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extends UserPresence

Represents a Discord guild member. Though one user may be a member in more than one guild, each presence is represented by a different member object associated with that guild. Note that any method or property that exists for the User class is also available in the Member class.

Instances of this class should not be constructed by users.

Properties Inherited From UserPresence

Name Type Description
activity Activity/nil The Activity that this presence represents.
client Client A shortcut to the client object to which this container is visible.
desktopStatus string The user's desktop status (online, dnd, idle, offline).
mobileStatus string The user's mobile status (online, dnd, idle, offline).
parent Container/Client The parent object of to which this container is a child. For example, the parent of a role is the guild in which the role exists.
status string The user's overall status (online, dnd, idle, offline).
user User The user that this presence represents.
webStatus string The user's web status (online, dnd, idle, offline).


Name Type Description
deafened boolean Whether the member is voice deafened in its guild.
guild Guild The guild in which this member exists.
highestRole Role The highest positioned role that the member has. If the member has no explicit roles, then this is equivalent to Member.guild.defaultRole.
joinedAt string/nil The date and time at which the current member joined the guild, represented as an ISO 8601 string plus microseconds when available. Member objects generated via presence updates lack this property.
muted boolean Whether the member is voice muted in its guild.
name string If the member has a nickname, then this will be equivalent to that nickname. Otherwise, this is equivalent to
nickname string/nil The member's nickname, if one is set.
premiumSince string/nil The date and time at which the current member boosted the guild, represented as an ISO 8601 string plus microseconds when available.
roles ArrayIterable An iterable array of guild roles that the member has. This does not explicitly include the default everyone role. Object order is not guaranteed.
timedOut boolean Whether the member is timed out in its guild.
timedOutUntil string/nil The raw communication_disabled_until member property. Note this may be provided even when the member's time out have expired.
voiceChannel GuildVoiceChannel/nil The voice channel to which this member is connected in the current guild.

Methods Inherited From UserPresence


Defines the behavior of the == operator. Allows containers to be directly compared according to their type and __hash return values.

Returns: boolean



Returns: string


Defines the behavior of the tostring function. All containers follow the format ClassName: hash.

Returns: string



Parameter Type
id Role-ID-Resolvable

Adds a role to the member. If the member already has the role, then no action is taken. Note that the everyone role cannot be explicitly added.

This method may make an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean

ban(reason, days)

Parameter Type Optional
reason string
days number

Equivalent to Member.guild:banUser(Member.user, reason, days)

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Deafens the member in its guild.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Returns a color object that represents the member's color as determined by its highest colored role. If the member has no colored roles, then the default color with a value of 0 is returned.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Color


Parameter Type Optional
channel GuildChannel

Returns a permissions object that represents the member's total permissions for the guild, or for a specific channel if one is provided. If you just need to check one permission, use the hasPermission method.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Permissions

hasPermission(channel, perm)

Parameter Type Optional
channel GuildChannel
perm Permissions-Resolvable

Checks whether the member has a specific permission. If channel is omitted, then only guild-level permissions are checked. This is a relatively expensive operation. If you need to check multiple permissions at once, use the getPermissions method and check the resulting object.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
id Role-ID-Resolvable

Checks whether the member has a specific role. This will return true for the guild's default role in addition to any explicitly assigned roles.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type Optional
reason string

Equivalent to Member.guild:kickUser(Member.user, reason)

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Mutes the member in its guild.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
id Role-ID-Resolvable

Removes a role from the member. If the member does not have the role, then no action is taken. Note that the everyone role cannot be removed.

This method may make an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Removes the timeout of the member.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
nick string

Sets the member's nickname. This must be between 1 and 32 characters in length. Pass nil to remove the nickname.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
id Channel-ID-Resolvable

Moves the member to a new voice channel, but only if the member has an active voice connection in the current guild. Due to complexities in voice state handling, the member's voiceChannel property will update asynchronously via WebSocket; not as a result of the HTTP request. Not supplying an ID will result in the member being disconnected from the channel.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
duration Time/number

Sets a timeout for a guild member. duration is either Time object or a number of seconds representing how long the timeout lasts. To set an expiration date, use timeoutUntil instead.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
date Date/number

Sets a timeout for a guild member. date is either Date object or a UNIX epoch in seconds at which the member's timeout ends. To set a duration, use timeoutFor instead.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type Optional
reason string

Equivalent to Member.guild:unbanUser(Member.user, reason)

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Undeafens the member in its guild.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Unmutes the member in its guild.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean

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