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Emotion Recognition using Emotion Embeddings, MLM, and emotion correlations

This repo contains code and execution scripts for ICASSP '23 papers Leveraging Label Correlations in a Multi-label Setting: A Case Study in Emotion and Using Emotion Embeddings to Transfer Knowledge Between Emotions, Languages, and Annotation Formats.

Leveraging Label Correlations in a Multi-label Setting: A Case Study in Emotion

This repo contains code for Demux and MEmo, emotion recognition models using two different types of language prompts. We study how we can leverage relationships between emotions. We do so at two levels, using word associations and with additional losses.


Heavily inspired from SpanEmo, Demux includes the names of the categories (here, emotions) in the input as its first input sequence, and the actual input as the second sequence. The contextual embeddings for each emotion are used to get a probability for each.

The contextual embeddings of the emotion words are eseentially label embeddings, so we leverage that to perform operations on them and transfer knowledge to different annotation formats.

Demux takes advantage of word-level associations in the input to transfer knowledge betwwen emotions. Our experiments show that emotion recognition can be transferred in a zero-shot manner to new emotions, and that associations between emotions words already capture the relationships between emotions to a large extend.

Why Demux (short for 'Demultiplexer')?

We can consider the emotions classes as selecting the features that the Transformer is going to output from the output.


MEmo uses a declarative prompt about the emotional content of the input text, but the actual emotions have been replaced by a [MASK] token. We either build a classifier on top of the contextual embeddings of the [MASK] token, or use the pretrained MLM head and grab the logits of the emotion tokens.


We induce label-correlation awareness by pulling together or pushing apart representations of pairs of emotions. This can be achieved at the level of intermediate representations $h$, and at the level of predictions $\hat{y}$. Prediction pairs can be regularized using the labels $y$, by pulling emotions with the same gold labels together, otherwise pushing them apart. Representation pairs can be regularized in the same way, but we can also use prior relationships between them, which can conflict current labels. Each pair's regularization term can be modulated by the strength of the relationship of the pair.

Extra Results from Demux and MEmo

Individual F1 scores for each emotion in each language in the test sets for SemEval 2018 Task 1 E-c, for the Demux setting "intra ρ e^y":

Emotion English Spanish Arabic
anger 79.4 ± 0.3 74.9 ± 0.7 78.8 ± 0.4
anticipation 29.5 ± 1.7 43.7 ± 3.6 14.7 ± 2.6
disgust 75.8 ± 0.5 47.3 ± 1.0 55.6 ± 1.7
fear 75.1 ± 0.6 69.2 ± 0.7 73.5 ± 0.8
joy 87.1 ± 0.3 81.8 ± 0.7 81.7 ± 0.7
love 63.4 ± 0.5 68.0 ± 0.8 75.2 ± 0.8
optimism 75.4 ± 0.6 39.4 ± 1.0 74.4 ± 1.1
pessimism 39.3 ± 1.9 43.8 ± 0.9 38.7 ± 2.9
sadness 73.5 ± 0.2 67.2 ± 0.7 72.4 ± 0.6
surprise 23.3 ± 1.3 29.8 ± 1.2 0.0 ± 0.0
trust 11.5 ± 1.0 31.3 ± 1.6 27.2 ± 3.8

The same patterns are observed for MEmo as well. The support for each emotion can be seen in the original dataset paper.

We also present our results for GoEmotions (3 runs on test set), derived from Reddit and with 27 emotions (so more granular choice of emotions, resulting in only a very small subset of it having more than 1 emotion -- in particular 13%, causing our intra-class regularization to very rarely push predictions upwards). Note that we use the make surface-level changes to the preprocessor used for tweets to preprocess the text from Reddit:

Model Macro F1 Micro F1
Demux 49.2 ± 0.5 54.1 ± 0.1
Demux intra 1 e^y 52.3 ± 0.6 58.1 ± 0.6
Demux intra ρ e^y 52.1 ± 0.6 58.2 ± 0.6
MEmo intra 1 e^y 44.0 ± 0.9 56.3 ± 0.1

We see a large increase in performance from the inclusion of the local regularization terms.

(PS: Note GoEmotions results are preliminary)

Using Emotion Embeddings to Transfer Knowledge Between Emotions, Languages, and Annotation Formats

We extend Demux to work with clusters of emotions. We achieve this by performing operations on the emotion embeddings produced by regular Demux.

Moreover, since emotions are specified in the input, we can dynamically add and remove emotions from our predictions. We show that Demux can achieve zero-shot tranfer to new emotions and annotation formats, like clusters of emotions. We lso show that the zero-shot transfer is successful even with a change in language.


This has been tested with Python 3.7.4. To simply run, install as package with:

pip install -e .

If you want to alter the implementation, we suggest you install with:

pip install -e .[dev]

(Note to zsh users: escape [ and ])

Extend to other datasets and tasks

Our trainers are general-purpose enough to allow use with different datasets, tasks, models, etc. All you need is:

  • Dataset: implement __getitem__ to return a dictionary of values and the labels. The keys should ideally match the ones from HuggingFace transformer models. If inheriting from some subclass of emorec.emorec_utils.dataset.EmotionDataset class, you only have to implement the load_dataset and encode_plus method. The former should return a list of strings and a tensor of labels. encode_plus is the method that tokenizes the input. We use (pseudo) Mixins to implement it, as it is mostly constant across datasets for a specific model. Note that the category names, which are necessary for Demux, fall under emotions, english_emotions, all_emotions, etc., so it may be cumbersome when trasfering to a different task, hence consider defining your classes anew. Demux also requires class_inds, a list of either tensors or lists of tensors, which specify which tokens to grab per input. List of lists of tensors should be used for clusters.

  • Trainer: the trainer also assumes emotion datasets, so it uses dataset.emotions (as discussed above), etc. However, in terms of the actual training, it should be extensible to other tasks. The main trainer, emorec.emorec_utils.trainer.SemEval2018Task1EcTrainer, includes all regularization losses, and other utilities presented in the papers. For base methods, look at emorec.trainer.BaseTrainer.

  • Model: any nn.Module. The trainer contains utilities to grab specific outputs of the model. Demux and MEmo have two outputs by default, the logits and intermediate representations (Nones when no intermediate representations exist). Look at our models in emorec/models/ to see how to implement from_pretrained so you can load any pretrained LM into your frameworks.

  • Command-line arguments in the scripts: All the arguments one wants to access when configuring each run should be placed inside the class variable argparse_args of the appropriate class in the format that can be seen for example in emorec.trainer.BaseTrainer. Moreover, they probably need to be added in emorec.train_utils.MyTrainingArgument similarly to the other arguments there. Then, under the experiments folder, each new script should grab these to create an ArgumentParser (like we have done).

  • Logging system: see below.


We provide the scripts which execute all the experiments to replicate the results of the paper, when possible. To compare between different local and global losses, run the correlation scripts:

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -c 0 -r 10 -d /path/to/semeval/root # c: cuda, r: runs

and scripts/ for the test results.

To run the knowledge transfer experiments, follow the same recipe for the rest of the of the bash scripts in ./scripts, except for, which requires the french election data (and the extra arguments -f /path/to/french/data and -e /path/to/experiment/logs). We nonetheless provide the scripts and the necessary classes to aid researcher who want to repurpose the model for their needs: emorec.emorec_utils.dataset.FrenchElectionEmotionClusterDataset, emorec.emorec_utils.trainer.FrenchElectionTrainer, and similarly for emorec.models.demux and emorec.models.memo.

The project's structure follows the transformers library. Things to keep in mind when extending the scripts:

We have implemented our own logging system to keep an orderly track of experiments, which we hope to extend in the future to its own module. It can be found in emorec.logging_utils. What you probably need to know is that it produces the folder experiment_logs, followed by a specific folder for the model+dataset (so different subfolder for Demux v. MEmo, different subfolder for SemEval v. GoEmotions). In that subfolder, different experiment subfolders per configuration are created. The name of each specific experiment subfolder contains some important information like which models were used, which splits, etc. The final integer is used to differentiate runs with different hyperparameters if they do not appear in the main name (the same experiment ran twice will log additional experiments in the same subfolder). AN example can be seen below:

└── DemuxSemEval
    ├── Arabic(train),Arabic(dev),None,bert-base-arabertv02-twitter,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── Arabic(train),Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── Arabic(train),Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── Arabic(train),Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── English+Arabic(train),English+Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,Spanish(train;dev),0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train;dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,bert-base-multilingual-uncased,0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,bert-base-multilingual-uncased,0.5,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,bert-base-multilingual-uncased,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,0.5,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),English+Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),Spanish(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish+Arabic(train),Spanish(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English+Spanish(train),English+Spanish(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,Arabic(train;dev),0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish-Tr+Arabic(train),Spanish-Tr(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English+Spanish-Tr+Arabic(train),Spanish-Tr(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,bertweet-base,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,anger,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,anger,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,anger,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,joy,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,joy,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,joy,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,pessimism,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,pessimism,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,pessimism,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,trust,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,trust,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── English(train),English(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,trust,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── French-Tr(train;dev),None,bertweetfr-base,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── French-Tr(train;dev),None,bertweetfr-base,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── French-Tr(train),French-Tr(dev),None,bertweetfr-base,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── Spanish+Arabic(train),Spanish+Arabic(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,English(train;dev),0.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── Spanish(train),Spanish(dev),None,robertuito-sentiment-analysis,None,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── Spanish(train),Spanish(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    ├── Spanish(train),Spanish(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1
    ├── Spanish(train),Spanish(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_2
    ├── Spanish-Tr(train),Spanish-Tr(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_0
    └── Spanish-Tr(train),Spanish-Tr(dev),None,twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment,1.0,None,cossim,False,0.2,intra_exp_diff,False,None_1

The name of each specific experiment subfolder contains some important information like which models were used, which splits, etc. The final integer is used to differentiate runs with different hyperparameters if they do not appear in the main name (the same experiment ran twice will log additional experiments in the same subfolder). Each of these subfolders look something like:

├── aggregated_metrics.yml
├── metrics.yml
├── obj.pkl
├── params.yml
└── plots
    ├── anger_f1,anticipation_f1,disgust_f1,fear_f1,joy_f1,love_f1,optimism_f1,pessimism_f1,sadness_f1,surprise_f1,trust_f1.png
    ├── eval_loss.png
    ├── eval_regularization_loss.png
    ├── jaccard_score.png
    ├── macro_f1.png
    ├── micro_f1.png
    ├── regularization_loss.png
    └── train_loss.png

aggregated_metrics.yml contains the mean and the standard deviation of all logged metrics across multiple runs for the epoch designated as the final one (e.g. simple training will use the last epoch, early stopping will use the corresponding step, see example below), metrics.yml contains all the logged metrics, params.yml contains the hyperparameter configuration, plots contains plots of the metrics that are logged across all training (not final metrics, e.g. those of the test set), and obj.pkl contains the logger object, which you can re-load by using the load_existent method of vault.logging_utils.ExperimentHandler. Here, you will also find your saved models. An example of aggregated metrics could be:

? ''
: best_train_loss: 0.0016+-0.0002
  test_eval_accuracy: 0.7563+-0.0084
  test_eval_loss: 1.5356+-0.0650
  test_macro_f1_score: 0.6997+-0.0171

The name of the subfolder is dictated by the user by using ./emorec/logging_utils/ExperimentHandler.name_params(list_of_param_names), like we do in our experiments scripts. Note that for consistency the names are sorted, so you have to look out for which value means what in the folder subname (use underscores to push names to the strat of the subfolder). If you want to introduce new hyperparameters, then, given that the name of the experiment subfolders don't change, if the new hyperparameters are False or None when they are not used (in other words the experiment is the same as before), the handler will indeed consider them inactive and the experiment equivalent with a previous ones.