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Our Project Front-end Architecture

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Our Project Back-end Architecture


This project is for our ITI class as frontend with backend website.

After doing this project I recommend, instead of learning each technology by watching or reading way, just combine them all and gets your hands dirty in a a project like that, collaborating with your team as in any work-based projects.

you don't need to wait until you complete all the knowledge for project stack technologies, just start and learn each technology based on your use case in the project

the main purpose is learning, as most of the components of this project are new to us and we have not much experience to get it done even without thinking so we put a lot of time to get it done. now we are a group of 5 members and in the next versions of this kind of project, we will be more than that.

The architecture was designed to achieve a fault tolerant and high availability, which I will get it in more detail later on

Open Source tools I use to build this architecture

  • Linux Of course as an operating system
  • HA Proxy as a load balancer and reverse proxy
  • Nginx as a web server
  • Keepalived to achieve a high availability between the two load balancer
  • Prometheus as a monitoring server for our nodes
  • Grafana as an interactive visualization web server peer with Prometheus
  • Let's Encrypt as a free SSL provider

Our Computing provider is AWS

Creating two VPCs in different regions to avoid the vCPU limit, using VPC peering to connect them and enable a private network routing between them.

adding an IAM role to some EC2 instances to be able to do its role.

Allocate an Elastic Public IP to assign it to LBs servers instead of the auto-assign public IP.

Security_Group, one with public configuration for LBs and one with private configuration for web servers and monitoring server with opening the appropriate port (3000,443,9090,9100,80)

all virtual machine is t[2,3]-micro using available free trial only

Domain name provider

Make an A record for alexmis4iti78 ,

It's crucial to make a valid SSL certificate via Let's Encrypt that you need a working domain name

Namecheap, useing a coupon from the GitHub student package to get it free


all VMs running on Centos distro as Amazon Linux default one with only command line interface

HA Proxy

It is the best open-source load balancer written in C, and is also very popular in DevOps environments.

With minimal configuration I set 4 web servers at the backend section haproxy.cfg , using the default algorithm to load balance the requests

Work as a server to load balance incoming traffic from the internet to web servers, the main purpose is SSL-Termination for all web servers, HA proxy server handles all HTTPS requests and communicates with web servers on private IPs only at port 80.

it's running on layer 7.

At the highly available concept, we have a backup HA Proxy server to the master one to prevent downtime

obtaining a free certificate from Let's encrypt and enable auto-renew script

The configuration of HAProxy server

#location /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
# Configure it as a load balancer and SSL-termination
# only open port is 443

frontend http_front
   bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/key/ # combined a private key with certificate in one .pem file
   reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https # only https connection is allowed
   default_backend http_back

backend http_back
   balance roundrobin  # as the default algorithm
   # nginx web servers, balance the requests between them
   server server_name1  check
   server server_name2  check
   server server_name3  check
   server server_name4 check

backend letsencrypt-backend   # open it for let's encrypt service
   server letsencrypt


It is the faster webserver to serve static content (html,css,js) so I choose it rather than apache web server, although, apache is more straightforward than Nginx.

setting a 4 web-server have the same content is the best for a fault-tolerance environment.

all 4 Nginx servers are in a private network.

The configuration of Nginx server

# It's not the default Nginx configuration file, but only that is what I need

include mime.types; // To be able to excute an [html/css/js] and more
      server {

              listen 80; // only listen on port 80, it's a private network
              root /usr/share/nginx/html;  // site's files location



events{}  # nginx will not run without it 


Instead of using an ELB to manage the Active-Passive Architecture, I preferred to use "KeepAlived" to do that

To run keepalived in the AWS environment you need to allocate an
Elastic public IP to assign it to the active load balance with a script to detect a failure of the master to reassign the Elastic IP to the backup load balance, keep in mind that you need to add ec2 role
to associate and disassociate the Elastic IP

The configuration of KeepAlived

vrrp_script check_haproxy 
    script "pidof haproxy"
    interval 5
    fall 2
    rise 2

vrrp_instance VI_1
    debug 2
    interface eth0
    state MASTER
    virtual_router_id 41 
    priority 110  # higher priority for master server
    unicast_src_ip # IP of Active machine

    unicast_peer # IP of the backup machine



    notify_master /etc/keepalived/ ## bash script run if the state of haproxy fail
                                              ## to reassign an Elastic IP

Script that runs when a Master server fails

EIP= # Elastic public IP
INSTANCE_ID=i-010d3d18ec00cd116 # ID of the backup server

/usr/bin/aws ec2 disassociate-address --public-ip $EIP
/usr/bin/aws ec2 associate-address --public-ip $EIP --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID


It's idea containing of two parts which are Prometheus and Node_Exporter Prometheus is the central server that the all data metrics of all other servers pulled to it Node_Exporter is like an agent, you need to install it in each server you want to collect its metrics

I put it in my Architecture to detect any kind of failer

also, keep in mind that if you are in an AWS environment you need to attach an IAM role for the Prometheus server to be able to do its job

The configuration of Prometheus

#yaml configuration on server site to pull data from my target servers
  scrape_interval: 15s
    monitor: 'prometheus'

  - job_name: 'prometheus'
      # to monitor the Prometheus server itself 
      - targets: ['localhost:9090']
  - job_name: 'node_exporter'

      # backend servers need to be monitor
      - targets: ['']
      - targets: ['']
      - targets: ['']
      - targets: ['']
      - targets: ['']
      - targets: ['']

The configuration of Prometheus demon

# locatetion /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.Service
# to run Prometheus demon

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus \
   --config.file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
   --storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/ \
   --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles \

The configuration of Node_Exporter demon

# location /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service
Description=Node Exporter


One of the trending tools in monitoring also in DevOps environment

Useing it to make a very detailed dashboard for the backend infrastructure, it's like an enhancement for Prometheus to get all the metrics in a visualized way


Hussein Nasser Youtube Channel
Subscribe to his Channel is a must


Fundamentals of Backend HAProxy

AWS بالعربي
Father of AWS in Arabic

[Good Articles]

Loadbalancing with haproxy
L4 vs L7 Load Balancing
HAProxy SSL Termination Prometheus Node Exporter and Grafana on EC2[[ keepalived_Nginx-Docs
Keepalived How to secure haproxy prometheus and grafana


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