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Tadashi is a context-aware deep decision system for smart home.

The project is currently in beta. Pull requests, feedbacks and suggestions are welcome!

What is it?

This project is closely modelled on the ARCADES project of my former colleague Alexis Brenon. I invite you to read the ARCADES paper. Please cite this paper if you need to refer to Tadashi.

If you understand French and if you are really interested by his work, I recommend you to read his thesis.

What does Tadashi mean?

"In preparation for the Battle of Sokovia against Ultron, Tony Stark sifted through a collection of U.I. chips to select one that would replace J.A.R.V.I.S., whose matrices had been uploaded into the Vision. One chip seen was labelled "T.A.D.A.S.H.I.", however, he instead chose F.R.I.D.A.Y. [...] T.A.D.A.S.H.I. is a reference to the film Big Hero 6, where the robotic member of the titular team, Baymax, has its A.I. program stored in a chip labeled with the name of his creator, Tadashi Hamada."

Marvel Cinematic Universe Fandom

How it works?


When executed, the script launch a PeriodicallyProcessor that runs every TIME_BETWEEN_TWO_PROCESS seconds (5 seconds by default). The course of the proceedings is explain in more detail below.

This assume that your home automation system -provider- is Fibaro.

Fibaro sensors

Firstly, a call to Fibaro API is carried out to ensure the gathering of all data about the sensors. The auth info are in a config yaml file in the config folder of Fibaro module.

Then, the collected data are refactored in more human friendly python objects, more exactly a History and a TadashiHistory object. Respectively, on the one hand, a list of Device objects, like:

    "id": 12,
    "name": "lounge_motion_sensor",
    "roomID": 1,
    "type": "com.fibaro.FGMS001",
    "baseType": "com.fibaro.motionSensor",
    "value": "true",
    "batteryLevel": 100,
    "dead": "false",
    "timestamp": 1561315055.685408

And on the other hand, a list of Room objects (aggregated device/sensor data by room):

    "place": 1,
    "temperature": 22.8,
    "light": true,
    "motion": true,
    "humidity": false,
    "gaz": 0,
    "door": 1,
    "shutter": 1,
    "noise": false

Map drawing

After, mapdrawing classes knowing the location of walls and sensors build a 256x256 pixel colorized SVG map of the home from the TadashiHistory, i.e. the list of the Room objects.

To charm you, I put below an example of generated map from sensor states:

In the lower right corner, you can see (from left to right): the day of the week, the hour, whether it is day or night (here it is night), and the season (here it is winter). You can also see in the lower left corner a future feature, the context. The context will be the activity do by the customer or the meta-state of the home, e.g. travelling, cooking, sleeping... and it will be useful to supply an additional information to the neural network. The context can be passed in argument to the main script or can be setted in the config yaml file. For now, the default context is set to UNKNOWN and does not appear on the map.


At every passage of the periodic process, the Linker compute the new action (new activated switch according sensors) and link it with the previous generated map (the map generated in the previous passage). To perform that it compute the difference between the state n and the state n-1 of the home. A filter is provided to remove the switch/dimmer/controller to exclude of the prediction system. You can only take into account some devices, by using the value of the Sensor enum in the class. By default, all the actuator device are take into account for prediction, and not the sensor devices.

This approach is based on the premise that in a home state n-1 we want to automaticlly execute the command that led to the state n. This postulate can be easily further improved, e.g. with multi-label classification.


Thanks to a neural network (see below), the switch/dimmer/controller to (de)activate is predicted for a certain home state. The corresponding command is finally executed through a Fibaro API call.


The monitoring module compute some alerting (e.g. the list of the devices with no more battery) and metrology (e.g. graphs with the most used and corrected sensors). The metrology is a list of Counter objects, like:

    "id": 12,
    "roomID": 1,
    "type": "com.fibaro.FGMS001",
    "baseType": "com.fibaro.motionSensor",
    "value": "true",
    "count": 19,
    "corrected": 4

The monitoring module also compute a graph with the most corrected predictions and the confusion matrix of predictions. This can be used later to integrate reinforcement learning in the convolutional neural network as in ARCADES.

Deep learning

Once the mapping [switch to activate - map] list built by Linker, we can use this list to feed a convolutional neural network and learn a model. In this way, when the home is in a certain state, the neural network can predict a command to execute.

The deep learning library uses is Keras. The convolutional network uses is the VGG, first introduced by Simonyan and Zisserman (2014) which was subsequently used in many projects winning numerous challenges in image recognition task.

After the model training, a graph is generated showing the loss and accuracy of the training.

Since the learning may take some time and doesn't have to be done frequently, it is not carried out at every passage of the periodic process, unlike the map, link and classification processing. It is performed independently by the script If you want to do the learning automatically, you can change this in I invite you to take a look in LockManager too.

How to use it?

  1. Install all dependencies
make install
  1. Launch Tadashi
  1. In a second terminal, launch the learning script to build model
make learn
  1. In a third terminal, launch the monitoring GUI (optional)
make overwatch

How adapt it to your home?

  1. Change the city of your home Tadashi uses the Astral library to know the time of sunrise and sunset of your location. It uses it to make appear on the map if it is day or night. This allows to supply additional information to the neural network. By default, in the makefile, the city in args is Paris (the city supported by Astral closest to my actual location).

  2. Change the Map generation There is a good chance that your house is not architecturally identical to mine. So, you will have to make some changes to make Tadashi work with your home.

    1. Change a room You will have to redefine the walls and the sensor locations. For this, you will have to directly modify the methods called in *MapDrawer classes. For example, if you want to redefine the bathroom, you must play with the BathroomMapDrawer class. Change the (x, y) tuple and the width and the height of the figure in the draw_room_wall method to change size and location of the walls. Look at the svgwrite documentation to learn how manipulate native svgwrite methods like Rect or Line. For the sensors is easier, just change the x and y parameters of draw_*_icon methods in draw_*_sensor methods to change the location of the corresponding sensor.

    2. Add a room Add a class corresponding to your room that inherits the parent MapDrawer class. Override each of the necessary methods as do the other *MapDrawer classes (e.g. LoungeMapDrawer). Override the draw_room_wall method to define the walls of the room, the draw_*_sensor methods to add sensors in the room, and so on. Furthermore, when you add a room, you must define it into Place enum in the model class.

    3. Add a sensor Add a draw_(your_sensor_name)_icon method in the parent MapDrawer class. And add a draw_(your_sensor_name)_sensor method in each *MapDrawer child classes where you want to include your new sensor. Use the already existing draw_*_icon and draw_*_sensor methods to code the core of your methods and take a look at the fontawesome library documentation to choose the icon for your new sensor. Furthermore, when you add a sensor, you must define it into Sensor enum in the class.

  3. Other bigger changes Normally, if you use Fibaro in your smart home, the project is now ready and adapted to your home. But, if you use another sensor provider, you should definitely refactor the whole Fibaro module and maybe modify the Device and Room objects too. But, courage, if you know some things in Python, it shouldn't be too hard. I tried my best to do POO minimalist pythonic clean code.

Nothing to change in the neural network part, if the Linker's output file is correct the learning will be correct too.


The above UML class diagram was modeled with StarUML. The conception is faithful to the structure of the project, the classes are grouped by module, each of them dealing with a part of the project. The classes imported from the Python Standard Library do not appear in the diagram (e.g. Exception).


The list of the current dependencies can be found in the requirements.txt file, and is also available below.

  • matplotlib 3.1.1
  • svgwrite 1.3.1
  • Keras 2.2.4
  • fontawesome 5.7.2.post1
  • opencv_python
  • numpy 1.16.4
  • requests 2.21.0
  • pandas 0.24.2
  • tensorflow 1.15.2
  • pytz 2019.2
  • CairoSVG 2.4.0
  • astral 1.10.1
  • scikit_learn 0.22.2.post1
  • PyYAML 5.3.1