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A graphical editor for directed graphs used for Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR)


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metAMoRphosED: the AMR editor

  • metAMoRphosED is a graphical editor to edit Abstract Meaning Representations graphs (in PENMAN) format easily. metAMoRphosED displays the graph in a graphical format and allows adding/deleting instances, edges, attributes and comments in a simple way.
  • metAMoRphosED reads and writes AMR-files as proposed by the principal AMR site ( and used in the AMr corpora proposed there and by LDC (
  • metAMoRphosED runs as a local Web server, an internet browser must be used to navigate through the sentences and modifiy them. If the edited file is under git version control, every modification is automatically commited to the local repository.
  • metAMoRphosED can be started in comparison mode in order to compare two AMR files (e.g. a gold file and a system file, see section AMR file comparison)
  • metAMoRphosED provides to annotate coreferences in AMR graphs of sentences from a single text. See coref/ for more information
  • metAMoRphosED allows to download the displayed graphs as SVG or to export all graphs in either SVG, PDF or PNG format
  • metAMoRphosED provides a script to calculate inter-annotator agreement (see section Inter-annotator agreement)

Current version 4.1.0 (see


  • if your updating from version up to 4.0.0: the file has been renamed to
  • if you are updating from versions up to 3.3.0, please install an additional package:
pip install smatchpp==1.7.0



python 3.10

apt install graphviz
python3 -m venv VENV
source VENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
git submodule update --init
pushd propbank-frames/frames;
  git checkout ad2bafa4c9c9c58cc1bc89;


brew install graphviz
python3 -m venv VENV
source VENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
git submodule update --init
pushd propbank-frames;  git checkout ad2bafa4c9c9c58cc1bc89; popd

Note: For the PropBank frames, we need currently this intermediary version since the main and release-v3.4.1 branches do not contain the definition of roles like be-located-at-91.

The script ./metamorphosed/ installs the following into metamorphosed/gui/lib also needed:


pytest -vv [-k testname] [-s]

For more complete testing use tox:

pip install -r requirements-test.txt


<install-path>/ -f <amr-file> \
	[-p <port>] \
	[--relations <relations.txt>]
	[--concepts <concepts.txt>]
	[--pbframes <propbank-frames-dir>]
	[--constraints <constraints.yml>]
        [--reifications <reification-table.txt]
        [--author 'Name <[email protected]>']
        [--compare <amr-file2>]

use our internet browser as GUI: https://localhost:

  • The relations.txt file must contain all the relations which are valid in the AMR graphs, the editor will show a warning for each relation found in a graph which is not mentioned in this file. The relations will also used for autocompletion. The file metamorphosed/data/relations.txt is used as default value
  • If --concepts concepts.txt is given, the concepts will be used for autocompletion.
  • The option --reifications loads a table with relations which can be reified (default: metamorphosed/data/reification-able.txt)
  • propbank-frames-dir is the frames directory within the directory where has been cloned
  • If the edited file is under git version control, every click on save will create a git commit. In order to use a different user name, specify the user with --author 'Name <[email protected]>'
  • constraints.yml a file which defines predicate and object constraints (i.e. no other predicate and object is allowed in a given context. E.g.
  # name-instances must only have :opN predicates, which have quoted strings as objects (initial _ indicates that the predicated or object is a regex
      - _".*"

  # date-entity instances must only have :month, :day and :year predicates with integer values as objects
      - _\d\d?
      - _\d\d?
      - _\d\d\d\d

  # (Non AMR) a hotel instances can only have :lieu relation to an address instance or a :starts relation to a hotelclass instance
    :lieu :
      - address
      - hotelclass

  # an and instance dan only have :op1 and :op2 predicates with any object

# constraints for predicates and objects, independent of the subject
     - city
     - country
     - _"Q\d+"

     - _\d+
     - _\d\.\d+

A predicate with an initial _ means that the predicate is interpreted as a regex. for example


means that an instance of the class and may have predicates which match the regex :op\d (":op" followoed by a digit)

Objects with initial _ means that the object of the predicate is not an instance of a class but a literal which matches the regex. E.g.

     - _"Q\d+"

     - _\d+

means that the predicate :wiki (starting at any subject) must have a string literal as object which matches "Q\d+" (including the quotes!). The objects of all predicates :quant must match \d+, i.e. an integer

Note: relations.txt and constraints.yml must not be modified in order not to break the unitary tests. Please use a personalised file.

Validate AMR files

The script can check whether concepts (with an suffixe line -01) are well defined in PropBank and that all used :ARGn relations are define for the given concept. If a liste of valid relations in given, it will detect relations in the AMR file which are not defined.

./ --validate \
	--rels <relations.txt> \
	--pbframes <propbank-frames-dir> \
	--constraintes <constraints.yml> \

if necessary, adapt a copy of constraints.yml to your needs.


Start the server with an AMR file. The file must have the same format as the official AMR distribution

# ::id a sentence id
# ::snt the sentence in plain text
(.... AMR graph in PENMAN notation)

# ::id following id

After a sentence an empty line must follow. If you start annotating new sentence, the initial PENMAN format must be at least en empty pair of parentheses: ()

Once the server is up and running click on one of the navigation buttons to load a sentence (first, preceding, next, last) or enter a sentence number and lick read sentence. The sentence is shown in PENMAN format and in a graphical visualisation.

If the file being edited is under git control, it will be saved under the same name followed by git add/git commit. Else it is saved using an additional .2 file suffix. If the edited file is not git controlled and if the file with suffix .2 exists already, the server exits with an error message. In this case rename the .2 file and edit the renamed file.

The graph can be extended/modified by the functions in the Add concept/edges/names field: fill in the fields and hit the add button

  • adding new instances /concepts
  • adding relations (like :ARG0 or :location between to instances. If the preceded by /, the following will be interpreted as a conceptname, so a new instances of this concept will be created first and than used for the new relation. The prefix // first tries to find an existing instance of this concept to be used, if this cannot be found, a new instance is created.
  • define which instance is the top instance (appears on top in the PENMAN notation)
  • add a relation and a literal (like :quant 200)
  • add a name instance and :op1 etc. to strings
  • to download the graphical version as SVG, click on download image (see also below section Export)

Main window

In order to modify or delete an existing instance or edge, click the instance/edge in the visual graph and use the edit window which opens on the top of the screen

Modify or delete concept

Modify or delete an edge

In oder to attach an edge to another starting instance, just click first on the edge which start point is to be modified (the arrow head turns yellow) and click to the instance/concept note which is the new starting point. Note: literal nodes cannot be the starting point of an edge.

Search, further info

On the bottom of the main screen propbank definitions for all used concepts is displayed. Basic search is available in the search field. THE AMR-search field accepts two kinds of input

  • a valid PENMAN graph: the search will find AMR graphs which contain the given PENMAN graph. So searching for (e / eat-01 :ARG1 ( c / cheese )) will find a graph like
(v1 / eat-01 
  :ARG0 ( v2 / mouse )
  :ARG1 ( v3 / cheese ))

It is possible to use wildcards to match any concepts or relations; so searching for (e / give-01 :* ( c / * )) will find graphs like

(v1 / give-01
  :ARG0 ( v2 / man )
(v1 / give-01
  :ARG1 ( v2 / book )
(v1 / give-01
  :ARG2 ( v2 / child )
  • a regular expression: if the input is not a valid PENMAN graph, it is interpreted as a regular expression
  • For ID, Text and comment search, the input is always interpreted as a regular expression

Clicking on - minimizes the sentence/PENMAN/graphics windows:

Minimized sentence/PENMAN/graphics

The sentence list button opens a list of all sentences to choose a particular one. If the edited file is very large, filters can be applied to shorten the list (which may take too much time to load if not filtered)

Sentence list


If the option --reificiations is used, a reifiable relation can be reified (and reversed, if the corresponding concept has no aditional relations. The following graph

Unreified relation

becomes this after reifying :location

Reified relation

Graph export

The button export visualised graphs opens a menu which allows to download all or a subset of graphs in either SVG, PDF or PNG format. Choose format and numbers of sentences for which you want the graphic exported (default: all sentences)

Reified relation

Edge prediction

(still Beta)

When creating a new edge (relation) between two instances, metamorphosed tries to guess the most likely label for this relation. The implementation is very simple, if the target instance is of type name the guessed relation is :name, if the concept of the source instance is name, and or or, the guessed relation is :op2, else if the source relations ends with -01 etc, the guessed relations is :ARGn. In moste cases this has to be correct. However you can implement or more sophisticated classifier, trained on any data whic is available to you and use your classifier. To do so, Subclass the class Basic_EdgePredictor in metamorphosed/ and implement your classifier. You must redefine the method predict(self, source_concept, target_concept):. For instance:

from metamorphosed.edge_predictor import Basic_EdgePredictor

class Perfect_EdgePredictor(Basic_EdgePredictor):
    def __init__(self, arglist):
        print("initialising my Perfect_EdgePredictor with %s as argument" % arglist[0])
        self.classifier = Perfect_Classifier(arglist[0])

    def predict(self, source_concept, target_concept):
        predicted_label = self.classifier.find(source_concept, target_concept)
        print("predicted label <<<%s>>>" % predicted_label)
	return predicted label

In order to use this class and the needed data, create a yaml file mypredictor.yml:

# __localpath__ is the path where the yaml file is placed in

# filename can also any relative or absolute path
filename: __localpath__/
classname: Perfect_EdgePredictor
  - __localpath__/mydata.dat

start metamorphosed with the option --edge_predictor (or -E):

./ --edge_predictor mypredictor.yml [other options]

AMR file comparison

If you specify a second AMR file using the option --compare <amr file>, metAMoRphosED will show the corresponding graphs of both files side-by-side, highlighting differences (in green) and displaying the Smatch score (with the option --smatchpp the SmatchPP package is used instead of Smatch):

AMR file comparison

It is possible to search in the text, PENMAN and comments as in the edit mode. However, editing is not possible.

To compare several files (for instance the annotations of multiple annotators), specify one of the files using the -f <amr file 1> option, and all other with --compare <amr file 2> <amr file 3> <amr file 4>. metAMoRphosED switches automatically in multifile mode. In order to see the difference (ans Smatch) between two files for the displayed sentence choose the two files to compare with the comparisons-selection bar

AMR file comparison

AMR Coreference editor

see coref/

Inter-annotator agreement

metAMoRphosED comes with a script which allows to calculate an inter-annotator agreement (IAA) score on 2 or more files containing the same sentences. The metrics used are Smatch F1 or the number if differences between two graphs (each concept or relation which is different or absent in one of the graphs is counted)

The IAA is calculated either by

  • for each sentence:

    • calculate a score for each annotator pair and keep the average
    • calculate the average of the score obtained for each sentence or
  • for each annotator pair

    • calculate the score for each sentence and keep the average
    • calculate the average of the score obtained for annotator pair

By default Smatch is used. the option --smatchpp) switches to SmatchPP ( Whereas the default is faster, SmatchPP is using a different Solver (ILP instead of Smatch's HillClimber).

  • ILP always gives the same result (even for more complicated matches)
  • ILP provides verifiable and optimal results.
usage: [-h] --files FILES [FILES ...] [--sentences] [--debug] [--runs RUNS] [--first FIRST] [--last LAST] [--smatchpp]
              [--report REPORT] [--sortcol SORTCOL]

inter-annotator agreement

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --files FILES [FILES ...], -f FILES [FILES ...]
                        AMR files of all annotatoris
  --sentences, -s       sentences are in inner loop
  --smatchpp, -S        use smatchpp instead of smatc
  --debug, -d           debug
  --runs RUNS           run smatch n times to get the best possible match
  --first FIRST         skip first n sentences
  --last LAST           stop after sentences n
  --report, -r REPORT
                        filename for a report in TSV format
  --sortcol SORTCOL     sort data in report file on column (needs --report)

For instance the for 3 test files provided the IAA can be calculated by

./ -f metamorphosed/data/comptest_annot1.txt metamorphosed/data/comptest_annot3.txt metamorphosed/data/comptest_annot4.txt -d

which results in:

4 sentences read from comptest_annot1.txt
4 sentences read from comptest_annot3.txt
4 sentences read from comptest_annot4.txt
sentence     0: annotator pairs smatch: [69.23, 71.43, 61.54]
                annotator pairs diffs.: [5.0, 4.0, 6.0]
sentence     1: annotator pairs smatch: [66.67, 75.0, 72.73]
                annotator pairs diffs.: [5.0, 4.0, 3.0]
sentence     2: annotator pairs smatch: [40.0, 22.22, 40.0]
                annotator pairs diffs.: [5.0, 6.0, 6.0]
sentence     3: annotator pairs smatch: [62.5, 50.0, 75.0]
                annotator pairs diffs.: [3.0, 4.0, 2.0]
averages for 4 sentences (smatch): [67.4, 71.46, 34.07, 62.5]
                          (diffs): [5.0, 4.0, 5.67, 3.0]
annotator pair inter-annotator agreement Smatch F1: 58.86 differences: 4.4167

Using the option -s loops on annotator pairs

./ -f comptest_annot1.txt comptest_annot3.txt comptest_annot4.txt -d -s

which results in:

4 sentences read from comptest_annot1.txt
4 sentences read from comptest_annot3.txt
4 sentences read from comptest_annot4.txt
annotators 0/1: sentence comparison smatch: [69.23, 66.67, 40.0, 62.5]
                sentence comparison diffs.: [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 3.0]
annotators 0/2: sentence comparison smatch: [71.43, 75.0, 22.22, 50.0]
                sentence comparison diffs.: [4.0, 4.0, 6.0, 4.0]
annotators 1/2: sentence comparison smatch: [61.54, 72.73, 40.0, 75.0]
                sentence comparison diffs.: [6.0, 3.0, 6.0, 2.0]
averages for 3 annotator pairs (smatch): [59.6, 54.66, 62.32]
                                (diffs): [4.5, 4.5, 4.25]
sentence inter-annotator agreement Smatch F1: 58.86 differences: 4.4167



  author = {Heinecke, Johannes},
  title = {{metAMoRphosED: a graphical editor for Abstract Meaning Representation}},
  year = {2023},
  booktitle = {{19th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation}},
  address = {Nancy},
  url = {}


A graphical editor for directed graphs used for Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR)







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