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Releases: tidyverse/ggplot2

ggplot2 3.3.3

04 Jan 08:27
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This is a small patch release mainly intended to address changes in R and CRAN.
It further changes the licensing model of ggplot2 to an MIT license.

  • Update the ggplot2 licence to an MIT license (#4231, #4232, #4233, and #4281)
  • Use vdiffr conditionally so ggplot2 can be tested on systems without vdiffr
  • Update tests to work with the new all.equal() defaults in R >4.0.3

ggplot2 3.3.2

19 Jun 13:21
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This is a small release focusing on fixing regressions introduced in 3.3.1.

  • Added an outside option to annotation_logticks() that places tick marks
    outside of the plot bounds. (#3783, @kbodwin)

  • annotation_raster() adds support for native rasters. For large rasters,
    native rasters render significantly faster than arrays (@kent37, #3388)

  • Facet strips now have dedicated position-dependent theme elements
    (, strip.text.x.bottom, strip.text.y.left,
    strip.text.y.right) that inherit from strip.text.x and strip.text.y,
    respectively. As a consequence, some theme stylings now need to be applied to
    the position-dependent elements rather than to the parent elements. This
    change was already introduced in ggplot2 3.3.0 but not listed in the
    changelog. (@thomasp85, #3683)

  • Facets now handle layers containing no data (@yutannihilation, #3853).

  • A newly added geom geom_density_2d_filled() and associated stat
    stat_density_2d_filled() can draw filled density contours
    (@clauswilke, #3846).

  • A newly added geom_function() is now recommended to use in conjunction
    with/instead of stat_function(). In addition, stat_function() now
    works with transformed y axes, e.g. scale_y_log10(), and in plots
    containing no other data or layers (@clauswilke, #3611, #3905, #3983).

  • Fixed a bug in geom_sf() that caused problems with legend-type
    autodetection (@clauswilke, #3963).

  • Support graphics devices that use the file argument instead of fileneame
    in ggsave() (@bwiernik, #3810)

  • Default discrete color scales are now configurable through the options() of
    ggplot2.discrete.colour and ggplot2.discrete.fill. When set to a character
    vector of colour codes (or list of character vectors) with sufficient length,
    these colours are used for the default scale. See help(scale_colour_discrete)
    for more details and examples (@cpsievert, #3833).

  • Default continuous colour scales (i.e., the options()
    ggplot2.continuous.colour and ggplot2.continuous.fill, which inform the
    type argument of scale_fill_continuous() and scale_colour_continuous())
    now accept a function, which allows more control over these default
    continuous_scale()s (@cpsievert, #3827).

  • A bug was fixed in stat_contour() when calculating breaks based on
    the bins argument (@clauswilke, #3879, #4004).

  • Data columns can now contain Vector S4 objects, which are widely used in the
    Bioconductor project. (@teunbrand, #3837)

ggplot2 3.3.1

06 Jun 09:53
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This is a small release with no code change. It removes all malicious links to a
site that got hijacked from the readme and pkgdown site.

ggplot2 3.3.0

05 Mar 19:46
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This is a minor release but does contain a range of substantial new features,
along with the standard bug fixes. The release contains a few visual breaking
changes, along with breaking changes for extension developers due to a shift in
internal representation of the position scales and their axes. No user breaking
changes are included.

This release also adds Dewey Dunnington (@paleolimbot) to the core team.

Breaking changes

There are no user-facing breaking changes, but a change in some internal
representations that extension developers may have relied on, along with a few
breaking visual changes which may cause visual tests in downstream packages to

  • The panel_params field in the Layout now contains a list of list of
    ViewScale objects, describing the trained coordinate system scales, instead
    of the list object used before. Any extensions that use this field will likely
    break, as will unit tests that checks aspects of this.

  • element_text() now issues a warning when vectorized arguments are provided,
    as in colour = c("red", "green", "blue"). Such use is discouraged and not
    officially supported (@clauswilke, #3492).

  • Changed theme_grey() setting for legend key so that it creates no border
    (NA) rather than drawing a white one. (@annennenne, #3180)

  • geom_ribbon() now draws separate lines for the upper and lower intervals if
    colour is mapped. Similarly, geom_area() and geom_density() now draw
    the upper lines only in the same case by default. If you want old-style full
    stroking, use outline.type = "full" (@yutannihilation, #3503 / @thomasp85, #3708).

New features

  • The evaluation time of aesthetics can now be controlled to a finer degree.
    after_stat() supersedes the use of stat() and ..var..-notation, and is
    joined by after_scale() to allow for mapping to scaled aesthetic values.
    Remapping of the same aesthetic is now supported with stage(), so you can
    map a data variable to a stat aesthetic, and remap the same aesthetic to
    something else after statistical transformation (@thomasp85, #3534)

  • All coord_*() functions with xlim and ylim arguments now accept
    vectors with NA as a placeholder for the minimum or maximum value
    (e.g., ylim = c(0, NA) would zoom the y-axis from 0 to the
    maximum value observed in the data). This mimics the behaviour
    of the limits argument in continuous scale functions
    (@paleolimbot, #2907).

  • Allowed reversing of discrete scales by re-writing get_limits()
    (@AnneLyng, #3115)

  • All geoms and stats that had a direction (i.e. where the x and y axes had
    different interpretation), can now freely choose their direction, instead of
    relying on coord_flip(). The direction is deduced from the aesthetic
    mapping, but can also be specified directly with the new orientation
    argument (@thomasp85, #3506).

  • Position guides can now be customized using the new guide_axis(), which can
    be passed to position scale_*() functions or via guides(). The new axis
    guide (guide_axis()) comes with arguments check.overlap (automatic removal
    of overlapping labels), angle (easy rotation of axis labels), and (dodge labels into multiple rows/columns) (@paleolimbot, #3322).

  • A new scale type has been added, that allows binning of aesthetics at the
    scale level. It has versions for both position and non-position aesthetics and
    comes with two new guides (guide_bins and guide_coloursteps)
    (@thomasp85, #3096)

  • scale_x_continuous() and scale_y_continuous() gains an n.breaks argument
    guiding the number of automatic generated breaks (@thomasp85, #3102)

  • Added stat_contour_filled() and geom_contour_filled(), which compute
    and draw filled contours of gridded data (@paleolimbot, #3044).
    geom_contour() and stat_contour() now use the isoband package
    to compute contour lines. The complete parameter (which was undocumented
    and has been unused for at least four years) was removed (@paleolimbot, #3044).

  • Themes have gained two new parameters, plot.title.position and
    plot.caption.position, that can be used to customize how plot
    title/subtitle and plot caption are positioned relative to the overall plot
    (@clauswilke, #3252).


  • Geom now gains a setup_params() method in line with the other ggproto
    classes (@thomasp85, #3509)

  • The newly added function register_theme_elements() now allows developers
    of extension packages to define their own new theme elements and place them
    into the ggplot2 element tree (@clauswilke, #2540).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • coord_trans() now draws second axes and accepts xlim, ylim,
    and expand arguments to bring it up to feature parity with
    coord_cartesian(). The xtrans and ytrans arguments that were
    deprecated in version 1.0.1 in favour of x and y
    were removed (@paleolimbot, #2990).

  • coord_trans() now calculates breaks using the expanded range
    (previously these were calculated using the unexpanded range,
    which resulted in differences between plots made with coord_trans()
    and those made with coord_cartesian()). The expansion for discrete axes
    in coord_trans() was also updated such that it behaves identically
    to that in coord_cartesian() (@paleolimbot, #3338).

  • expand_scale() was deprecated in favour of expansion() for setting
    the expand argument of x and y scales (@paleolimbot).

  • geom_abline(), geom_hline(), and geom_vline() now issue
    more informative warnings when supplied with set aesthetics
    (i.e., slope, intercept, yintercept, and/or xintercept)
    and mapped aesthetics (i.e., data and/or mapping).

  • Fix a bug in geom_raster() that squeezed the image when it went outside
    scale limits (#3539, @thomasp85)

  • geom_sf() now determines the legend type automatically (@microly, #3646).

  • geom_sf() now removes rows that can't be plotted due to NA aesthetics
    (#3546, @thomasp85)

  • geom_sf() now applies alpha to linestring geometries
    (#3589, @yutannihilation).

  • gg_dep() was deprecated (@perezp44, #3382).

  • Added function for lists created with by(), allowing such
    lists to be added to ggplot objects (#2734, @Maschette)

  • ggplot2 no longer depends on reshape2, which means that it no longer
    (recursively) needs plyr, stringr, or stringi packages.

  • Increase the default nbin of guide_colourbar() to place the ticks more
    precisely (#3508, @yutannihilation).

  • manual_scale() now matches values with the order of breaks whenever
    values is an unnamed vector. Previously, unnamed values would match with
    the limits of the scale and ignore the order of any breaks provided. Note
    that this may change the appearance of plots that previously relied on the
    unordered behaviour (#2429, @idno0001).

  • scale_manual_*(limits = ...) now actually limits the scale (#3262,

  • Fix a bug when show.legend is a named logical vector
    (#3461, @yutannihilation).

  • Added weight aesthetic option to stat_density() and made scaling of
    weights the default (@annennenne, #2902)

  • stat_density2d() can now take an adjust parameter to scale the default
    bandwidth. (#2860, @haleyjeppson)

  • stat_smooth() uses REML by default, if method = "gam" and
    gam's method is not specified (@ikosmidis, #2630).

  • stacking text when calculating the labels and the y axis with
    stat_summary() now works (@ikosmidis, #2709)

  • stat_summary() and related functions now support rlang-style lambda functions
    (#3568, @dkahle).

  • The data mask pronoun, .data, is now stripped from default labels.

  • Addition of partial themes to plots has been made more predictable;
    stepwise addition of individual partial themes is now equivalent to
    addition of multple theme elements at once (@clauswilke, #3039).

  • Facets now don't fail even when some variable in the spec are not available
    in all layers (@yutannihilation, #2963).

ggplot2 3.2.1

12 Aug 08:10
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This is a patch release fixing a few regressions introduced in 3.2.0 as well as
fixing some unit tests that broke due to upstream changes.

  • position_stack() no longer changes the order of the input data. Changes to
    the internal behaviour of geom_ribbon() made this reordering problematic
    with ribbons that spanned y = 0 (#3471)
  • Using qplot() with a single positional aesthetic will no longer title the
    non-specified scale as "NULL" (#3473)
  • Fixes unit tests for sf graticule labels caused by chages to sf

ggplot2 3.2.0

17 Jun 18:45
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This is a minor release with an emphasis on internal changes to make ggplot2
faster and more consistent. The few interface changes will only affect the
aesthetics of the plot in minor ways, and will only potentially break code of
extension developers if they have relied on internals that have been changed.
This release also sees the addition of Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation) to the
core developer team.

With the release of R 3.6, ggplot2 now requires the R version to be at least 3.2,
as the tidyverse is committed to support 5 major versions of R.

Breaking changes

  • Two patches (#2996 and #3050) fixed minor rendering problems. In most cases,
    the visual changes are so subtle that they are difficult to see with the naked
    eye. However, these changes are detected by the vdiffr package, and therefore
    any package developers who use vdiffr to test for visual correctness of ggplot2
    plots will have to regenerate all reference images.

  • In some cases, ggplot2 now produces a warning or an error for code that previously
    produced plot output. In all these cases, the previous plot output was accidental,
    and the plotting code uses the ggplot2 API in a way that would lead to undefined
    behavior. Examples include a missing group aesthetic in geom_boxplot() (#3316),
    annotations across multiple facets (#3305), and not using aesthetic mappings when
    drawing ribbons with geom_ribbon() (#3318).

New features

  • This release includes a range of internal changes that speeds up plot
    generation. None of the changes are user facing and will not break any code,
    but in general ggplot2 should feel much faster. The changes includes, but are
    not limited to:

    • Caching ascent and descent dimensions of text to avoid recalculating it for
      every title.

    • Using a faster data.frame constructor as well as faster indexing into

    • Removing the plyr dependency, replacing plyr functions with faster

  • geom_polygon() can now draw polygons with holes using the new subgroup
    aesthetic. This functionality requires R 3.6.0 (@thomasp85, #3128)

  • Aesthetic mappings now accept functions that return NULL (@yutannihilation,

  • stat_function() now accepts rlang/purrr style anonymous functions for the
    fun parameter (@dkahle, #3159).

  • geom_rug() gains an "outside" option to allow for moving the rug tassels to
    outside the plot area (@njtierney, #3085) and a length option to allow for
    changing the length of the rug lines (@daniel-wells, #3109).

  • All geoms now take a key_glyph paramter that allows users to customize
    how legend keys are drawn (@clauswilke, #3145). In addition, a new key glyph
    timeseries is provided to draw nice legends for time series
    (@mitchelloharawild, #3145).


  • Layers now have a new member function setup_layer() which is called at the
    very beginning of the plot building process and which has access to the
    original input data and the plot object being built. This function allows the
    creation of custom layers that autogenerate aesthetic mappings based on the
    input data or that filter the input data in some form. For the time being, this
    feature is not exported, but it has enabled the development of a new layer type,
    layer_sf() (see next item). Other special-purpose layer types may be added
    in the future (@clauswilke, #2872).

  • A new layer type layer_sf() can auto-detect and auto-map sf geometry
    columns in the data. It should be used by extension developers who are writing
    new sf-based geoms or stats (@clauswilke, #3232).

  • x0 and y0 are now recognized positional aesthetics so they will get scaled
    if used in extension geoms and stats (@thomasp85, #3168)

  • Continuous scale limits now accept functions which accept the default
    limits and return adjusted limits. This makes it possible to write
    a function that e.g. ensures the limits are always a multiple of 100,
    regardless of the data (@econandrew, #2307).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • cut_width() now accepts ... to pass further arguments to base::cut.default()
    like cut_number() and cut_interval() already did (@cderv, #3055)

  • coord_map() now can have axes on the top and right (@karawoo, #3042).

  • coord_polar() now correctly rescales the secondary axis (@linzi-sg, #3278)

  • coord_sf(), coord_map(), and coord_polar() now squash -Inf and Inf
    into the min and max of the plot (@yutannihilation, #2972).

  • coord_sf() graticule lines are now drawn in the same thickness as panel grid
    lines in coord_cartesian(), and seting panel grid lines to element_blank()
    now also works in coord_sf()
    (@clauswilke, #2991, #2525).

  • economics data has been regenerated. This leads to some changes in the
    values of all columns (especially in psavert), but more importantly, strips
    the grouping attributes from economics_long.

  • element_line() now fills closed arrows (@yutannihilation, #2924).

  • Facet strips on the left side of plots now have clipping turned on, preventing
    text from running out of the strip and borders from looking thicker than for
    other strips (@karawoo, #2772 and #3061).

  • ggplot2 now works in Turkish locale (@yutannihilation, #3011).

  • Clearer error messages for inappropriate aesthetics (@clairemcwhite, #3060).

  • ggplot2 no longer attaches any external packages when using functions that
    depend on packages that are suggested but not imported by ggplot2. The
    affected functions include geom_hex(), stat_binhex(),
    stat_summary_hex(), geom_quantile(), stat_quantile(), and map_data()
    (@clauswilke, #3126).

  • geom_area() and geom_ribbon() now sort the data along the x-axis in the
    setup_data() method rather than as part of draw_group() (@thomasp85,

  • geom_hline(), geom_vline(), and geom_abline() now throw a warning if the
    user supplies both an xintercept, yintercept, or slope value and a
    mapping (@RichardJActon, #2950).

  • geom_rug() now works with coord_flip() (@has2k1, #2987).

  • geom_violin() no longer throws an error when quantile lines fall outside
    the violin polygon (@thomasp85, #3254).

  • guide_legend() and guide_colorbar() now use appropriate spacing between legend
    key glyphs and legend text even if the legend title is missing (@clauswilke, #2943).

  • Default labels are now generated more consistently; e.g., symbols no longer
    get backticks, and long expressions are abbreviated with ...
    (@yutannihilation, #2981).

  • All-Inf layers are now ignored for picking the scale (@yutannihilation,

  • Diverging Brewer colour palette now use the correct mid-point colour
    (@dariyasydykova, #3072).

  • scale_color_continuous() now points to scale_colour_continuous() so that
    it will handle type = "viridis" as the documentation states (@hlendway,

  • scale_shape_identity() now works correctly with guide = "legend"
    (@malcolmbarrett, #3029)

  • scale_continuous will now draw axis line even if the length of breaks is 0
    (@thomasp85, #3257)

  • stat_bin() will now error when the number of bins exceeds 1e6 to avoid
    accidentally freezing the user session (@thomasp85).

  • sec_axis() now places ticks accurately when using nonlinear transformations (@dpseidel, #2978).

  • facet_wrap() and facet_grid() now automatically remove NULL from facet
    specs, and accept empty specs (@yutannihilation, #3070, #2986).

  • stat_bin() now handles data with only one unique value (@yutannihilation

  • sec_axis() now accepts functions as well as formulas (@yutannihilation, #3031).

  • New theme elements allowing different ticks lengths for each axis. For instance,
    this can be used to have inwards ticks on the x-axis (axis.ticks.length.x) and
    outwards ticks on the y-axis (axis.ticks.length.y) (@pank, #2935).

  • The arguments of Stat*$compute_layer() and Position*$compute_layer() are
    now renamed to always match the ones of Stat$compute_layer() and
    Position$compute_layer() (@yutannihilation, #3202).

  • geom_*() and stat_*() now accepts purrr-style lambda notation
    (@yutannihilation, #3138).

  • geom_tile() and geom_rect() now draw rectangles without notches at the
    corners. The style of the corner can be controlled by linejoin parameters
    (@yutannihilation, #3050).

ggplot2 3.1.1

11 Apr 18:10
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This is a minor release with internal code changes to support the coming changes in the grid unit specification. This release includes no new features and no breaking changes

ggplot 3.1.0

25 Oct 14:50
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ggplot2 3.1.0

Breaking changes

This is a minor release and breaking changes have been kept to a minimum. End users of ggplot2 are unlikely to encounter any issues. However, there are a few items that developers of ggplot2 extensions should be aware of. For additional details, see also the discussion accompanying issue #2890.

  • In non-user-facing internal code (specifically in the aes() function and in
    the aesthetics argument of scale functions), ggplot2 now always uses the British
    spelling for aesthetics containing the word "colour". When users specify a "color"
    aesthetic it is automatically renamed to "colour". This renaming is also applied
    to non-standard aesthetics that contain the word "color". For example, "point_color"
    is renamed to "point_colour". This convention makes it easier to support both
    British and American spelling for novel, non-standard aesthetics, but it may require
    some adjustment for packages that have previously introduced non-standard color
    aesthetics using American spelling. A new function standardise_aes_names() is
    provided in case extension writers need to perform this renaming in their own code
    (@clauswilke, #2649).

  • Functions that generate other functions (closures) now force the arguments that are
    used from the generated functions, to avoid hard-to-catch errors. This may affect
    some users of manual scales (such as scale_colour_manual(), scale_fill_manual(),
    etc.) who depend on incorrect behavior (@krlmlr, #2807).

  • Coord objects now have a function backtransform_range() that returns the
    panel range in data coordinates. This change may affect developers of custom coords,
    who now should implement this function. It may also affect developers of custom
    geoms that use the range() function. In some applications, backtransform_range()
    may be more appropriate (@clauswilke, #2821).

New features

  • coord_sf() has much improved customization of axis tick labels. Labels can now
    be set manually, and there are two new parameters, label_graticule and
    label_axes, that can be used to specify which graticules to label on which side
    of the plot (@clauswilke, #2846, #2857, #2881).

  • Two new geoms geom_sf_label() and geom_sf_text() can draw labels and text
    on sf objects. Under the hood, a new stat_sf_coordinates() calculates the
    x and y coordinates from the coordinates of the sf geometries. You can customize
    the calculation method via fun.geometry argument (@yutannihilation, #2761).

Minor improvements and fixes

  • benchplot() now uses tidy evaluation (@dpseidel, #2699).

  • The error message in compute_aesthetics() now only provides the names of
    aesthetics with mismatched lengths, rather than all aesthetics (@karawoo,

  • For faceted plots, data is no longer internally reordered. This makes it
    safer to feed data columns into aes() or into parameters of geoms or
    stats. However, doing so remains discouraged (@clauswilke, #2694).

  • coord_sf() now also understands the clip argument, just like the other
    coords (@clauswilke, #2938).

  • fortify() now displays a more informative error message for
    grouped_df() objects when dplyr is not installed (@jimhester, #2822).

  • All geom_*() now display an informative error message when required
    aesthetics are missing (@dpseidel, #2637 and #2706).

  • geom_boxplot() now understands the width parameter even when used with
    a non-standard stat, such as stat_identity() (@clauswilke, #2893).

  • geom_hex() now understands the size and linetype aesthetics
    (@mikmart, #2488).

  • geom_hline(), geom_vline(), and geom_abline() now work properly
    with coord_trans() (@clauswilke, #2149, #2812).

  • geom_text(..., parse = TRUE) now correctly renders the expected number of
    items instead of silently dropping items that are empty expressions, e.g.
    the empty string "". If an expression spans multiple lines, we take just
    the first line and drop the rest. This same issue is also fixed for
    geom_label() and the axis labels for geom_sf() (@slowkow, #2867).

  • geom_sf() now respects lineend, linejoin, and linemitre parameters
    for lines and polygons (@alistaire47, #2826).

  • ggsave() now exits without creating a new graphics device if previously
    none was open (@clauswilke, #2363).

  • labs() now has named arguments title, subtitle, caption, and tag.
    Also, labs() now accepts tidyeval (@yutannihilation, #2669).

  • position_nudge() is now more robust and nudges only in the direction
    requested. This enables, for example, the horizontal nudging of boxplots
    (@clauswilke, #2733).

  • sec_axis() and dup_axis() now return appropriate breaks for the secondary
    axis when applied to log transformed scales (@dpseidel, #2729).

  • sec_axis() now works as expected when used in combination with tidy eval
    (@dpseidel, #2788).

  • scale_*_date(), scale_*_time() and scale_*_datetime() can now display
    a secondary axis that is a one-to-one transformation of the primary axis,
    implemented using the sec.axis argument to the scale constructor
    (@dpseidel, #2244).

  • stat_contour(), stat_density2d(), stat_bin2d(), stat_binhex()
    now calculate normalized statistics including nlevel, ndensity, and
    ncount. Also, stat_density() now includes the calculated statistic
    nlevel, an alias for scaled, to better match the syntax of stat_bin()
    (@bjreisman, #2679).

ggplot2 3.0.0

04 Jul 14:09
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Breaking changes

  • ggplot2 now supports/uses tidy evaluation (as described below). This is a
    major change and breaks a number of packages; we made this breaking change
    because it is important to make ggplot2 more programmable, and to be more
    consistent with the rest of the tidyverse. The best general (and detailed)
    introduction to tidy evaluation can be found in the meta programming
    chapters in Advanced R.

    The primary developer facing change is that aes() now contains
    quosures (expression + environment pairs) rather than symbols, and you'll
    need to take a different approach to extracting the information you need.
    A common symptom of this change are errors "undefined columns selected" or
    "invalid 'type' (list) of argument" (#2610). As in the previous version,
    constants (like aes(x = 1) or aes(colour = "smoothed")) are stored
    as is.

    In this version of ggplot2, if you need to describe a mapping in a string,
    use quo_name() (to generate single-line strings; longer expressions may
    be abbreviated) or quo_text() (to generate non-abbreviated strings that
    may span multiple lines). If you do need to extract the value of a variable
    instead use rlang::eval_tidy(). You may want to condition on
    (packageVersion("ggplot2") <= "2.2.1") so that your code can work with
    both released and development versions of ggplot2.

    We recognise that this is a big change and if you're not already familiar
    with rlang, there's a lot to learn. If you are stuck, or need any help,
    please reach out on

  • Error: Column y must be a 1d atomic vector or a list

    Internally, ggplot2 now uses to
    convert a list into a data frame. This improves ggplot2's support for
    list-columns (needed for sf support), at a small cost: you can no longer
    use matrix-columns. Note that unlike tibble we still allow column vectors
    such as returned by base::scale() because of their widespread use.

  • Error: More than one expression parsed

    Previously aes_string(x = c("a", "b", "c")) silently returned
    aes(x = a). Now this is a clear error.

  • Error: data must be uniquely named but has duplicate columns

    If layer data contains columns with identical names an error will be
    thrown. In earlier versions the first occuring column was chosen silently,
    potentially masking that the wrong data was chosen.

  • Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data

    Layers are stricter about the columns they will combine into a single
    data frame. Each aesthetic now must be either the same length as the data
    frame or a single value. This makes silent recycling errors much less likely.

  • Error: coord_* doesn't support free scales

    Free scales only work with selected coordinate systems; previously you'd
    get an incorrect plot.

  • Error in f(...) : unused argument (range = c(0, 1))

    This is because the oob argument to scale has been set to a function
    that only takes a single argument; it needs to take two arguments
    (x, and range).

  • Error: unused argument (output)

    The function guide_train() now has an optional parameter aesthetic
    that allows you to override the aesthetic setting in the scale.
    To make your code work with the both released and development versions of
    ggplot2 appropriate, add aesthetic = NULL to the guide_train() method

    # old
    guide_train.legend <- function(guide, scale) {...}
    # new 
    guide_train.legend <- function(guide, scale, aesthetic = NULL) {...}

    Then, inside the function, replace scale$aesthetics[1],
    aesthetic %||% scale$aesthetics[1]. (The %||% operator is defined in the
    rlang package).

    # old
    setNames(list(scale$map(breaks)), scale$aesthetics[1])
    # new
    setNames(list(scale$map(breaks)), aesthetic %||% scale$aesthetics[1])
  • The long-deprecated subset argument to layer() has been removed.

Tidy evaluation

  • aes() now supports quasiquotation so that you can use !!, !!!,
    and :=. This replaces aes_() and aes_string() which are now
    soft-deprecated (but will remain around for a long time).

  • facet_wrap() and facet_grid() now support vars() inputs. Like
    dplyr::vars(), this helper quotes its inputs and supports
    quasiquotation. For instance, you can now supply faceting variables
    like this: facet_wrap(vars(am, cyl)) instead of
    facet_wrap(~am + cyl). Note that the formula interface is not going
    away and will not be deprecated. vars() is simply meant to make it
    easier to create functions around facet_wrap() and facet_grid().

    The first two arguments of facet_grid() become rows and cols
    and now support vars() inputs. Note however that we took special
    care to ensure complete backward compatibility. With this change
    facet_grid(vars(cyl), vars(am, vs)) is equivalent to
    facet_grid(cyl ~ am + vs), and facet_grid(cols = vars(am, vs)) is
    equivalent to facet_grid(. ~ am + vs).

    One nice aspect of the new interface is that you can now easily
    supply names: facet_grid(vars(Cylinder = cyl), labeller = label_both) will give nice label titles to the facets. Of course,
    those names can be unquoted with the usual tidy eval syntax.


  • ggplot2 now has full support for sf with geom_sf() and coord_sf():

    nc <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)
    ggplot(nc) +
      geom_sf(aes(fill = AREA))

    It supports all simple features, automatically aligns CRS across layers, sets
    up the correct aspect ratio, and draws a graticule.

New features

  • ggplot2 now works on R 3.1 onwards, and uses the
    vdiffr package for visual testing.

  • In most cases, accidentally using %>% instead of + will generate an
    informative error (#2400).

  • New syntax for calculated aesthetics. Instead of using aes(y = ..count..)
    you can (and should!) use aes(y = stat(count)). stat() is a real function
    with documentation which hopefully will make this part of ggplot2 less
    confusing (#2059).

    stat() is particularly nice for more complex calculations because you
    only need to specify it once: aes(y = stat(count / max(count))),
    rather than aes(y = ..count.. / max(..count..))

  • New tag label for adding identification tags to plots, typically used for
    labelling a subplot with a letter. Add a tag with labs(tag = "A"), style it
    with the plot.tag theme element, and control position with the
    plot.tag.position theme setting (@thomasp85).

Layers: geoms, stats, and position adjustments

  • geom_segment() and geom_curve() have a new arrow.fill parameter which
    allows you to specify a separate fill colour for closed arrowheads
    (@hrbrmstr and @clauswilke, #2375).

  • geom_point() and friends can now take shapes as strings instead of integers,
    e.g. geom_point(shape = "diamond") (@daniel-barnett, #2075).

  • position_dodge() gains a preserve argument that allows you to control
    whether the total width at each x value is preserved (the current
    default), or ensure that the width of a single element is preserved
    (what many people want) (#1935).

  • New position_dodge2() provides enhanced dodging for boxplots. Compared to
    position_dodge(), position_dodge2() compares xmin and xmax values
    to determine which elements overlap, and spreads overlapping elements evenly
    within the region of overlap. position_dodge2() is now the default position
    adjustment for geom_boxplot(), because it handles varwidth = TRUE, and
    will be considered for other geoms in the future.

    The padding parameter adds a small amount of padding between elements
    (@karawoo, #2143) and a reverse parameter allows you to reverse the order
    of placement (@karawoo, #2171).

  • New stat_qq_line() makes it easy to add a simple line to a Q-Q plot, which
    makes it easier to judge the fit of the theoretical distribution

Scales and guides

  • Improved support for mapping date/time variables to alpha, size, colour,
    and fill aesthetics, including date_breaks and date_labels arguments
    (@karawoo, #1526), and new scale_alpha() variants (@karawoo, #1526).

  • Improved support for ordered factors. Ordered factors throw a warning when
    mapped to shape (unordered factors do not), and do not throw warnings when
    mapped to size or alpha (unordered factors do). Viridis is used as the
    default colour and fill scale for ordered factors (@karawoo, #1526).

  • The expand argument of scale_*_continuous() and scale_*_discrete()
    now accepts separate expansion values for the lower and upper range
    limits. The expansion limits can be specified using the convenience
    function expand_scale().

    Separate expansion limits may be useful for bar charts, e.g. if one
    wants the bottom of the bars to be flush with the x axis but still
    leave some (automatically calculated amount of) space above them:

    ggplot(mtcars) +
        geom_bar(aes(x = factor(cyl))) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expand_scale(mult = c(0, .1)))

    It can also be useful for line charts, e.g. for counts over time,
    where one wants to have a ’hard’ lower limit of y = 0 but leave the
    upper limit unspecified (and perhaps differing between panels), with
    some extra space above the highest point on the line (with symmetrical
    limits, ...

Read more

ggplot2 2.2.1

30 Dec 21:52
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fix usage of structure(NULL) for R-devel compatibility (#1968).