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File metadata and controls

187 lines (178 loc) · 10.5 KB



typedef struct client {
    uint64_t id;            /* Client incremental unique ID. */
    connection *conn;
    int resp;               /* RESP protocol version. Can be 2 or 3. */
    redisDb *db;            /* Pointer to currently SELECTed DB. */
    robj *name;             /* As set by CLIENT SETNAME. */
    sds querybuf;           /* Buffer we use to accumulate client queries. */
    size_t qb_pos;          /* The position we have read in querybuf. */
    size_t querybuf_peak;   /* Recent (100ms or more) peak of querybuf size. */
    int argc;               /* Num of arguments of current command. */
    robj **argv;            /* Arguments of current command. */
    int argv_len;           /* Size of argv array (may be more than argc) */
    int original_argc;      /* Num of arguments of original command if arguments were rewritten. */
    robj **original_argv;   /* Arguments of original command if arguments were rewritten. */
    size_t argv_len_sum;    /* Sum of lengths of objects in argv list. */
    struct redisCommand *cmd, *lastcmd;  /* Last command executed. */
    struct redisCommand *realcmd; /* The original command that was executed by the client,
                                     Used to update error stats in case the c->cmd was modified
                                     during the command invocation (like on GEOADD for example). */
    user *user;             /* User associated with this connection. If the
                               user is set to NULL the connection can do
                               anything (admin). */
    int reqtype;            /* Request protocol type: PROTO_REQ_* */
    int multibulklen;       /* Number of multi bulk arguments left to read. */
    long bulklen;           /* Length of bulk argument in multi bulk request. */
    list *reply;            /* List of reply objects to send to the client. */
    unsigned long long reply_bytes; /* Tot bytes of objects in reply list. */
    list *deferred_reply_errors;    /* Used for module thread safe contexts. */
    size_t sentlen;         /* Amount of bytes already sent in the current
                               buffer or object being sent. */
    time_t ctime;           /* Client creation time. */
    long duration;          /* Current command duration. Used for measuring latency of blocking/non-blocking cmds */
    int slot;               /* The slot the client is executing against. Set to -1 if no slot is being used */
    time_t lastinteraction; /* Time of the last interaction, used for timeout */
    time_t obuf_soft_limit_reached_time;
    uint64_t flags;         /* Client flags: CLIENT_* macros. */
    int authenticated;      /* Needed when the default user requires auth. */
    int replstate;          /* Replication state if this is a slave. */
    int repl_start_cmd_stream_on_ack; /* Install slave write handler on first ACK. */
    int repldbfd;           /* Replication DB file descriptor. */
    off_t repldboff;        /* Replication DB file offset. */
    off_t repldbsize;       /* Replication DB file size. */
    sds replpreamble;       /* Replication DB preamble. */
    long long read_reploff; /* Read replication offset if this is a master. */
    long long reploff;      /* Applied replication offset if this is a master. */
    long long repl_applied; /* Applied replication data count in querybuf, if this is a replica. */
    long long repl_ack_off; /* Replication ack offset, if this is a slave. */
    long long repl_ack_time;/* Replication ack time, if this is a slave. */
    long long repl_last_partial_write; /* The last time the server did a partial write from the RDB child pipe to this replica  */
    long long psync_initial_offset; /* FULLRESYNC reply offset other slaves
                                       copying this slave output buffer
                                       should use. */
    char replid[CONFIG_RUN_ID_SIZE+1]; /* Master replication ID (if master). */
    int slave_listening_port; /* As configured with: REPLCONF listening-port */
    char *slave_addr;       /* Optionally given by REPLCONF ip-address */
    int slave_capa;         /* Slave capabilities: SLAVE_CAPA_* bitwise OR. */
    int slave_req;          /* Slave requirements: SLAVE_REQ_* */
    multiState mstate;      /* MULTI/EXEC state */
    int btype;              /* Type of blocking op if CLIENT_BLOCKED. */
    blockingState bpop;     /* blocking state */
    long long woff;         /* Last write global replication offset. */
    list *watched_keys;     /* Keys WATCHED for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
    dict *pubsub_channels;  /* channels a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */
    list *pubsub_patterns;  /* patterns a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */
    dict *pubsubshard_channels;  /* shard level channels a client is interested in (SSUBSCRIBE) */
    sds peerid;             /* Cached peer ID. */
    sds sockname;           /* Cached connection target address. */
    listNode *client_list_node; /* list node in client list */
    listNode *postponed_list_node; /* list node within the postponed list */
    listNode *pending_read_list_node; /* list node in clients pending read list */
    RedisModuleUserChangedFunc auth_callback; /* Module callback to execute
                                               * when the authenticated user
                                               * changes. */
    void *auth_callback_privdata; /* Private data that is passed when the auth
                                   * changed callback is executed. Opaque for
                                   * Redis Core. */
    void *auth_module;      /* The module that owns the callback, which is used
                             * to disconnect the client if the module is
                             * unloaded for cleanup. Opaque for Redis Core.*/

    /* If this client is in tracking mode and this field is non zero,
     * invalidation messages for keys fetched by this client will be send to
     * the specified client ID. */
    uint64_t client_tracking_redirection;
    rax *client_tracking_prefixes; /* A dictionary of prefixes we are already
                                      subscribed to in BCAST mode, in the
                                      context of client side caching. */
    /* In updateClientMemUsage() we track the memory usage of
     * each client and add it to the sum of all the clients of a given type,
     * however we need to remember what was the old contribution of each
     * client, and in which category the client was, in order to remove it
     * before adding it the new value. */
    size_t last_memory_usage;
    int last_memory_type;

    listNode *mem_usage_bucket_node;
    clientMemUsageBucket *mem_usage_bucket;

    listNode *ref_repl_buf_node; /* Referenced node of replication buffer blocks,
                                  * see the definition of replBufBlock. */
    size_t ref_block_pos;        /* Access position of referenced buffer block,
                                  * i.e. the next offset to send. */

    /* Response buffer */
    size_t buf_peak; /* Peak used size of buffer in last 5 sec interval. */
    mstime_t buf_peak_last_reset_time; /* keeps the last time the buffer peak value was reset */
    int bufpos;
    size_t buf_usable_size; /* Usable size of buffer. */
    char *buf;
} client;
字段 描述
fd 文件描述符 -1表示伪客户端不需要网络通信(lua脚本)>0表示正常网络通信
flags 客户端标识,以CLIENT_开头 CLIENT_SLAVE表示客户端为slave CLIENT_MASTER表示客户端为master CLIENT_BLOCKED表示客户端正在进行阻塞操作
querybuf 输入缓冲区用于保存发送的命令


  • 数据库存储在redisDb结构中
  • struct redisServer记录了redisDb,表示当前正在使用哪个数据库
/* Redis database representation. There are multiple databases identified
 * by integers from 0 (the default database) up to the max configured
 * database. The database number is the 'id' field in the structure. */
typedef struct redisDb {
    dict *dict;                 /* The keyspace for this DB */
    dict *expires;              /* Timeout of keys with a timeout set */
    dict *blocking_keys;        /* Keys with clients waiting for data (BLPOP)*/
    dict *ready_keys;           /* Blocked keys that received a PUSH */
    dict *watched_keys;         /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
    int id;                     /* Database ID */
    long long avg_ttl;          /* Average TTL, just for stats */
    unsigned long expires_cursor; /* Cursor of the active expire cycle. */
    list *defrag_later;         /* List of key names to attempt to defrag one by one, gradually. */
    clusterSlotToKeyMapping *slots_to_keys; /* Array of slots to keys. Only used in cluster mode (db 0). */
} redisDb;
  • selectDb用于切换数据库,实际是改变指针的指向对象
int selectDb(client *c, int id) {
    if (id < 0 || id >= server.dbnum)
        return C_ERR;
    c->db = &server.db[id];
    return C_OK;
  • redis可以有多个数据库,而不同数据库之间是互不影响。数据存储在redisDb中的dict对象
void setKey(client *c, redisDb *db, robj *key, robj *val, int flags) {
    int keyfound = 0;

    if (flags & SETKEY_ALREADY_EXIST)
        keyfound = 1;
    else if (!(flags & SETKEY_DOESNT_EXIST))
        keyfound = (lookupKeyWrite(db,key) != NULL);

    if (!keyfound) {
    } else {
    if (!(flags & SETKEY_KEEPTTL)) removeExpire(db,key);
    if (!(flags & SETKEY_NO_SIGNAL)) signalModifiedKey(c,db,key);
  • 在redis中过期键保存在redisDb中expires变量里,expires是dict指针类型。Key保存的是数据库的键对象,Value保存的是数据库键对象的过期时间,长整型Unix时间。
相对方式:expire ,单位秒; pexpire ,单位毫秒
绝对方式:expireat ,单位秒; pexpireat < timestamp >,单位毫秒。其他命令都会转成pexpireat
如expire命令: setExpire(c,c->db,key,when)—->de = dictFind(db->dict,key->ptr)—->dictAddOrFind(db->expires,dictGetKey(de))

persist ,具体函数为removeExpire(c->db,c->argv[1])—->dictDelete(db->expires,key->ptr)

ttl ,秒单位;pttl ,毫秒
lookupKeyReadWithFlags—->getExpire—->ttl = expire-mstime();
  • redis中采用的是定期删除和惰性删除的键过期策略,见方法void activeExpireCycle(int type)