diff --git a/_posts/2024-09-27-sql-only-extensions.md b/_posts/2024-09-27-sql-only-extensions.md index 4d198a7104..7b102d79b7 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-09-27-sql-only-extensions.md +++ b/_posts/2024-09-27-sql-only-extensions.md @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ At its core, the `pivot_table` function determines the SQL required to generate Since this SQL statement is a string at the end of the day, we can use a hierarchy of scalar SQL macros rather than a single large macro. This is a common traditional issue with SQL - it tends to not be very modular or reusable, but we are able to compartmentalize our logic wth DuckDB's syntax. -> Note If a non-optional parameter is not in use, an empty string (`[]`) should be passed in. +> Note If a non-optional parameter is not in use, an empty list (`[]`) should be passed in. * `table_names`: A list of table or view names to aggregate or pivot. Multiple tables are combined with `UNION ALL BY NAME` prior to any other processing. * `values`: A list of aggregation metrics in the format `['agg_fn_1(col_1)', 'agg_fn_2(col_2)', ...]`.