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SinisterRectus edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 9 revisions

Represents a single moment in time and provides utilities for converting to and from different date and time formats. Although microsecond precision is available, most formats are implemented with only second precision.


Date(seconds, microseconds)

Parameter Type Optional
seconds number
microseconds number

Static Methods


Parameter Type
str string

Constructs a new Date object from an RFC 2822 string. Equivalent to Date(Date.parseHeader(str)).

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
str string

Constructs a new Date object from an ISO 8601 string. Equivalent to Date(Date.parseISO(str)).

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
us number

Constructs a new Date object from a Unix time in microseconds.

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
ms number

Constructs a new Date object from a Unix time in milliseconds.

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
s number

Constructs a new Date object from a Unix time in seconds.

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
id string

Constructs a new Date object from a Discord/Twitter Snowflake ID. Equivalent to Date(Date.parseSnowflake(id)).

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
tbl table

Constructs a new Date object from a Lua date table interpreted as a local time. Equivalent to Date(Date.parseTable(tbl)).

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
tbl table

Constructs a new Date object from a Lua date table interpreted as a UTC time. Equivalent to Date(Date.parseTableUTC(tbl)).

Returns: Date


Parameter Type
str string

Converts an RFC 2822 string (an HTTP Date header) into a Unix time in seconds.

Returns: number


Parameter Type
str string

Converts an ISO 8601 string into a Unix time in seconds. For compatibility with Discord's timestamp format, microseconds are also provided as a second return value.

Returns: number, number


Parameter Type
id string

Converts a Discord Snowflake ID into a Unix time in seconds. Additional decimal points may be present, though only the first 3 (milliseconds) should be considered accurate.

Returns: number


Parameter Type
tbl table

Interprets a Lua date table as a local time and converts it to a Unix time in seconds. Equivalent to os.time(tbl).

Returns: number


Parameter Type
tbl table

Interprets a Lua date table as a UTC time and converts it to a Unix time in seconds. Equivalent to os.time(tbl) with a correction for UTC.

Returns: number



Returns an RFC 2822 string that represents the stored date and time.

Returns: string

toISO(sep, tz)

Parameter Type Optional
sep string
tz string

Returns an ISO 8601 string that represents the stored date and time. If sep and tz are both provided, then they are used as a custom separator and timezone; otherwise, T is used for the separator and +00:00 is used for the timezone, plus microseconds if available.

Returns: string


Returns a Unix time in microseconds that represents the stored date and time.

Returns: number


Returns a Unix time in milliseconds that represents the stored date and time.

Returns: number


Returns the seconds and microseconds that are stored in the date object.

Returns: number, number


Returns a Unix time in seconds that represents the stored date and time.

Returns: number


Returns a synthetic Discord Snowflake ID based on the stored date and time. Note that Date.fromSnowflake(id):toSnowflake() may not return the original Snowflake.

Returns: string


Parameter Type Optional
fmt string

Returns a string from this Date object via Lua's If no format string is provided, the default is '%a %b %d %Y %T GMT%z (%Z)'.

Returns: string


Returns a Lua date table that represents the stored date and time as a local time. Equivalent to'*t', s) where s is the Unix time in seconds.

Returns: table


Returns a Lua date table that represents the stored date and time as a UTC time. Equivalent to'!*t', s) where s is the Unix time in seconds.

Returns: table

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