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A library for intelligently plotting functions from the MIT Scheme REPL.


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In memoriam, Aaron Swartz, November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013.

Has this ever happened to you?

Bad plot
 from poorly chosen points

Figure a: A function plotted with 40 data points evenly spaced along the x axis

40 hours spent computing 40 data points, and all the insight you get into your hard-to-compute function is Figure a? Wouldn't you rather have something like Figure b for the same effort?

Good plot
 from well chosen points

Figure b: The same function plotted with 40 data points with adaptively chosen x coordinates.

Enter Adaptive Plot

a library for intelligently plotting functions from the MIT Scheme REPL. Adaptive Plot lets you

  • plot from the read-eval-print loop any real function you have implemented as a Scheme program,
  • letting the library automatically choose how much and where to evaluate it to get a good picture.

For example, if you want to see sin(100x), as x varies from -1 to 1, type:

(load "adaptive-plot/load")

(gnuplot (lambda (x) (sin (* 100 x))) -1 1)

and you get

Good plot
 of sin(100x)

Figure c: sin(100x) plotted with enough points to make out all the geometry, but no legend.

This particular picture turned out to need 1672 points, placed adaptively, to come out this good. If you only use 100 points and space them evenly (which is what typing plot [-1:1] sin(100*x) into Gnuplot does by default) you get this:

Bad plot
 of sin(100x)

Figure d: sin(100x) with only 100 points, evenly spaced. This is worse than ugly, it's deceptive, because the peaks are really all the same height (see Figure c).

You can of course get Adaptive Plot to give you Figure d, ```scheme (gnuplot (lambda (x) (sin (* 100 x))) -1 1 '(x-uniformly 98) '(commanding "title \"sin(100x)\"")) ``` but why would you want to?

Live Plotting

One other nice thing Adaptive Plot does for you is that, if you have a slow function you want to plot, you can see the points appear in a Scheme window as they are computed. You can also open up a Scheme window showing a (partial) plot of a function, interact with that plot object from the REPL, and see the effects show up in the window as soon as they are computed.

So how do I get it?

Just git clone this repository,

(load "adaptive-plot/load")

and hack away. Try out the example commands in examples.scm and see how it works.

If you want to develop Adaptive Plot, you will want to also get the unit test framework that Adaptive Plot uses. Type git submodule init and git submodule update.

I can haz Reference Manual?



A plot of a function is really an ordered collection of (x,y) points, where the x coordinates were chosen by some mechanism and the y coordinates were computed by applying the function to those x coordinates.

The actual pictures are linear interpolations—draw the leftmost point, draw a straight line from it to the next point, then from there to the next, etc. (One could interpolate nonlinearly, for instance with splines, but the point is to study the function, so I chose linear interpolation for Adaptive Plot because it is very simple and easily understood.) This means that the picture you see is actually a piecewise-linear approximation of your function.

A plot will look smooth when the line segments it is made of are small enough compared to the angles they make with each other and the thickness of the lines drawn on screen that your eye runs them together into one curve. In regions where the function being plotted is almost linear, this can be accomplished with relatively sparse sampling; in regions of high curvature, denser sampling is required.

Adaptive Plot watches the points that it computes when building a plot, and, based on the choppiness of the piecewise-linear curve that they make, estimates whether additional points are necessary and where they would be most useful.

The resolution of a plot is the resolution of the screen on which the plot is assuming it will be drawn: higher means features will be more smoothed out (at the cost of computing the value of the function at more points). For best visual results, the resolution of the plot should be at least as high as the resolution of the graphic where you will actually draw it; however, you may wish to draw a low-resolution plot on a high-resolution graphic to get a fast coarse view of an expensive function.

Making Simple Things Simple

(plot f xlow xhigh . adverbs)

Draw the function f in a Scheme window. The Scheme window is live, in the sense that new points are added as soon as they are computed rather than waiting for the plotting process to complete. The liveness is mainly useful when f is expensive to evaluate. Return the plot object.

You can control several aspects of how this is done by supplying adverbs, which are either Scheme symbols or lists that begin with Scheme symbols (you need to quote them to keep them from being evaluated). Later adverbs override earlier ones. The adverbs plot accepts are:

  • invisibly tells plot not to actually draw the Scheme window. This is useful if you want to manipulate the resulting plot object some other way before looking at the plot. See also new-plot, below.

  • visibly, in contrast, requests the live Scheme window. This is the default for plot, but e.g., gnuplot, below, does not show a live window by default.

  • adaptively, (adaptively res^2), (adaptively xres yres), (adaptively-with count), (adaptively-to-with xres yres count), x-uniformly, (x-uniformly xres), y-uniformly, (y-uniformly yres), uniformly, and (uniformly res) control the actual point selection algorithm. The default is adaptively.

For example,

(plot abs -1 1 '(adaptive-with 40))

would draw a plot of the abs function in a Scheme window using exactly 40 points.

In addition, you can control the size of the generated Scheme window by setting the global variables *scheme-plot-window-x-res* and *scheme-plot-window-y-res*, and you can control the plot's default target resolution by setting the global variables *plot-x-res* and *plot-y-res*.

(gnuplot f xlow xhigh . adverbs)

Draw the function f in a Gnuplot window. This operation is synchronous: gnuplot does not return until you close the Gnuplot window. Return the plot object.

By default, gnuplot does not draw a Scheme window while f is being plotted, but passing it the visibly adverb will make it do so. The Scheme window will be closed when the plotting is done, to make room for the Gnuplot window (since Gnuplot renders plots more aesthetically).

gnuplot accepts all the same adverbs that plot does, plus two more:

  • (prefixing str) will insert the given str in the Gnuplot command stream before the plot command that draws the desired plot. Use this, for instance, to ask Gnuplot to write the plot to a file.

  • (commanding str) will insert the given str as an additional modifier at the end of the plot command that draws the desired plot. Use this, for instance, to give a name to your function to appear in the legend.

For example, Figure b from the intro can be made with

(define (the-function x)
  ... ; Lots of hairy Scheme code

(gnuplot the-function -1 2 '(adaptive-with 40)
  '(commanding "title \"Adaptive placement of the same 40 evaluations"))

gnuplot will echo the Gnuplot command it ends up issuing to your REPL so you can see how to use the prefixing and commanding adverbs to good effect. In particular, gnuplot sets up some reasonable defaults using Gnuplot's set, but anything you prefix gets inserted after this, so you can override it.

(replot plot . adverbs), (regnuplot plot . adverbs)

Apply new adverbs to an existing plot and redraw (either in a Scheme window or in Gnuplot, as appropriate). Previously supplied adverbs are not remembered, but previously plotted points are. Adverbs that indicate plotting with some number of points mean use that many more points.

Plot Refinement Algorithms

Parabolic refinement compares the linear approximation to a locally quadratic approximation (from sets of three consecutive already-plotted points) and queries that x coordinate that brings them closest together. Parabolic refinement adds one point at a time, in a greedy fashion: query wherever looks best at the time. Parabolic refinement is the default; you can also select it explicitly with the adaptively adverbs, which also lets you control the stopping condition.

  • adaptively selects parabolic refinement until the plot's target resolution is reached (default 1200x960).

  • (adaptively res^2) selects parabolic refinement until the given resolution, in units of total pixels, is reached. (Parabolic refinement works on total area, so the target aspect ratio of the plot does not affect it).

  • (adaptively xres yres) selects parabolic refinement until the given resolution. Since parabolic refinement works on total area, this is equivalent to (adaptively (* xres yres)).

  • (adaptively-with count) selects parabolic refinement for a fixed number of points, regardless of the resolution attained thereby. Note that the first 12 points are spaced uniformly along the x-axis to make an initial approximation to refine, so to actually benefit from parabolic refinement count should be more than 12.

  • (adaptively-to-with xres yres count) is a combination of the previous two: refinement proceeds until either the desired resolution is reached or count points have been added, and then stops.

Arguments to adaptively-with and adaptively-to-with are optional. Without the count, the latter reduces to adaptively; whereas the former, without the count, will refine forever.

For example,

(plot cos -10 10 '(adaptively-to-with 640 480 100))

will produce a plot of cos(x) between -10 and 10 that's good for display at a resolution of 640x480, unless this takes more than 100 evaluations of cos, in which case it will stop at the best it can do with 100 points.

Uniform refinement along either the x or the y dimension makes sure that all segments are not too long in the given dimension, by trying to break any such too-long segment up into the fewest uniform-length pieces necessary to bring it down to size. Uniform refinement in the x dimension is therefore not adaptive at all (because the x coordinates of new points do not depend on the values of the function at old points), but uniform refinement in the y dimension is adaptive, in the sense that it will throw points at regions where the function's value is changing rapidly.

You can select uniform refinement along one or both dimensions with the uniformly adverbs, as well as control the size it aims for

  • (x-uniformly xres) makes the x-lengths of all segments shorter than the given resolution (higher resolution means shorter segments).

  • x-uniformly makes the x-lengths of all segments shorter than the plot's x-resolution. Note that the default for plot resolution is chosen with parabolic refinement in mind, so this adverb may be surprisingly expensive.

  • (y-uniformly yres) tries to make the y-lengths of all segments shorter than the given resolution (higher resolution means shorter segments). The attempt is made by breaking any y-longer segment uniformly in the x dimension; if the function is nonlinear, not all the resulting segments will necessarily have y-lengths shorter than the desired resolution. y-uniform refinement is not automatically iterated, because if the function has a sufficiently large discontinuity, iteration would not terminate.

  • y-uniformly tries to make the y-lengths of all segments shorter than the plot's y-resolution.

  • (uniformly res) does (x-uniformly res) first and then (y-uniformly res).

  • uniformly does x-uniformly first and then y-uniformly.

Interactive Manipulation

(plot f xlow xhigh 'invisibly . more-adverbs)

As a reminder, plot can be made to do the adaptive point selection, but show no output. It returns the plot object, which can be further manipulated.

(plot-draw! plot)

Draw the given plot in a Scheme window and return the plot. Does not refine.

(plot-zoom-x! plot #!optional new-xlow new-xhigh)

Change the x boundaries of the given plot and compute more points (if necessary) so that the new view reaches the plot's resolution, then return the plot. Useful for looking at a part of the function's geometry more closely without recomputing the points already plotted, or at a different region without forgetting the points already plotted. If either boundary is left off, set it to include all available already plotted points (and at least the x coordinates -1 and +1). If this plot is being followed in a live Scheme window, its boundaries become the new bounds.

(plot-zoom-y! plot #!optional new-ylow new-yhigh)

Clip the plot window to only show the curve within the given boundaries in the y dimension and compute more points (if necessary) so that the new view reaches the plot's resolution, then return the plot. Useful for avoiding being confused by a spike in the function. If either boundary is left off, include all y values in the direction (including ones the function may produce in the future). If this plot is being followed in a live Scheme window, its boundaries become the new bounds.

(plot-zoom! plot #!optional new-xlow new-xhigh new-ylow new-yhigh)

Do both plot-zoom-x! and plot-zoom-y!.

(plot-resolve! plot xres yres)

Change the plot's resolution and compute more points (if necessary) so that the current view reaches the new resolution, then return the plot.

(plot-stop-drawing! plot)

Get rid of the Scheme window (it will not be recreated until you call plot-draw!), and return the plot.

(plot-gnu! plot . adverbs)

Draw the (current state of) the plot in a fresh gnuplot window and return the plot. Does not compute additional points. Accepts the adverbs prefixing and commanding, with the same effect as gnuplot.

Interactive Querying

(plot-xlow plot), (plot-xhigh plot), (plot-ylow plot), (plot-yhigh plot)

Return the appropriate limit for this plot's range of interest. Return the default object (which satisfies default-object?) if that boundary is not constrained.

(plot-dimensions plot)

Return the bounding box the plot will be drawn in as four values: (xlow xhigh ylow yhigh). This is not the same as calling plot-xlow, etc, because it computes from the already plotted points what the effective boundaries are for dimensions that are not constrained.

(plot-xresolution plot) (plot-yresolution plot)

Return the target x- or y-resolution of the plot.

(plot-pixels plot)

Return the plot's target number of pixels. This is just the product of the x resolution times the y resolution, but is relevant because the parabolic refinement algorithm does not care about the aspect ratio.

(plot-known-points-alist plot)

Return all the points the plot has computed so far as a list of x-y pairs.

(plot-relevant-points-alist plot)

Return the points that fall within the plot's current viewport boundaries (xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh) as a list of x-y pairs.

(plot-count plot)

Return the number of points the plot has computed so far.

Manipulation Without Autorefinement

(new-plot f xlow xhigh)

Create and return a plot object, but do not make a Scheme window or start refining. Does not invoke the function to be plotted.

(plot-resize-x! plot #!optional xlow xhigh), (plot-resize-y! plot #!optional ylow yhigh), (plot-resize! plot #!optional xlow xhigh ylow yhigh)

Like plot-zoom*, but do not compute additional points until called for.

(plot-new-resolution! plot xres yres)

Like plot-resolve!, but do not compute additional points until called for.

(plot-refine! plot . adverbs)

Manually invoke adaptive refinement, according to any adaptively or uniformly adverbs supplied. The default is adaptively. Return the plot object. If there is a live Scheme window following this plot, it will be updated as refinement proceeds.

Of Independent Interest

These two functions are utilities from the perspective of Adaptive Plot, but may be useful independently of all the rest of this machinery. They are defined in the file gnuplot.scm, which has no dependencies on any of the rest of Adaptive Plot, so may be lifted and used elsewhere if desired.

(gnuplot-alist alist . adverbs)

Plot the given list of points (as x-y pairs) in gnuplot, according to any supplied prefixing and/or commanding adverbs.

(gnuplot-write-alist alist filename)

Write the given list of points (as x-y pairs) into the given file (overwriting it) in a format the Gnuplot is happy with. Yes, this function is trivial, but I already wrote it for you.

Developer Documentation

The developer documentation is the source code and the commentary therein. In particular, each source file has some discussion at the beginning of what that file is about and what the salient things in it are. Here's a table of contents (and suggested reading order):

  • Interesting stuff

    • examples.scm: A few plot commands for your pleasure.
    • interface.scm: Primary entry points, and user-level functions that don't clearly belong in another file.
    • refinement.scm: Uniform refinement, and the administration around parabolic refinement.
    • locally-quadratic.scm: The actual parabolic refinement loop and supporting data structures.
    • parabolas.scm: Geometry of parabolas, for parabolic refinement.
    • todo.txt: The "issue tracker".
  • Semi-involved support

    • drawing.scm: Dealing with making, dropping, and updating any requested live Scheme windows.
    • windowing.scm: The actual mechanics of opening a window and drawing a point or a line on it.
    • gnuplot.scm: Gnuplot plotting of alist data.
  • Fairly boring support

    • plots.scm: The actual data structure holding the things a plot remembers.
    • point-sets.scm: An abstraction for clipping sets of points in the plane. The implementation is uninteresting, but this is a place where a proper range tree could be dropped in if overhead needed to be that low.
    • utils.scm: Two random utilities.
    • auto-compilation.scm: Automatically invoke the MIT Scheme compiler, if necessary and possible, to (re)compile files before loading them. This has nothing to do with Adaptive Plot, but I figured copying it in was easier than making an external dependency.
    • load.scm: Orchestrate the loading sequence. Nothing interesting to see here.
    • Makefile: Run the test suite or build a local copy of this documentation. Note that there is no "build" as such; source is automatically recompiled at loading time as needed.
    • doc/ : Some stuff for generating the pictures that appear in this README.
    • LICENSE: The AGPLv3, under which Adaptive Plot is licensed.
  • Test suite

    • Run it with make test.
    • The test/ directory contains the actual test suite (with some test-time-only utilities in test/utils.scm).
    • The testing/ directory is a git submodule pointed at the Test Manager framework that the test suite relies upon.


Adaptive Plot is written in and for MIT Scheme on Ubuntu, and no particular effort has been invested in porting it to other platforms. That said, I expect porting should be a matter of tedium, not invention. The portability problems I anticipate are

  • Live Scheme windows: Every mature Scheme system on every OS has a graphics API, but they are all different. A sufficient portability layer should not be impossible (after all, all I do with windows is draw points and lines on them), but it may be simpler to drop this convenience feature.
  • Calling out to Gnuplot: Every mature Scheme system has a mechanism to ask the operating system to invoke external programs, and again, they are all different. This is in the same category as the live windows, but less painful.
  • Code style idiosyncrasies: I liberally rely upon various functions and syntax provided by MIT Scheme that are not standard for Scheme. Other Schemes have similar constructs with different syntax; this should be just a bunch of doc-grovelling.
  • The unit test suite: is written in my Test Manager framework, which you would also need to port if you wanted the test suite; but that should be easier.


Adaptive Plot does not deal gracefully with functions that approach infinity within the plotting range. In particular, the adaptive refinement will tend to try to explore the vicinity of the singularity. This makes two problems: effort will be spent on computing very large values of the function, which are likely to be both inaccurate and uninteresting; and the plotter might hit a value where the function is actually undefined, possibly causing a crash.

Clipping the y range does not prevent Adaptive Plot from trying to explore that geometry. To wit, if the function has something interesting, like a high curvature area, or a discontinuity (or a singularity!) in the given x range but outside the given y range, Adaptive Plot will try to explore it anyway, wasting computational effort.

If the function being plotted is not actually a function (for example, has some internal state, or is randomized), Adaptive Plot will neither detect this nor react. You'll just get a very jumbled and confused plot, which may require very many points to make (and refinement may even not terminate).

gnuplot, regnuplot, and plot-gnu! are synchronous, so you can't have both your REPL and the gnuplot window open at the same time.

Parabolic refinement doesn't actually pick the point of greatest anticipated convergence of areas. There is a subtle bug in the parabola geometry code (see parabolas.scm) such that I don't actually know how to characterize the next point it picks. However, it does pick something reasonable, and the results are still aesthetic, so this is a performance (and reproducibility) problem rather than a correctness problem.

Unimplemented Features

Generalize adaptive refinement to parametric curves. The concept is identical, except that the higher-order extrapolation is now trying guess the value of the parameter that would produce the greatest improvement in a piecewise linear approximation to a curve.

Maybe generalize to plotting more than one function at once. Multifunction plots can already be accomplished with plot-relevant-points, gnuplot-write-alist, and some glue, but there may be some additional adaptiveness to be derived from plotting multiple functions at once. For example, the piecewise linear approximations that adaptive refinement produces can be good starting points to look for intersections (or to confirm their absence); if such features are of interest, the plotting could focus more effort in such locations.

Maybe generalize to Poincare sections, which often still draw continuous curves, but jump around sporadically inside them. Poincare sections of chaotic trajectories are even more fun, because they jump around inside an area, that is nonetheless bounded by continuous curves.


Alexey Radul, [email protected]


This file is part of Adaptive Plot, a library for intelligently plotting functions from the MIT Scheme REPL. Copyright (C) 2013 Alexey Radul

Adaptive Plot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Adaptive Plot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Adaptive Plot. If not, see


A library for intelligently plotting functions from the MIT Scheme REPL.







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