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File metadata and controls

136 lines (115 loc) · 8.59 KB


All Tranquility APIs need a Druid configuration to get started. The simplest way to create one is using a configuration file.

Configuration files

Tranquility can use a JSON or YAML file for configuration. Here's a simple example configuration:

   "dataSources" : [
         "spec" : {
            "dataSchema" : {
               "dataSource" : "foo",
               "metricsSpec" : [
                  { "type" : "count", "name" : "count" },
                  { "type" : "doubleSum", "fieldName" : "x", "name" : "x" }
               "granularitySpec" : {
                  "segmentGranularity" : "hour",
                  "queryGranularity" : "none",
                  "type" : "uniform"
               "parser" : {
                  "type" : "string",
                  "parseSpec" : {
                     "format" : "json",
                     "timestampSpec" : { "column" : "timestamp", "format" : "auto" },
                     "dimensionsSpec" : {
                        "dimensions" : ["dim1", "dim2", "dim3"]
            "tuningConfig" : {
               "type" : "realtime",
               "windowPeriod" : "PT10M",
               "intermediatePersistPeriod" : "PT10M",
               "maxRowsInMemory" : "100000"
         "properties" : {
            "task.partitions" : "1",
            "task.replicants" : "1"
   "properties" : {
      "zookeeper.connect" : "localhost"

The file has two sections:

  1. dataSources - dataSource configuration, one entry per dataSource.
  2. properties - global properties that apply to all dataSources. See "Properties" below for details.

The dataSources key should contain a list of dataSource configurations. Each dataSource configuration has two sections:

  1. spec - a Druid ingestion spec with no ioConfig. Tranquility supplies its own firehose and plumber, so an ioConfig is not necessary.
  2. properties - dataSource properties, which will override any global properties. See "Properties" below for details.


Any of these properties can be specified either globally, or per-dataSource.

Property Description Default
druid.discovery.curator.path Curator service discovery path. This is assumed to be on the same zookeeper cluster as zookeeper.connect refers to. /druid/discovery
druid.selectors.indexing.serviceName The druid.service name of the indexing service Overlord node. druid/overlord
druid.tls.enable Enable TLS when communicating with Druid. If the Druid cluster does not have TLS enabled, this must be set to false as well. false
druid.tls.protocol TLS protocol version to use. 'TLSv1.2'
druid.tls.trustStorePath Path of the keystore containing trusted root certificates, used to validate the certificate provided by Druid. ''
druid.tls.trustStoreType Type of the keystore containig trusted root certificates. KeyStore.getDefaultType()
druid.tls.trustStoreAlgorithm Algorithm to be used by TrustManager to validate certificate chains. TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()
druid.tls.trustStorePassword Password for the keystore containing trusted root certifcates. ''
druidBeam.firehoseBufferSize Size of buffer used by firehose to store events. 100000
druidBeam.firehoseChunkSize Maximum number of events to send to Druid in one HTTP request. 1000
druidBeam.firehoseGracePeriod Druid indexing tasks will shut down this long after the windowPeriod has elapsed. PT5M
druidBeam.firehoseQuietPeriod Wait this long for a task to appear before complaining that it cannot be found. PT1M
druidBeam.firehoseRetryPeriod Retry for this long before complaining that events could not be pushed PT1M
druidBeam.indexRetryPeriod If an indexing service overlord call fails for some apparently-transient reason, retry for this long before giving up. PT1M
druidBeam.overlordLocator Strategy for locating the Druid Overlord. Can be "curator". curator
druidBeam.overlordPollPeriod How often to poll the Overlord for task locations. Only applies if taskLocator is "overlord". PT20S
druidBeam.randomizeTaskId True if we should add a random suffix to Druid task IDs. This is useful for testing. false
druidBeam.taskLocator Strategy for locating Druid tasks. Can be "curator" or "overlord". curator
druidBeam.basicAuthUser Username for Basic HTTP authentication. This is needed if the Druid cluster has Basic HTTP authentication enabled. ""
druidBeam.basicAuthPass Password for Basic HTTP authentication. This is needed if the Druid cluster has Basic HTTP authentication enabled. ""
serialization.format Serialization format for objects sent to Druid. Can be "json" or "smile". Does not apply if you define a custom objectWriter. json
task.partitions Number of Druid partitions to create. 1
task.replicants Number of instances of each Druid partition to create. This is the total number of instances, so 2 replicants means 2 tasks will be created. 1
task.warmingPeriod If nonzero, create Druid tasks early. This can be useful if tasks take a long time to start up in your environment. PT0M
tranquility.blockOnFull Whether "send" will block (true) or throw an exception (false) when called while the outgoing queue is full. true
tranquility.lingerMillis Wait this long for batches to collect more messages (up to maxBatchSize) before sending them. Set to zero to disable waiting. Set to -1 to always wait for complete batches before sending. NOTE: With lingerMillis set to -1, if you really want to send patial batches, use flush otherwise partial batches will never be sent. 0
tranquility.maxBatchSize Maximum number of messages to send at once. 2000
tranquility.maxPendingBatches Maximum number of batches that may be in flight before we block and wait for one to finish. 5
zookeeper.connect ZooKeeper connect string. none; must be provided
zookeeper.timeout ZooKeeper session timeout. ISO8601 duration. PT20S
zookeeper.path ZooKeeper znode to use for Tranquility's internal coordination. /tranquility/beams


You can read Tranquility configuration files and instantiate Tranquility senders using the DruidBeams builders. Scaladoc for that is available at:$

Or take a look at some example code:

Note that by default, the senders you get will accept java.util.Map<String, Object>, but you can create a sender for any custom object type by providing your own Timestamper and ObjectWriter. See the Scaladocs for more details.

Loading Druid extensions

If your Druid ingestion spec requires extensions to read (perhaps you're using an aggregator that is only available in an extension, such as approxHistogramFold) then you can load them by specifying JVM properties on the command line. The following properties are respected:

Property Description Default The root extension directory where user can put extensions related files. Druid will load extensions stored under this directory. extensions (This is a relative path to Druid's working directory)
druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir The root hadoop dependencies directory where user can put hadoop related dependencies files. Druid will load the dependencies based on the hadoop coordinate specified in the hadoop index task. hadoop-dependencies (This is a relative path to Druid's working directory
druid.extensions.loadList A JSON array of extensions to load from extension directories by Druid. If it is not specified, its value will be null and Druid will load all the extensions under If its value is empty list [], then no extensions will be loaded at all. null
druid.extensions.searchCurrentClassloader This is a boolean flag that determines if Druid will search the main classloader for extensions. It defaults to true but can be turned off if you have reason to not automatically add all modules on the classpath. true

For example, to load the approximate histogram extension from the /opt/druid/extensions directory, provide:
