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improve types, backport fixes from Tim's version
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mikearnaldi committed Sep 28, 2024
1 parent 3840cda commit 03da5a7
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Showing 4 changed files with 133 additions and 160 deletions.
244 changes: 92 additions & 152 deletions packages/effect/src/Effect.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ import * as Scheduler from "./Scheduler.js"
import type * as Scope from "./Scope.js"
import type * as Supervisor from "./Supervisor.js"
import type * as Tracer from "./Tracer.js"
import type { Concurrency, Covariant, NoInfer, NotFunction } from "./Types.js"
import type { Concurrency, Covariant, NoInfer, NotFunction, Simplify } from "./Types.js"
import type * as Unify from "./Unify.js"
import type { YieldWrap } from "./Utils.js"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3326,7 +3326,7 @@ export const mapInputContext: {
* @category context
export const provide: {
<const Layers extends [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]>(
<const Layers extends [Layer.Layer.Any, ...Array<Layer.Layer.Any>]>(
layers: Layers
): <A, E, R>(
self: Effect<A, E, R>
Expand All @@ -3344,7 +3344,7 @@ export const provide: {
<E2, R2>(
managedRuntime: ManagedRuntime.ManagedRuntime<R2, E2>
): <A, E, R>(self: Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect<A, E | E2, Exclude<R, R2>>
<A, E, R, const Layers extends [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]>(
<A, E, R, const Layers extends [Layer.Layer.Any, ...Array<Layer.Layer.Any>]>(
self: Effect<A, E, R>,
layers: Layers
): Effect<
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6249,6 +6249,32 @@ export declare namespace Tag {
* @category models
export type AllowedType = (Record<PropertyKey, any> & ProhibitedType) | string | number | symbol

* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type Proxy<Type, Self> = {
k in keyof Type as Type[k] extends ((...args: [...infer Args]) => infer Ret) ?
((...args: Readonly<Args>) => Ret) extends Type[k] ? k : never
: k
]: Type[k] extends (...args: [...infer Args]) => Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ?
(...args: Readonly<Args>) => Effect<A, E, Self | R>
: Type[k] extends (...args: [...infer Args]) => infer A ? (...args: Readonly<Args>) => Effect<A, never, Self>
: Type[k] extends Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ? Effect<A, E, Self | R>
: Effect<Type[k], never, Self>

* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type ProxyUse<Type, Self> = {
use: <X>(
body: (_: Type) => X
) => X extends Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ? Effect<A, E, R | Self> : Effect<X, never, Self>

Expand All @@ -6260,23 +6286,8 @@ export const Tag: <const Id extends string>(id: Id) => <
Type extends Tag.AllowedType
>() =>
& Context.TagClass<Self, Id, Type>
& (Type extends Record<PropertyKey, any> ? {
k in keyof Type as Type[k] extends ((...args: [...infer Args]) => infer Ret) ?
((...args: Readonly<Args>) => Ret) extends Type[k] ? k : never
: k
]: Type[k] extends (...args: [...infer Args]) => Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ?
(...args: Readonly<Args>) => Effect<A, E, Self | R>
: Type[k] extends (...args: [...infer Args]) => infer A ? (...args: Readonly<Args>) => Effect<A, never, Self>
: Type[k] extends Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ? Effect<A, E, Self | R>
: Effect<Type[k], never, Self>
} :
& {
use: <X>(
body: (_: Type) => X
) => X extends Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ? Effect<A, E, R | Self> : Effect<X, never, Self>
} = (id) => () => {
& Tag.ProxyUse<Type, Self>
& (Type extends Record<PropertyKey, any> ? Tag.Proxy<Type, Self> : {}) = (id) => () => {
const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit
Error.stackTraceLimit = 2
const creationError = new Error()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6339,6 +6350,7 @@ export declare namespace Service {
Service?: `property "Service" is forbidden`
Identifier?: `property "Identifier" is forbidden`
Layer?: `property "Layer" is forbidden`
Default?: `property "Layer" is forbidden`
_op_layer?: `property "_op_layer" is forbidden`
_op?: `property "_op" is forbidden`
_tag?: `property "_tag" is forbidden`
Expand All @@ -6361,34 +6373,19 @@ export declare namespace Service {
* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type Maker<P> = {
effect: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any>
dependencies?: never
} | {
effect: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any>
dependencies: []
} | {
effect: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any>
dependencies: [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]
} | {
scoped: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any>
dependencies?: never
} | {
scoped: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any>
dependencies: []
} | {
scoped: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any>
dependencies: [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]
} | {
sync: () => AllowedType<P>
dependencies?: never
} | {
sync: () => AllowedType<P>
dependencies: [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]
} | {
sync: () => AllowedType<P>
dependencies: []
export type WithDependencies<O> =
| Simplify<O & { dependencies?: never }>
| Simplify<O & { dependencies: [] }>
| Simplify<O & { dependencies: [Layer.Layer.Any, ...Array<Layer.Layer.Any>] }>

* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type Maker<P> =
| WithDependencies<{ effect: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any> }>
| WithDependencies<{ scoped: Effect<AllowedType<P>, any, any> }>
| WithDependencies<{ sync: () => AllowedType<P> }>

* @since 2.0.0
Expand All @@ -6397,7 +6394,7 @@ export declare namespace Service {
export interface TagClass<Self, Id, Type> extends Context.Tag<Self, Self> {
make(_: Type): Self

new(_: never): Type & {
new(_: Type): Type & {
readonly _tag: Id
Expand All @@ -6408,102 +6405,50 @@ export declare namespace Service {
export type Return<Self, Id extends string, Type, Proxy extends boolean, T = Type & { readonly _tag: Id }> =
& TagClass<Self, Id, Type>
& (Proxy extends true ? (T extends Record<PropertyKey, any> ? {
k in keyof T as T[k] extends ((...args: [...infer Args]) => infer Ret)
? ((...args: Readonly<Args>) => Ret) extends T[k] ? k : never
: k
]: T[k] extends (...args: [...infer Args]) => Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R>
? (...args: Readonly<Args>) => Effect<A, E, Self | R>
: T[k] extends (...args: [...infer Args]) => infer A ? (...args: Readonly<Args>) => Effect<A, never, Self>
: T[k] extends Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ? Effect<A, E, Self | R>
: Effect<T[k], never, Self>
} :
{}) :
& (Proxy extends true ? {
use: <X>(
body: (_: Type) => X
) => X extends Effect<infer A, infer E, infer R> ? Effect<A, E, R | Self> : Effect<X, never, Self>
} :
& ([Proxy] extends [true] ? Tag.Proxy<T, Self> : {})
& Tag.ProxyUse<Self, Self>

* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type DefaultLayer<A, E, R, Maker> = Maker extends {
dependencies: infer Layers extends [Layer.Layer.Any, ...Array<Layer.Layer.Any>]
} ? Layer.Layer<
E | { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Error<Layers[k]> }[number],
| Exclude<R, Scope.Scope | { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Success<Layers[k]> }[number]>
| { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Context<Layers[k]> }[number]
> :
Layer.Layer<A, E, R>

* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type InstanceLayers<A, E, R, Maker> = {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<A, E, R>
readonly Default: DefaultLayer<A, E, R, Maker>

* @since 2.0.0
* @category models
export type ReturnWithMaker<Self, Id extends string, Maker, Proxy extends boolean> =
& {}
& Maker extends {
scoped: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R>
dependencies: infer Layers extends [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]
} ?
& Maker extends { scoped: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R> } ?
& Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy>
& Layer.Layer<
E | { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Error<Layers[k]> }[number],
| Exclude<R, Scope.Scope | { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Success<Layers[k]> }[number]>
| { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Context<Layers[k]> }[number]
& { readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>> }
: Maker extends {
scoped: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R>
} ? Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy> & Layer.Layer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>> & {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>>
: Maker extends {
scoped: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R>
dependencies: []
} ? Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy> & Layer.Layer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>> & {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>>
: Maker extends {
effect: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R>
dependencies: infer Layers extends [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]
} ?
& DefaultLayer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>, Maker>
& InstanceLayers<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>, Maker>
: Maker extends { effect: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R> } ?
& Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy>
& Layer.Layer<
E | { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Error<Layers[k]> }[number],
| Exclude<R, { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Success<Layers[k]> }[number]>
| { [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Context<Layers[k]> }[number]
& { readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>> }
: Maker extends {
effect: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R>
} ? Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy> & Layer.Layer<Self, E, R> & {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, E, R>
: Maker extends {
effect: Effect<infer Type, infer E, infer R>
dependencies: []
} ? Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy> & Layer.Layer<Self, E, R> & {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, E, R>
: Maker extends {
sync: () => infer Type
dependencies: infer Layers extends [Layer.Layer<any, any, any>, ...Array<Layer.Layer<any, any, any>>]
} ?
& DefaultLayer<Self, E, R, Maker>
& InstanceLayers<Self, E, R, Maker>
: Maker extends { sync: () => infer Type } ?
& Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy>
& Layer.Layer<
{ [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Error<Layers[k]> }[number],
{ [k in keyof Layers]: Layer.Layer.Context<Layers[k]> }[number]
& {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, never, never>
: Maker extends {
sync: () => infer Type
dependencies: []
} ? Service.Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy> & Layer.Layer<Self, never, never> & {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, never, never>
: Maker extends {
sync: () => infer Type
} ? Return<Self, Id, Type, Proxy> & Layer.Layer<Self, never, never> & {
readonly Layer: Layer.Layer<Self, never, never>
& DefaultLayer<Self, never, never, Maker>
& InstanceLayers<Self, never, never, Maker>
: never

Expand All @@ -6529,7 +6474,11 @@ export const Service: {
Error.stackTraceLimit = 2
const creationError = new Error()
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit
function TagClass() {}
const TagClass: any = class {
constructor(args: any) {
return of(args)
Object.setPrototypeOf(TagClass, TagProto)
TagClass.key = id
Object.defineProperty(TagClass, "stack", {
Expand All @@ -6538,7 +6487,7 @@ export const Service: {

TagClass["of"] = (args: any) =>
TagClass["make"] = (args: any) =>
new Proxy(args, {
get(_target: any, prop: any, _receiver) {
if (prop === "_tag") {
Expand All @@ -6547,14 +6496,11 @@ export const Service: {
return args[prop]
TagClass["make"] = TagClass["of"]

const of = TagClass["of"]
const of = TagClass["make"]

if ("effect" in maker) {
// @ts-expect-error
TagClass["Layer"] = layer.fromEffect(TagClass, maker["effect"]).pipe(
// @ts-expect-error
layer.flatMap((c) => layer.succeedContext(Context.add(c, TagClass, of(Context.unsafeGet(c, TagClass)))))
let live = TagClass["Layer"]
Expand All @@ -6566,9 +6512,7 @@ export const Service: {

if ("scoped" in maker) {
// @ts-expect-error
TagClass["Layer"] = layer.scoped(TagClass, maker["scoped"]).pipe(
// @ts-expect-error
layer.flatMap((c) => layer.succeedContext(Context.add(c, TagClass, of(Context.unsafeGet(c, TagClass)))))
let live = TagClass["Layer"]
Expand All @@ -6580,9 +6524,7 @@ export const Service: {

if ("sync" in maker) {
// @ts-expect-error
TagClass["Layer"] = layer.sync(TagClass, maker["sync"]).pipe(
// @ts-expect-error
layer.flatMap((c) => layer.succeedContext(Context.add(c, TagClass, of(Context.unsafeGet(c, TagClass)))))
let live = TagClass["Layer"]
Expand All @@ -6592,28 +6534,26 @@ export const Service: {
Object.assign(TagClass, live)
Object.assign(TagClass, layer.proto)

// @ts-expect-error
TagClass["use"] = (body) => core.andThen(TagClass, body)

if (proxy === false) {
return TagClass

const cache = new Map()
const done = new Proxy(TagClass, {
get(_target: any, prop: any, _receiver) {
if (prop === "use") {
// @ts-expect-error
return (body) => core.andThen(TagClass, body)
if (prop in TagClass) {
// @ts-expect-error
return TagClass[prop]
if (cache.has(prop)) {
return cache.get(prop)
const fn = (...args: Array<any>) =>
// @ts-expect-error
core.andThen(TagClass, (s: any) => {
if (typeof s[prop] === "function") {
// @ts-expect-error
cache.set(prop, (...args: Array<any>) => core.andThen(TagClass, (s: any) => s[prop](...args)))
return s[prop](...args)
Expand Down

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