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1-D hydrodynamics code for planetary atmosphere accretion and escape simulations

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*** AIOLOS - A 1-D radiation hydrodynamics multi-species code

*** 0. Download and branches

In order to install and run Aiolos, we recommend the following steps:

1.) Clone this git repository (This presumably has just been done) via 'git clone'

    The default version of the code, with which the tests in our documentation paper were performed (Schulik&Booth2023, hereafter SB23) is 'version0.2' (can also be found via the github tags), 
    as opposed to the main branch, on which active code development might be ongoing.
    We recommend switching to this branch.
2.) Install the EIGEN library via
3.) Compile, details below
4.) Run, details below

*** 1. Compilation

aiolos can be compiled with make and gcc, just type 'make'.

If you wish to provide your own initial conditions or boundary conditions, add them to your own problem
file, e.g. "problems/my_problem.cpp". These can then be compiled into aiolos

    make PROBLEM=my_problem

* Fixed number of species

By default, aiolos is compiled in a flexible mode that can run problesm with any
number of input species. However, a significant (10-20%) speed up can be
realised if the number of species is set at compile time. This can be
done via:

     make PROBLEM=my_problem NUM_SPECIES=4

where the "4" refers to a target of 4 species total.
A few warnings might occur concerning unused temporary variables. Those can be ignored.

*** 2. In order to execute Aiolos, type:

   ./aiolos -dir test_files/ -par planet_spherical.par -spc mix3.spc

with the *.par (parameter) and the *.spc (species) file present into the command line.
This is a simple hydrostatic test problem, i.e. the initial density profile that is constructed should be kept perfectly.
They command line does not require the species file to be added to it, it can be added to the parameter file instead.
Add into the parameter file


then aiolos can be executed via 

   ./aiolos -dir test_files/ -par planet_spherical.par

A simple static, radiative solution can be obtained via

   ./aiolos -dir  runs_mdot_vs_euv_plot/ -par dynamic3_euv1e3_C_1s2b_rerun.par

And a simple hydrodynamic, radiative solution can be obtained (this will take longer to run) via

   ./aiolos -dir  runs_mdot_vs_euv_plot/ -par dynamic3_euv1e3_C_1s2b_rerun.par

A simple isothermal wind solution (currently needs fixing):

   ./aiolos -dir test_files/ -par planet_wind.par -spc mix_wind.spc
# 2.1 Output files

* Output and Diagnostic:
Output and diagnostic files give snapshots in time of the state of the simulation. Comparing subsequent outputs can inform about whether steady-state has been achieved.
They are numbered by integer numbers, and output files are specific to each species, but with a set number of columns. 
Diagnostic files contain summary as well as detailed information about the radiation transport, opacities for all species, optical cell depths per band, etc.  and they change their column numbers
depending on how many bands and species are set per simulation.

The cheat_sheet.ods contains information about what to find in individual columns.

* Monitor:
The monitor file can be used to check global mass, energy conservation etc. but is currently switched off.

* Execution log
The execution_log.txt logs all aiolos executions with their command line and timestamps in the folder of the executable. 
This helps to keep track of what one was doing a few days or weeks ago, but just can't quite remember in which running directory.
## 3. Execution parameters

As outlined in SB23, the code solves various differential equations, corresponding to code modules.
Code modules are hydrodynamics, friction, (thermal) radiation transport and (photo)chemistry.
Add the following keywords into the parameter file (**no tabs, only whitespaces**) to activate the modules.
Some parameters are prefixed with "PARI_", this is a leftover from code development and does not signify anything special now.
Parameters can be added in any line.

# 3.0 Basic execution

The simulation starts at t=0 and runs until tmax, specified via
(where this simulation will run till 1e6 seconds)

Output and diagnostic files are produced every 
PARI_TIME_OUTPUT        1.e6
simulated seconds.

If very fine output (e.g. every 1e-2 seconds) just before an interesting time point is desired, then the time offset can be set via
the outputs will then proceed every PARI_TIME_OUTPUT seconds after the offset time.

3.1 Hydrodynamics module

//options: 0: off, 1: on
//Off will allow to ignore the hydrodynamical CFL condition.

//options: 0: off, 1: use tidal field based on PARI_MSTAR and PARI_PLANET_DIST
3.2 Friction module

//options: 0: off, 1: analytic implicit, 2: numeric implicit

//options: C: constant, P: physical

PARI_ALPHA_COLL         1e0
//If coll_modell==C, then this is the constant value

3.3 Radiation transport module

//options: 0: Off, 1: Full solver for coupled J_b and T_s variables. No limitation on the number of in or outgoing bands. 
//         2: 'Fast' solver, limited to one outgoing radiation band, any number of instellation bands. Radiation and temperatures are solved in a decoupled manner.

//options: multiplier value for thermal radiative losses. If 0, only nonthermal cooling is activated. If no nonthermal cooling functions are specified, then absorption will be balanced by adiabatic cooling, i.e. energy-limited escape.

/* U: User defined opacity. Go into user_opacity() and specify your custom algorithm.
 * C: Constant opacities. Modifiers for solar, planck and rosseland opas exist individually.
 * P: 'Physical': Constant with simple pressure-broadening parameterization powerlaw above 0.1 bars
 * F: Freedman model. Only the fit for Rosseland opacities is currently included.
 * M: Malygin2014 (Planck Rosseland Gas opa)/Semenov2003 (Planck Rosseland Dust opa) combined opacities. Solar opas taken from *opa files.
 * D: Dust only model, given a certain dust size.
 * T: Tabulated opacities. Takes p-T dependent solar, planck and rosseland data from *aiopa files.
 * K: 'Kombined' opacities. Planck and Rosseland is p-T dependent from *aiopa data and solar are p-T-constant, but spectrally resolved from *opa files.
Planetary core (internal) temperature boundary condition:
T_INT 350.
MAX_TIMESTEP_CHANGE   1.01  //Not required, but radiative boundaries will produce results off by 50% of timesteps are too large. 
                            //If hydro is used, timesteps are small enough by default and this option is not required.

3.4 (Photo) chemistry module

//options: 0: off, 1: C2Ray scheme as described in SB23, 2: General photo and thermochemistry solver

3.5 Species files

Specify the number of species in the *par file via

and the species file via

SPECIES_FILE  mix1.spc
//options: Species filename

In *spc files, columns are as follows:
# 1:Number 2:Name 3:mass in amu 4:dof              5:electrostatic charge    6:relative amount 7:initial density excess 8: is_dust_like 9:opacity.opa
@ 0        S0     1.0         3.                   0                         1.0                 -0.0                      0              highenergy_atomichydrogen.opa

//options: number:       running number from 0 to s-1
// name:                 string, used to designate output files for species
// mass in amu:          self-explanatory
// dof:                  degrees of freedom for this species, defining adiabatic index as gamma_ad = (dof+2)/dof
// electrostatic charge: in elementary charges, can be positive or negative
// relative amount:      relative density in boundary cell
// initial density excess: density jump at discontinuity, in case PARI_INIT_WIND 1  e.g. if value is -0.9 density jump of ratio 10, for -0.99 we get a jump of ratio 100 etc.
// is_dust_like:          0 or 1
// opacity.opa            opacity files, depending on the preset opacity model, *opa, *op2, *op3 or *aiopa files are expected here.

3.6 Opacity files

See example files in inputdata/