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atogle edited this page Mar 26, 2013 · 14 revisions


Where are we now? (Shareabouts 2.0)

  • Map interface to explore submitted locations and add your own
  • Activity ticker showing recently added points, comments, and support
  • Split architecture between the API and Client
  • Flexible data storage to future-proof Client needs
  • Flexible text and internationalization
  • Geospatial database
  • Admin interface
  • Map and location configuration
  • CSV data export
  • Configurable survey form for new points
  • Integrate custom map layers in Client
  • Store rich media on places (video, audio, images)

Where are we going?

Ideas for Shareabouts core:

  • Analytical tools (some possible examples)
    • What are the most recent places? Survey submissions?
    • What are the most supported places?
    • What is the average income of people in a place?
  • Support for non-point places
  • Add locations & comments via SMS
  • Social media integration (what are my friends doing on Shareabouts?)
  • Add geographic context to map submissions
    • Assign neighborhood names
    • Limit contributions to within boundaries
  • GIS data exports
  • Data filtering in Client (own points, recent points)
  • Client Starter Templates (create new Clients in your favorite programming language)
  • New Clients, such as Fitzgerald

Ideas for Shareabouts - Participatory Budgeting flavor:

  • Ability to browse ideas in list view with filter by category and eligibility
  • Filter on map by category
  • SMS integration
  • Merge two locations (in case of duplicates)
  • Track an idea

Ideas for Shareabouts Recovery Mapping flavor

Sharebouts Recovery Mapping flavor will assist in gathering citizen reports after a major storm. Residents will be able to submit reports using desktop and mobile web interfaces. Administrators will have access to reports and other management views.

Existing features that are useful for Recovery Mapping:

  • Desktop browser view of issues, mobile web-optimised view of the map.
  • Functionality for users to add issues.
  • Functionality for users to comment on existing issues.

Additional features:

  • Map management tools to support activation a map and close it down when no longer needed.
  • Content management tools to monitor, review, moderate and export submitted locations as needed.
  • Complex data filtering
  • Customized information displays for different users, including analysis staff and management
  • Custom ‘watch areas’ on maps
  • Velocity indicators to show trending issues as they are reported
  • Integration with Open311 - citizens can directly submit their issue as a 311 request simply by adding it to the map
  • User-verification tools -- submitting reports does not need to be the end of citizen involvement in storm or recovery mapping. Process tools can engage citizens in verifying reports and providing additional details as needed. The rewards of participation can be accentuated, to encourage repeat involvement from reliable data checkers.

Ideas for Shareabouts Local Change Organizing flavor

  • watch areas
  • moderator view of a block/neighborhood
  • reputation-weighted voting
  • personal profiles -- my ideas, my friends, ideas I commented on
  • user-centric view
  • filters for types of issues

Other flavor ideas

  • Complete a survey about predefined places
  • Open311 ticket inputs
  • Election poll monitoring
  • Travel surveys (origin and destination)
  • Transit Options Map (comment on these three options for this route)
  • Shareabouts Flask Client starter kit.


  • Client - a user facing web or mobile front end that relies on the Shareabouts API for data storage.
  • API - an API for storing data about places
  • API Admin - the web admin interface for managing the data in the user’s API account