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180 lines (111 loc) · 7.65 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (111 loc) · 7.65 KB


  • Removed overload of ViewModel<_,_>.ToString because of slow performance (#370)


  • Excluded 4.* prereleases from possibilities for version of Elmish dependency
  • Added support for multiple validation errors
  • Added target net5.0-windows
  • ViewModel<'model, 'msg> now overrides object.ToString() and returns a string representation of the current 'model instance. This is only intended for deubgging. No guarantees are given about the exact structure of the returned string.
  • Fixed incorrect spelling of a word in a log message


  • The amount of time used to update OneWaySeq and SubModelSeq bindings has been significantly decreased. This includes all cases of a SubModelSeq binding and all cases of a OneWaySeq binding for which equals returns false.


  • Fix exception when showing sub-windows as part of init


  • Windows may now be created on any thread


  • Fix crash when init returns a command opening a subModelWin


  • Improved error handling when collection bindings contain duplicates


  • Improve performance of Binding.oneWaySeq, Binding.oneWaySeqLazy, and Binding.subModelSeq


  • Add netcoreapp3.0 target


  • Corrected type parameter of getId in oneWaySeqLazy


  • Make model/dispatch available to getWindow in Binding.subModelWin


  • Added optional dispatch wrapper to two-way bindings and command bindings, which allows dispatches to be throttled/debounced etc.


  • Fixed ElmConfig.MeasureLimitMs not being used


  • Added proper dialog/window support using Binding.subModelWin. See the readme for more and the NewWindow sample for an example.
  • Deprecated Cmd.showWindow (use Binding.subModelWin instead)


  • Added Program.withDebugTrace which is similar to withConsoleTrace but writes using System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (e.g. to the VS output window)


  • The most massive (and hopefully useful) update yet!
  • Breaking: Overload-based syntax for Binding. The old Binding module is deprecated and renamed to BindingFn. The new Binding is a static class with static methods, providing many overloads for flexibility. To migrate, replace all occurrences of Binding. with BindingFn. and follow the deprecation warnings.
  • Breaking: The Elmish.Uno.Internal namespace has been removed and everything in it that should actually be internal has been marked internal. This includes ViewModel.
  • Breaking: Elmish.Uno.Internal.BindingSpec<_,_> has been moved/renamed to Elmish.Uno.Binding<_,_>. It should thus be more pleasant to use in type annotations.
  • Breaking: Elmish.Uno.Utilities.ViewModel.designInstance has been moved to Elmish.Uno.ViewModel. Furthermore, it returns obj since ViewModel is internal.
  • Breaking: Removed twoWayIfValid. It hasn’t worked for a while due to core Elmish internals, and was of suspect utility anyway.
  • New: Many more helpful Binding signatures available due to the new overload-based syntax.
  • New: More general Binding.subModel and Binding.subModelSeq overloads that allow a more idiomatic Elm architecture even with static views. For background information, see #86 (the issue is otherwise outdated).
  • New: Sticky subModelOpt bindings that returns the last non-null model when model is None (useful when animating out stuff)
  • New: elmEq and refEq as useful equality defaults for lazy bindings. elmEq efficiently uses reflection to do a comparison for each member that is referential for reference types except strings, and structural for strings and value types.
  • New: Program.mkSimpleWpf and Program.mkProgramWpf with more WPF-friendly signatures.
  • New: Program.mkProgramWpfWithCmdMsg for easily following the CmdMsg pattern to allow testable commands. See the FAQ in the readme for details.
  • New: Cmd.showWindow helper to open a new window.
  • New: Slow calls can be logged (configurable threshold).
  • New: Made available Program.startElmishLoop which is a low-level function that starts an Elmish loop given an Elmish Program and a WPF FrameworkElement. You probably won’t need it.
  • Improvement: Logs now indicate the binding path.
  • Improvement: Possibly better performance due to internals now using ValueOption instead of Option.
  • Improvement: Finally added (lots of) unit tests, so confidence of correct functionality is higher. (No critical bugs were found when creating the tests.)


  • No changes, but updated for Elmish 3.0 so the package can finally move out of beta


  • Add Binding.subModelSelectedItem


  • Fix checkboxes erroneously being shown as failing validation (#78) by @BillHally
  • The above fix also fixes binding warnings for two-way bindings


  • Add new bindings oneWayOpt and twoWayOpt (#75)
  • Update to Elmish 3.0.0-beta-7


  • Add new binding subBindingSeq, see readme for details.


  • Fix Elmish dependency version in nuget spec


  • Update to Elmish 3
  • Dispatch on UI thread to block instead of getting weird UI behaviour from race conditions when updates take too long


  • Fix subModelSeq items being unselected during updates


  • Breaking: Change order of oneWayLazyWith arguments to and rename it to oneWayLazy, removing the existing oneWayLazy function. The rationale is explained in #60 . To migrate from 2.0.0-beta-3 to 2.0.0-beta-4: Add (=) as the equals parameter to oneWayLazy usages, and rename oneWayLazyWith usages to oneWayLazy.
  • Add Binding.oneWaySeqLazy


  • Add convenience function to create design-time VMs


  • Improve log messages


  • Complete rewrite, several breaking changes and new features
  • twoWayValidation is called twoWayIfValid (because that’s what it is, and it clearly separates it from the new twoWayValidate)
  • oneWayMap is called oneWayLazy (its implementation has changed, and the use case has expanded, but is similar)
  • cmd and cmdIf have been renamed paramCmd and paramCmdIf, because the old names have new signatures/use-cases
  • model has been renamed subModel because it’s more clear, and consistent with the new subModelOpt and subModelSeq
  • Program.runDebugWindow has been removed in favour of Program.runWindowWithConfig
  • Bundled Elmish has been removed, and Elmish 2.0 is used as an external dependency
  • Any Application instance instantiated before calling will now be used
  • Several new functions in the Binding module; dot into it in your IDE or see the repository for samples or source code


  • Fix for #19, model to view updates for validation bindings


  • Implemented INotifyDataErrorInfo and corresponding bindings
  • Added some documentation for binding assemblers
  • Added message box error handler to Program module


  • Target F# 4.1
  • Lastest fable-elmish, includes memory leak fix


  • Added Program.withExceptionHandler


  • Fixing nuget framework version


  • Added command parameter
  • Renamed Binding.vm to Binding.model
  • Reorganized samples and added performance sample (WIP)


  • Fixing two way binding bugs


  • Elmish all the WPF!