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Privacy Statement


Person responsible for data processing

This data protection notice applies to data processing by Sebastian Pekarek, Lindenstr. 75 B, 10969 Berlin (hereinafter referred to as operator).

Data processing

In principle, no data processing of personal data takes place by the operator.


For statistical reasons, non-personal data are reported to the operator at regular intervals. These data are:

  • Instance ID (random, unique ID of the instance)
  • Versions of installed ubud components (e.g. server or web client)
  • node.js version
  • npm version
  • Processor type
  • Operating system type
  • Number of users on the instance
  • Number of documents on the instance
  • installed plugins
    • Name of the npm module
    • version
    • Number of accounts created (if account plug-in)
    • Number of destinations created (if Goal plugin)

When using the plugin search, the input plain text is transmitted to the operator in order to be able to deliver corresponding results.

The operator's server is hosted by Contabo GmbH, Aschauer Straße 32a, 81549 Munich, Germany. A corresponding agreement on order processing was concluded with Contabo. Each access to this server generates an entry in the so-called access log. The public IP address is made anonymous, so that access cannot subsequently be assigned to a specific person. The data processing takes place on the legal basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. f. The legitimate interest of the operator is the evaluation, in particular to track the number of users and the distribution of the software.


The exception to the above principle is the use of Sentry. This software is used to detect previously unknown errors in the software components. The collection and storage of personal data takes place on the operator's server within the EU on the basis of the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (1) (b) and (f). The justified interest of the operator is the solution of errors in the software. The data collected and stored for this purpose will be deleted after 14 days at the latest.

Rights concerned

1. information

Upon request, you will receive information free of charge about all personal data that we have stored about you at any time.

2. correction, deletion, restriction of processing (blocking), objection

Should you no longer agree with the storage of your personal data or should this have become incorrect, we will arrange for the deletion or blocking of your data or make the necessary corrections on the basis of a corresponding instruction (insofar as this is possible under applicable law). The same applies if we are only to process data in a restrictive manner in future.

3. data transferability

Upon request, we will provide you with your data in a common, structured and machine-readable format, so that you can transfer the data to another responsible person on request.

4. right of appeal

There is a right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority: (

5. right of revocation for consents with effect for the future

You may revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. Your revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing until the time of revocation.

6. restrictions

Data for which we are unable to identify the data subject, e.g. if anonymized for analysis purposes, are not covered by the above rights. Information, deletion, blocking, correction or transfer to another company may be possible with respect to such data if you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify you.

7. exercising your rights as a data subject

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, information, correction, blocking, objection or deletion of data or if you wish the data to be transferred to another company, please contact the operator.