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John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Rudolf J rudolfjs
Data Laboratory Lead | HDR @ The University of Queensland | Data and Machine Learning Engineer
jQuery || React || React Native || Vue JS || Front end Web App Developer Pakistan

Benjamin Vial benvial
I am a Research Associate interested in wave physics, metamaterials and numerical methods.

@imperial London

Robin Linacre RobinL
Data scientist/engineer for UK Government. Lead developer of Splink

@moj-analytical-services London

Jenny Wong jnywong
🥫 Open Source 📖 Technical Content Developer @2i2c-org

@2i2c-org United Kingdom

JaerongA JaerongA
Data Scientist & Engineer | computational neuroscience

UT Health Houston

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Bri BriannaLind
Stoked about Open Science, Global Change Ecology, Remote Sensing, Savannas, Termite Mounds
Omoleye Julius geek0ps
Software Engineer💥 | Cloud Enthusiast | Devops Engineer ❤️ | Self Driven | Christian 💫

@TramangoDevteam @Opspoint-dev Lagos, Nigeria

Alice✿ itsalicelee

Berkeley, CA

Lucy Jiménez LucyJimenez

Women in Bioinformatics and Data Science LA Germany

Manisha Sinha mannazsci

past work: @manisha-sinha-appasamy

Ariel Silvio Norberto RAMOS asnramos
Programmer, Developer, Teach Technology, Organizer, Logistic.-

JupyterLATAM, PythonNorte, SciPyLatam/Argentina, Python_Cientifico.- Ciudad de Salta, Argentina

Raphael Hagen norlandrhagen
Data Engineer

@carbonplan Seattle

Negin Sobhani negin513
Scientific Software Developer👩🏻‍💻 and Geospatial Data Scientist 🌎. HPC, Cloud, Geospatial ML Workflows. Background in weather and air quality modeling

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder, CO

Max Jones maxrjones
Cloud engineer | Background in oceanography and volcanology | Maintaining @GenericMappingTools and building xarray extensions

@developmentseed Durham, NC

Angelo Varlotta varlottaang
Biologist. Interested in Applied ML, Sustainability, and Responsible AI. Volunteer @ClimateMatchAcademy


James Colliander colliand

@2i2c-org @crowdmark @pimsmath @callysto @bcdataca @UBCMath Vancouver, BC

Luna L. Sanchez Reyes LunaSare
Nature. Computers. Life. Doing open science with @phylotastic and @OpenTreeOfLife

University of California, Merced Merced, CA, USA

Ricardo Duplos ricardoduplos
Human interface + front-end designer working at @developmentseed. He/him. 🏳️‍🌈

Development Seed Lisbon, Portugal

Bryan Hermsen bhermse
Developer and IT administrator at @citizensclimateeducation

Citizens' Climate Education Lincoln, Nebraska

Chris Townsend ctownsen357
Senior Manager / Sr. Dev: Distributed computing (cloud and on-prem), large databases, performance tuning, web based APIs and applications, Docker

RTI, International RTP, NC

Alejandro © acocac
Open Science, Geospatial & AI learner | Space, Geography & Earth Systems | Big passion for disruptive technologies with social impact

The Alan Turing Institute London

Erik Sundell consideRatio
Climate change mitigation efforts need nuclear alongside other low carbon sources.

Sundell Open Source Consulting AB Sweden

Lars Buntemeyer larsbuntemeyer

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Hamburg