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dlegland edited this page Mar 3, 2016 · 5 revisions

The geom2d module of the MatGeom library allows to process geometric planar shapes such as point sets, edges, straight lines, bounding boxes, conics (circles and ellipses)... Most functions works for planar shapes, but some ones have been extended to 3D or to any dimension.


points2d              - Description of functions operating on points
midPoint              - Middle point of two points or of an edge
circumCenter          - Circumcenter of three points
isCounterClockwise    - Compute relative orientation of 3 points
polarPoint            - Create a point from polar coordinates (rho + theta)
angle2Points          - Compute horizontal angle between 2 points
angle3Points          - Compute oriented angle made by 3 points
distancePoints        - Compute distance between two points
transformPoint        - Transform a point with an affine transform
drawPoint             - Draw the point on the axis.

Point Sets

clipPoints            - Clip a set of points by a box
centroid              - Compute centroid (center of mass) of a set of points
boundingBox           - Bounding box of a set of points
angleSort             - Sort points in the plane according to their angle to origin
findClosestPoint      - Find index of closest point in an array
minDistancePoints     - Minimal distance between several points
mergeClosePoints      - Merge points that are closer than a given distance
hausdorffDistance     - Hausdorff distance between two point sets
nndist                - Nearest-neighbor distances of each point in a set


vectors2d             - Description of functions operating on plane vectors
createVector          - Create a vector from two points
vectorNorm            - Compute norm of a vector, or of a set of vectors
vectorAngle           - Angle of a vector, or between 2 vectors
normalizeVector       - Normalize a vector to have norm equal to 1
isPerpendicular       - Check orthogonality of two vectors
isParallel            - Check parallelism of two vectors
transformVector       - Transform a vector with an affine transform
rotateVector          - Rotate a vector by a given angle

Straight lines

lines2d               - Description of functions operating on planar lines
createLine            - Create a straight line from 2 points, or from other inputs
medianLine            - Create a median line between two points
cartesianLine         - Create a straight line from cartesian equation coefficients
orthogonalLine        - Create a line orthogonal to another one through a point
parallelLine          - Create a line parallel to another one.
intersectLines        - Return all intersection points of N lines in 2D
lineAngle             - Computes angle between two straight lines
linePosition          - Position of a point on a line
lineFit               - Fit a straight line to a set of points
clipLine              - Clip a line with a box
reverseLine           - Return same line but with opposite orientation
transformLine         - Transform a line with an affine transform
drawLine              - Draw a straight line clipped by the current axis

Edges (line segments between 2 points)

edges2d               - Description of functions operating on planar edges
createEdge            - Create an edge between two points, or from a line
edgeToLine            - Convert an edge to a straight line
edgeAngle             - Return angle of edge
edgeLength            - Return length of an edge
parallelEdge          - Edge parallel to another edge
centeredEdgeToEdge    - Convert a centered edge to a two-points edge
midPoint              - Middle point of two points or of an edge
edgePosition          - Return position of a point on an edge
clipEdge              - Clip an edge with a rectangular box
reverseEdge           - Intervert the source and target vertices of edge
intersectEdges        - Return all intersections between two set of edges
intersectLineEdge     - Return intersection between a line and an edge
transformEdge         - Transform an edge with an affine transform
edgeToPolyline        - Convert an edge to a polyline with a given number of segments
drawEdge              - Draw an edge given by 2 points
drawCenteredEdge      - Draw an edge centered on a point


rays2d                - Description of functions operating on planar rays
createRay             - Create a ray (half-line), from various inputs
bisector              - Return the bisector of two lines, or 3 points
clipRay               - Clip a ray with a box
drawRay               - Draw a ray on the current axis

Relations between points and lines

distancePointEdge     - Minimum distance between a point and an edge
distancePointLine     - Minimum distance between a point and a line
projPointOnLine       - Project of a point orthogonally onto a line
pointOnLine           - Create a point on a line at a given position on the line
isPointOnLine         - Test if a point belongs to a line
isPointOnEdge         - Test if a point belongs to an edge
isPointOnRay          - Test if a point belongs to a ray
isLeftOriented        - Test if a point is on the left side of a line


circles2d             - Description of functions operating on circles
createCircle          - Create a circle from 2 or 3 points
createDirectedCircle  - Create a directed circle
intersectCircles      - Intersection points of two circles
intersectLineCircle   - Intersection point(s) of a line and a circle
circleToPolygon       - Convert a circle into a series of points
circleArcToPolyline   - Convert a circle arc into a series of points
isPointInCircle       - Test if a point is located inside a given circle
isPointOnCircle       - Test if a point is located on a given circle.
enclosingCircle       - Find the minimum circle enclosing a set of points.
circumCircle          - Circumscribed circle of three points
radicalAxis           - Compute the radical axis (or radical line) of 2 circles
drawCircle            - Draw a circle on the current axis
drawCircleArc         - Draw a circle arc on the current axis

Ellipses and Parabola

ellipses2d            - Description of functions operating on ellipses
inertiaEllipse        - Inertia ellipse of a set of points
isPointInEllipse      - Check if a point is located inside a given ellipse
ellipsePerimeter      - Perimeter of an ellipse
ellipseToPolygon      - Convert an ellipse into a series of points
drawEllipse           - Draw an ellipse on the current axis
drawEllipseArc        - Draw an ellipse arc on the current axis
drawParabola          - Draw a parabola on the current axis

Geometric transforms

transforms2d          - Description of functions operating on transforms
createTranslation     - Create the 3*3 matrix of a translation
createRotation        - Create the 3*3 matrix of a rotation
createRotation90      - Matrix of a rotation for 90 degrees multiples
createScaling         - Create the 3*3 matrix of a scaling in 2 dimensions
createHomothecy       - Create the the 3x3 matrix of an homothetic transform
createBasisTransform  - Compute matrix for transforming a basis into another basis
createLineReflection  - Create the the 3x3 matrix of a line reflection
fitAffineTransform2d  - Fit an affine transform using two point sets
polynomialTransform2d - Apply a polynomial transform to a set of points
fitPolynomialTransform2d - Coefficients of polynomial transform between two point sets


angles2d              - Description of functions for manipulating angles
normalizeAngle        - Normalize an angle value within a 2*PI interval
angleAbsDiff          - Absolute difference between two angles
angleDiff             - Difference between two angles
deg2rad               - Convert angle from degrees to radians
rad2deg               - Convert angle from radians to degrees


boxes2d               - Description of functions operating on bounding boxes
intersectBoxes        - Intersection of two bounding boxes
mergeBoxes            - Merge two boxes, by computing their greatest extent
randomPointInBox      - Generate random point within a box
boxToRect             - Convert box data to rectangle data
drawBox               - Draw a box defined by coordinate extents


isPointInTriangle     - Test if a point is located inside a triangle
triangleArea          - Signed area of a triangle


rectToPolygon         - Convert a rectangle into a polygon (set of vertices)
rectToBox             - Convert rectangle data to box data
drawRect              - Draw rectangle on the current axis
orientedBox           - Minimum-width oriented bounding box of a set of points
orientedBoxToPolygon  - Convert an oriented box to a polygon (set of vertices)
drawOrientedBox       - Draw centered oriented rectangle


cubicBezierToPolyline - Compute equivalent polyline from bezier curve control
drawBezierCurve       - Draw a cubic bezier curve defined by 4 control points

Drawing functions

drawVector            - Draw vector at a given position
drawArrow             - Draw an arrow on the current axis
drawLabels            - Draw labels at specified positions
drawShape             - Draw various types of shapes (circles, polygons...)
isAxisHandle          - Check if the input corresponds to a valid axis hanfle

Other shapes

squareGrid            - Generate equally spaces points in plane.
hexagonalGrid         - Generate hexagonal grid of points in the plane.
triangleGrid          - Generate triangular grid of points in the plane.
crackPattern          - Create a (bounded) crack pattern tessellation
crackPattern2         - Create a (bounded) crack pattern tessellation
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