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5. Cryptographic Calculations

For key derivation and crypto-binding, TEAP uses the Pseudorandom Function (PRF) and MAC algorithms negotiated in the underlying TLS session. Since these algorithms depend on the TLS version and ciphersuite, TEAP implementations need a mechanism to determine the version and ciphersuite in use for a particular session. The implementation can then use this information to determine which PRF and MAC algorithm to use.

5.1. TEAP Authentication Phase 1: Key Derivations

With TEAPv1, the TLS master secret is generated as specified in TLS. If a PAC is used, then the master secret is obtained as described in [RFC5077].

TEAPv1 makes use of the TLS Keying Material Exporters defined in [RFC5705] to derive the session_key_seed. The label used in the derivation is "EXPORTER: teap session key seed". The length of the session key seed material is 40 octets. No context data is used in the export process.

The session_key_seed is used by the TEAP authentication Phase 2 conversation to both cryptographically bind the inner method(s) to the tunnel as well as generate the resulting TEAP session keys. The other TLS keying materials are derived and used as defined in [RFC5246].

5.2. Intermediate Compound Key Derivations

The session_key_seed derived as part of TEAP Phase 2 is used in TEAP Phase 2 to generate an Intermediate Compound Key (IMCK) used to verify the integrity of the TLS tunnel after each successful inner authentication and in the generation of Master Session Key (MSK) and Extended Master Session Key (EMSK) defined in [RFC3748]. Note that the IMCK MUST be recalculated after each successful inner EAP method.

The first step in these calculations is the generation of the base compound key, IMCK[n] from the session_key_seed, and any session keys derived from the successful execution of nth inner EAP methods. The inner EAP method(s) may provide Inner Method Session Keys (IMSKs), IMSK1..IMSKn, corresponding to inner method 1 through n.

If an inner method supports export of an Extended Master Session Key (EMSK), then the IMSK SHOULD be derived from the EMSK as defined in [RFC5295]. The usage label used is "[email protected]", and the length is 64 octets. Optional data parameter is not used in the derivation.

 IMSK = First 32 octets of TLS-PRF(EMSK, "[email protected]" |
 "\0" | 64)

 where "|" denotes concatenation, EMSK is the EMSK from the inner
 method, "[email protected]" consists the ASCII value for the
 label "[email protected]" (without quotes), "\0" = is a NULL
 octet (0x00 in hex), length is the 2-octet unsigned integer in
 network byte order, and TLS-PRF is the PRF negotiated as part of
 TLS handshake [RFC5246].

If an inner method does not support export of an Extended Master Session Key (EMSK), then IMSK is the MSK of the inner method. The MSK is truncated at 32 octets if it is longer than 32 octets or padded to a length of 32 octets with zeros if it is less than 32 octets.

However, it's possible that the peer and server sides might not have the same capability to export EMSK. In order to maintain maximum flexibility while prevent downgrading attack, the following mechanism is in place.

On the sender of the Crypto-Binding TLV side:

 If the EMSK is not available, then the sender computes the Compound
 MAC using the MSK of the inner method.

 If the EMSK is available and the sender's policy accepts MSK-based
 MAC, then the sender computes two Compound MAC values.  The first
 is computed with the EMSK.  The second one is computed using the
 MSK.  Both MACs are then sent to the other side.

 If the EMSK is available but the sender's policy does not allow
 downgrading to MSK-generated MAC, then the sender SHOULD only send
 EMSK-based MAC.

On the receiver of the Crypto-Binding TLV side:

 If the EMSK is not available and an MSK-based Compound MAC was
 sent, then the receiver validates the Compound MAC and sends back
 an MSK-based Compound MAC response.

 If the EMSK is not available and no MSK-based Compound MAC was
 sent, then the receiver handles like an invalid Crypto-Binding TLV
 with a fatal error.

 If the EMSK is available and an EMSK-based Compound MAC was sent,
 then the receiver validates it and creates a response Compound MAC
 using the EMSK.

 If the EMSK is available but no EMSK-based Compound MAC was sent
 and its policy accepts MSK-based MAC, then the receiver validates
 it using the MSK and, if successful, generates and returns an MSK-
 based Compound MAC.

 If the EMSK is available but no EMSK Compound MAC was sent and its
 policy does not accept MSK-based MAC, then the receiver handles
 like an invalid Crypto-Binding TLV with a fatal error.

If the ith inner method does not generate an EMSK or MSK, then IMSKi is set to zero (e.g., MSKi = 32 octets of 0x00s). If an inner method fails, then it is not included in this calculation. The derivation of S-IMCK is as follows:

  S-IMCK[0] = session_key_seed
  For j = 1 to n-1 do
       IMCK[j] = TLS-PRF(S-IMCK[j-1], "Inner Methods Compound Keys",
            IMSK[j], 60)
       S-IMCK[j] = first 40 octets of IMCK[j]
       CMK[j] = last 20 octets of IMCK[j]

where TLS-PRF is the PRF negotiated as part of TLS handshake [RFC5246].

5.3. Computing the Compound MAC

For authentication methods that generate keying material, further protection against man-in-the-middle attacks is provided through cryptographically binding keying material established by both TEAP Phase 1 and TEAP Phase 2 conversations. After each successful inner EAP authentication, EAP EMSK and/or MSKs are cryptographically combined with key material from TEAP Phase 1 to generate a Compound Session Key (CMK). The CMK is used to calculate the Compound MAC as part of the Crypto-Binding TLV described in Section 4.2.13, which helps provide assurance that the same entities are involved in all communications in TEAP. During the calculation of the Compound MAC, the MAC field is filled with zeros.

The Compound MAC computation is as follows:

  CMK = CMK[j]
  Compound-MAC = MAC( CMK, BUFFER )

where j is the number of the last successfully executed inner EAP method, MAC is the MAC function negotiated in TLS 1.2 [RFC5246], and BUFFER is created after concatenating these fields in the following order:

1 The entire Crypto-Binding TLV attribute with both the EMSK and MSK Compound MAC fields zeroed out.

2 The EAP Type sent by the other party in the first TEAP message.

3 All the Outer TLVs from the first TEAP message sent by EAP server to peer. If a single TEAP message is fragmented into multiple TEAP packets, then the Outer TLVs in all the fragments of that message MUST be included.

4 All the Outer TLVs from the first TEAP message sent by the peer to the EAP server. If a single TEAP message is fragmented into multiple TEAP packets, then the Outer TLVs in all the fragments of that message MUST be included.

5.4. EAP Master Session Key Generation

TEAP authentication assures the Master Session Key (MSK) and Extended Master Session Key (EMSK) output from the EAP method are the result of all authentication conversations by generating an Intermediate Compound Key (IMCK). The IMCK is mutually derived by the peer and the server as described in Section 5.2 by combining the MSKs from inner EAP methods with key material from TEAP Phase 1. The resulting MSK and EMSK are generated as part of the IMCKn key hierarchy as follows:

  MSK  = TLS-PRF(S-IMCK[j], "Session Key Generating Function", 64)
       "Extended Session Key Generating Function", 64)

where j is the number of the last successfully executed inner EAP method.

The EMSK is typically only known to the TEAP peer and server and is not provided to a third party. The derivation of additional keys and transportation of these keys to a third party are outside the scope of this document.

If no EAP methods have been negotiated inside the tunnel or no EAP methods have been successfully completed inside the tunnel, the MSK and EMSK will be generated directly from the session_key_seed meaning S-IMCK = session_key_seed.