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Setup and Run

Assumed that this repo was cloned to your local computer.

  1. In your root project dir. Start docker runtime. Create all required containers by
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up
  1. Start the appication you want either in your IDE or on the command line. k

If via IDE execute mvn commands:

$ mvn clean compile
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=my.own.packages.${AppClass}

Note that you must already have maven installed.

Via command line make sure you are in the maven package dir--producer. Create a standalone jar ("fat jar"). If needed, you can disable the test suite during packaging:

$ mvn clean package
$ mvn -DskipTests=true clean package

Note that there is no test appication written in this repo. This creates target/producer-1.0.jar. You can now run the application examples as follows:

$ java -cp target/producer-1.0.jar my.own.packages.${AppClass}
  1. In some examples you may first need to create topic and add some records manually. To create a topic, first open bash shell in kafka container then run commands to create a topic as follows:
$ /bin/kafka-topics --create --topic ${topicName} --bootstrap-server kafka:29092 

Note that in MyProducer/MyConsumer appication, we produce records to topic named CountryTopic and consume records from the same topic. So, in order to have the appication run you have to create topic named CountryTopic. In other example appications you may have to create topic with the corresponding names.

To consume records from a topic use the below command

$ /bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic ${topicName} --from-beginning --bootstrap-server kafka:29092

or in some examples you may have to specify a proper deserializer: use

$ /bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic ${topicName} --from-beginning \
                            --bootstrap-server kafka:29092 \
                            --property print.key=true \
                            --property value.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer

in above command we use LongDeserializer provided by org.apache.kafka package.

To produce records by using console producer use:

$ /bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka:29092 --topic ${topicName}


For configuration confluentinc/cp-zookeeper image only. Alternatively, one can use bitnami/zookeeper image instead. However, be careful with variable names. See ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide. See ZooKeeper Programmer's Guide.

Minimum Configuration

  • Instructs ZooKeeper where to listen for connections by clients such as Kafka.
  • the basic time unit in milliseconds used by ZooKeeper. It is used to do heartbeats and the minimum session timeout will be twice the tickTime.
  • the location to store the in-memory database snapshots and, unless specified otherwise, the transaction log of updates to the database.


For configuration confluentinc/cp-kafka image only. Alternatively, one can use bitnami/kafka image instead.
See Official's Kafka Documentation. See Listener.


For configuration confluentinc/cp-schema-registry image only.
See Schema Management Overview. See Configuration Details.

Reliability Guarantees

By designing a certain level of reliable system, there are trade-offs to be considered.

  • Broker Configuration

    • Replication Factor: higher replication factor leads to higher availability, higher reliability, and fewer disasters at the cost of hardware. Recommend for general use case: 3.
    • Unclean Leader Election: if we allow out-of-sync replicas to become leaders(unclean.leader.election.enable=true), we risk data loss and data inconsistencies. If we don’t allow them to become leaders, we face lower availability. As we must wait for the original leader to become available before the partition is back online.
    • Minimum In-Sync Replicas: A trade-off between availability and consistency.
  • Producers Configuration

    • Send Acknowledgments : acks=0 means that a message is considered to be written successfully to Kafka if the producer managed to send it over the network. acks=1 means that the leader will send either an acknowledgment or an error the moment it got the message but sometime it was not replicated to the followers - before the crash. acks=all means that the leader will wait until all in-sync replicas got the message before sending back an acknowledgment or an error.
    • Configuring Producer Retries.
  • Consumers Configuration

    • auto.offset.reset
    • One should not set, instead, one should commit massages manually according to these scenarios.
      • Always commit offsets after events were processed.
      • Commit frequency is a trade-off between performance and number of duplicates in the event of a crash.
      • Make sure you know exactly what offsets you are committing.
      • Rebalances. See Manually commit offset below.
      • Consumers may need to retry.
      • Consumers may need to maintain state.
      • Handling long processing times.
      • Exactly-once delivery.
  • Methods of sending messages

    • Fire-and-forget: We send a message to the server and don’t really care if it arrives succesfully or not. Most of the time, it will arrive successfully, since Kafka is highly available and the producer will retry sending messages automatically. However, some messages will get lost using this method.

    • Synchronous send: We send a message, the send() method returns a Future object, and we use get() to wait on the future and see if the send() was successful or not.

    • Asynchronous send: We call the send() method with a callback function, which gets triggered when it receives a response from the Kafka broker.

  • Commit Current Offset

    • Default setting-- With autocommit enabled, a call to poll will always commit the last offset returned by the previous poll every This rule of commit do not guarantee if the massages are actully be processed or not. By setting, the appication has to commit the consumed massages by itself. There are several alternatives to do so which has its own use cases. asynchronous commits only make sense for “at least once” message delivery. To get “at most once,” you need to know if the commit succeeded before consuming the message. This implies a synchronous commit

    • Sync Commit: commitSync() will commit the latest offset returned by poll(), so make sure you call commitSync() after you are done processing all the records in the collection, or you risk missing messages. commitSync() will retry the commit until it either succeeds or encounters a nonretriable failure. However, the application is blocked until the broker responds to the commit request, limitting the throughput of the application. you can still scale up by increasing the number of topic partitions and the number of consumers in the group

    • Asynchronous Commit: In contrast of commitSync(), commitAsync() will not retry because by the time commitAsync() receives a response from the server, there may have been a later commit that was already successful. To address that problem, a callback function is provided if necessary. The callback is a implemented class of OffsetCommitCallback interface.

  • Exactly-Once Semantics (in 0.11 release)

    • Idempotent Producer Guarantees: PID, and sequence numbers. This ensures that, even though a producer must retry requests upon failures, every message will be persisted in the log exactly once. Further, since each new instance of a producer is assigned a new, unique, PID, we can only guarantee idempotent production within a single producer session.

    • Transactional Guarantees: At the core, transactional guarantees enable applications to produce to multiple TopicPartitions atomically, ie. all writes to these TopicPartitions will succeed or fail as a unit.

    Further, since consumer progress is recorded as a write to the offsets topic, the above capability is leveraged to enable applications to batch consumed and produced messages into a single atomic unit, ie. a set of messages may be considered consumed only if the entire ‘consume-transform-produce’ executed in its entirety. Stream processing applications written in the Kafka Streams library can turn on exactly-once semantics by simply making a single config change, to set the config named processing.guarantee to exactly_once (default value is at_least_once), with no code change required.

AVRO Serializing and deserializing

There are 2 options to use AVRO Ser/De(require avro-maven-plugin):

  • Use Serializing and deserializing with code generation: This enable client to create a Java class that holds intented data, and provides more simple code. To do so, first, you have to define the schema in the configured DIR in a .avsc file than the plugin automatically performs code generation on any .avsc files present in the configured source directory.

  • Use Serializing and deserializing without code generation: The key is the producer appication itself holds the schema within its source code.

However, both methods should use schema registry to store generated schemas, which is competible(and required) with io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer/io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer. For more details see

For more detailed examples see Confluentinc repo. More on custom Serde see Confluentinc doc.

Keep learning Confluent REST APIs, Schema Management Overview , ksqlDB, Kafka connect.


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