but having a section highlighting those would potentially make it easier deploy. Defining a common management model (or API) would potentially also make administration of the service easier, I don't know if that had been considered, and if useful could be done as a separate document.


The wide variety of possible deployments and associated security policies make it hard to say anything generic on operations. We did, however, add an exemplary and potentially default security model (based on Ben's suggestion, in #258).

The configuration options for such an RD are listed at its end (since #303), but how to set them is out of scope here. (CORECONF would be a good candidate, but too little exploration has gone into RD configuration using that yet to warrant a reference).

A few other comments:

5.3.  Operations on the Registration Resource

   An endpoint should not use this interface for registrations that it
   did not create.  This is usually enforced by security policies, which
   in general require equivalent credentials for creation of and
   operations on a registration.

What happens if an endpoint is managing the registration and is upgraded to new hardware with a different certificate? Would the updated endpoint expect to be able to update the registration? Or would it have to wait for the existing registration to timeout (which could be a long time)?


Certificates are not compared by literal comparison of the certificate, but by whether their claims are sufficient for the resource (which in the end establish an identity).

With unmanaged setups like the newly introduced First-Come-First-Remembered policy, a device with a new certificate might become uneligible for accessing its previous registration resource (and likewise for reregistering with the same endpoint name and sector), but in such a setup the endpoint is prepared to switch names anyway when it comes up with the new certificate. (Although it should rarely come to that -- when the certificate is updated with the same subject claims by an authority the RD recognizes, the new one is good for continuation).

In managed setups, it is up to the managers to configure EPs with certificates matching their endpoint names, and when the name does not change, the new certificate is good for continuation as well.

5.3.  Operations on the Registration Resource

   The Registration Resource may also be used cancel the registration
   using DELETE, and to perform further operations beyond the scope of
   this specification.

   These operations are described below.

Nit: Perhaps reword the second sentence. Otherwise it seems to conflict with the last sentence of the prior paragraph.


This has been resolved (in #253).

5.3.1.  Registration Update

   The update interface is used by the registering endpoint to refresh
   or update its registration with an RD.  To use the interface, the
   registering endpoint sends a POST request to the registration
   resource returned by the initial registration operation.

   An update MAY update the lifetime or the base URI registration
   parameters "lt", "base" as in Section 5.  Parameters that are not
   being changed SHOULD NOT be included in an update.  Adding parameters
   that have not changed increases the size of the message but does not
   have any other implications.  Parameters MUST be included as query
   parameters in an update operation as in Section 5.

The "SHOULD NOT" feels a bit strong to me, and I would prefer to see this as "MAY NOT". In many cases, if the configuration is not too big then providing the full configuration makes it easy to guarantee that the receiver has exactly the correct configuration. I appreciate that there are many cases where from an endpoint perspective it may want to keep the update small, but if I was doing this from a CT, I think that I would rather just resend the entire configuration, if it is not large.


This is indeed not a compatibility but a quality-of-implementation recommendation, and was changed to a lower-case 'should not' (in #304).

5.3.1.  Registration Update

   Req: GET /rd-lookup/res?ep=endpoint1

   Res: 2.05 Content

       Figure 14: Example lookup before a change to the base address

Just to check, is it correct that the anchor in the http link is also to coap://? If this is wrong then there is a second example in the same section that also needs to be fixed.


This is correct. The link's context was originally </sensors/temp> relative to the endpoint's base, and while this is being changed from coap://local-proxy-old.e.c to coaps://new.e.c, the link always points from the resource on the EP to the description hosted on HTTP.