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Linkerd2 Development Guide

🎈 Welcome to the Linkerd2 development guide! 👋

This document will help you build and run Linkerd2 from source. More information about testing from source can be found in the guide.

Table of contents

Repo layout

Linkerd2 is primarily written in Rust, Go, and React. At its core is a high-performance data plane written in Rust. The control plane components are written in Go. The dashboard UI is a React application.

Control Plane (Go/React)

  • cli: Command-line linkerd utility, view and drive the control plane.
  • controller
    • proxy-api: Accepts requests from proxy instances and serves information such as service discovery.
    • public-api: Accepts requests from API clients such as cli and web, provides access to and control of the Linkerd2 service mesh.
    • tap: Provides a live pipeline of requests.
  • proxy-init: Adds a Kubernetes pod to join the Linkerd2 Service Mesh.
  • web: Provides a UI dashboard to view and drive the control plane. This component is written in Go and React.

Data Plane (Rust)

  • linkerd2-proxy: Rust source code for the proxy lives in the linkerd2-proxy repo.
  • linkerd2-proxy-api: Protobuf definitions for the data plane APIs live in the linkerd2-proxy-api repo.


Linkerd2 Components

linkerd2_components digraph G { rankdir=LR;
node [style=filled, shape=rect];

"cli" [color=lightblue];
"proxy-api" [color=lightblue];
"public-api" [color=lightblue];
"tap" [color=lightblue];
"web" [color=lightblue];

"proxy" [color=orange];

"cli" -> "public-api";

"web" -> "public-api";
"web" -> "grafana";

"public-api" -> "tap";
"public-api" -> "kubernetes api";
"public-api" -> "prometheus";

"tap" -> "kubernetes api";
"tap" -> "proxy";

"proxy" -> "proxy-api";

"proxy-api" -> "kubernetes api";

"grafana" -> "prometheus";
"prometheus" -> "kubernetes api";
"prometheus" -> "proxy";

} linkerd2_components

Development configurations

Depending on use case, there are several configurations with which to develop and run Linkerd2:

  • Comprehensive: Integrated configuration using Minikube, most closely matches release.
  • Web: Development of the Linkerd2 Dashboard.


This configuration builds all Linkerd2 components in Docker images, and deploys them onto Minikube. This setup most closely parallels our recommended production installation, documented at

These commands assume a working Minikube environment.

# build all docker images, using minikube as our docker repo
DOCKER_TRACE=1 bin/mkube bin/fast-build

# install linkerd
bin/linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

# verify cli and server versions
bin/linkerd version

# validate installation
kubectl --namespace=linkerd get all
bin/linkerd check --expected-version $(bin/root-tag)

# view linkerd dashboard
bin/linkerd dashboard

# install the demo app
curl | bin/linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -

# view demo app
minikube -n emojivoto service web-svc

# view details per deployment
bin/linkerd -n emojivoto stat deployments

# view a live pipeline of requests
bin/linkerd -n emojivoto tap deploy voting

A note about Go run

Our instructions use a bin/go-run script in lieu go run. This is a convenience script that leverages caching via go build to make your build/run/debug loop faster.

In general, replace commands like this:

go run cli/main.go check

with this:

bin/go-run cli check

That is equivalent to running linkerd check using the code on your branch.

Building the CLI for development

When Linkerd2's CLI is built using bin/docker-build it always creates binaries for all three platforms. For local development and a faster edit-build-test cycle you might want to avoid that. For those situations you can use the bin/fast-build script, which builds the CLI using the local Go toolchain outside of Docker.


Running the control plane for development

Linkerd2's control plane is composed of several Go microservices. You can run these components in a Kubernetes (or Minikube) cluster, or even locally.

To run an individual component locally, you can use the go-run command, and pass in valid Kubernetes credentials via the -kubeconfig flag. For instance, to run the proxy-api service locally, run:

bin/go-run controller/cmd/proxy-api -kubeconfig ~/.kube/config -log-level debug

You can send test requests to the proxy-api service using the destination-client in the controller/script directory. For instance:

bin/go-run controller/script/destination-client -path hello.default.svc.cluster.local:80


This is a React app fronting a Go process. It uses webpack to bundle assets, and postcss to transform css.

These commands assume working Go and Yarn environments.

First time setup

Install Yarn and use it to install dependencies:

brew install yarn
bin/web setup

Run web standalone

bin/web run

The web server will be running on localhost:8084.

Webpack dev server

To develop with a webpack dev server, run:

bin/web dev

Note: you'll want to install Linkerd2 on a Kubernetes cluster first.

To add a JS dependency:

cd web/app
yarn add [dep]


All Rust development happens in the linkerd2-proxy repo.


The bin/docker-build-proxy script builds the proxy by pulling a pre-published proxy binary:

DOCKER_TRACE=1 bin/docker-build-proxy


Updating protobuf dependencies

If you make Protobuf changes, run:

bin/dep ensure	

Updating Docker dependencies

The go Docker images rely on base dependency images with hard-coded SHA's: depends on

bin/update-go-deps-shas must be run when go dependencies change.

Build Architecture

Build Architecture

build_architecture digraph G { rankdir=LR;
"Dockerfile-base" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"Dockerfile-go-deps" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"Dockerfile-proxy" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"controller/Dockerfile" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"cli/Dockerfile-bin" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"grafana/Dockerfile" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"proxy-init/Dockerfile" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"proxy-init/integration_test/iptables/Dockerfile-tester" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];
"web/Dockerfile" [color=lightblue, style=filled, shape=rect];

"proxy-init/integration_test/" -> "proxy-init/integration_test/iptables/Dockerfile-tester";

"" -> "";


"linkerd" -> "docker-build-cli-bin";


"docker-build" -> "docker-build-cli-bin";
"docker-build" -> "docker-build-controller";
"docker-build" -> "docker-build-grafana";
"docker-build" -> "docker-build-proxy";
"docker-build" -> "docker-build-proxy-init";
"docker-build" -> "docker-build-web";

"docker-build-base" -> "";
"docker-build-base" -> "Dockerfile-base";

"docker-build-cli-bin" -> "";
"docker-build-cli-bin" -> "";
"docker-build-cli-bin" -> "docker-build-base";
"docker-build-cli-bin" -> "docker-build-go-deps";
"docker-build-cli-bin" -> "cli/Dockerfile-bin";

"docker-build-controller" -> "";
"docker-build-controller" -> "";
"docker-build-controller" -> "docker-build-base";
"docker-build-controller" -> "docker-build-go-deps";
"docker-build-controller" -> "controller/Dockerfile";

"docker-build-go-deps" -> "";
"docker-build-go-deps" -> "";
"docker-build-go-deps" -> "Dockerfile-go-deps";

"docker-build-grafana" -> "";
"docker-build-grafana" -> "";
"docker-build-grafana" -> "grafana/Dockerfile";

"docker-build-proxy" -> "";
"docker-build-proxy" -> "";
"docker-build-proxy" -> "Dockerfile-proxy";

"docker-build-proxy-init" -> "";
"docker-build-proxy-init" -> "";
"docker-build-proxy-init" -> "docker-build-base";
"docker-build-proxy-init" -> "docker-build-go-deps";
"docker-build-proxy-init" -> "proxy-init/Dockerfile";

"docker-build-web" -> "";
"docker-build-web" -> "";
"docker-build-web" -> "docker-build-base";
"docker-build-web" -> "docker-build-go-deps";
"docker-build-web" -> "web/Dockerfile";

"docker-images" -> "";
"docker-images" -> "";

"docker-pull" -> "";

"docker-pull-deps" -> "";
"docker-pull-deps" -> "";

"docker-push" -> "";

"docker-push-deps" -> "";
"docker-push-deps" -> "";

"docker-retag-all" -> "";

"go-run" -> ".gorun";
"go-run" -> "root-tag";



"protoc" -> ".protoc";

"" -> "protoc";

"root-tag" -> "";



".travis.yml" -> "";
".travis.yml" -> "";
".travis.yml" -> "dep";
".travis.yml" -> "docker-build";
".travis.yml" -> "docker-pull";
".travis.yml" -> "docker-pull-deps";
".travis.yml" -> "docker-push";
".travis.yml" -> "docker-push-deps";
".travis.yml" -> "docker-retag-all";
".travis.yml" -> "";

"update-go-deps-shas" -> "";
"update-go-deps-shas" -> "cli/Dockerfile-bin";
"update-go-deps-shas" -> "controller/Dockerfile";
"update-go-deps-shas" -> "proxy-init/Dockerfile";
"update-go-deps-shas" -> "web/Dockerfile";

} build_architecture