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Pattern Case is a pattern matching and destructuring system designed to mesh well with the philosophy of Scheme. Pattern Case comprises two main components: matcher procedures and the case* macro. They conspire to make examples like this (contrived one) work:

  (case* foo
   ((pair a (pair ad dd)) (+ a ad dd))
   ((pair _ d) d)
   ((null) 3)

This evaluates foo; if it turns out to be a pair whose cdr is also a pair, it will (try to) sum the car, cadr, and cddr of foo; otherwise if it turns out to be pair, will return its cdr; otherwise if it turns out to be null, will return 3; otherwise will return an unspecified value. The matcher procedures used in the above example are pair and null, provided with Pattern Case.

The motivation and design are discussed in pattern-matching.txt, of which discussion Pattern Case is an implementation (in MIT Scheme). Pattern Case differs from what is described in that document as follows:

  • Interface: matchers pass the pieces of the object to the win continuation, and nothing to the lose continuation. Since MIT Scheme does not do flow analysis, and certainly doesn't propagate negative information, I did not take that measure to improve its precision.

  • Naming convention: matchers are named after the type name, with no typographic markers. What is called pair?* in the text for distinctiveness is called pair here for typography.

  • List matchers, segment variables, and guards are not implemented.

  • As patterns are implemented, with the syntax (pair a d :as foo).

  • Compiler support is obtained though integration declarations.

Worked Example

For example, one might use case* to define a simple map function like this:

; Inline matcher procedures for performance
(declare (integrate-external "path/to/pattern-case"))

(define (my-map f lst)
  (case* lst
    ((pair a d) (cons (f a) (my-map f d)))
    ((null) '())
    (_ (error "Improper list"))))

The case* macro in this example macroexpands into a composition of the matcher procedures pair and null:

(define (my-map f lst)
  (let ((expr-17 lst))
    (let ((lose-18
           (lambda ()
             (let ((lose-19 (lambda () (error "Improper list"))))
               ;; (2) Then to try the second clause, bind the
               ;; remaining clauses into yet another lose procedure.
               (null expr-17 (lambda () '()) lose-19)))))
      ;; (1) To try the first clause first, bind up the process of
      ;; trying the other clauses into a lose procedure.
      (pair expr-17 (lambda (a d) (cons (f a) (my-map f d))) lose-18))))

Each matcher takes the object to match and destructure, a procedure to call with the results of destructuring if the match is successful, and a procedure to call with no arguments if the match fails.

Since pair and null are declared integrable, and since there is an appropriate integrate-external declaration in effect, MIT Scheme inlines pair and null, and all the anonymous lambdas, to produce this:

(define (my-map f lst)
  (let ((expr-17 lst))
    (cond ((pair? expr-17)
           (let ((a (car expr-17)) (d (cdr expr-17)))
             (cons (f a) (my-map f d))))
          ((null? expr-17) '())
          (else (error "Improper list")))))

which, up to some extra temporary names (which are the register allocator's problem anyway) is what you would have written without case*.

In this case, the gain is fairly small: the only thing case* gives you here is not having to write car and cdr in the pair? clause. But as your data structures get more complicated than just cons lists, that savings starts to add up.


Just git clone this repository,

(load "pattern-case/load")

and hack away. Be sure to

(declare (integrate-external "path/to/pattern-case"))

in any file that uses this, or you will be consing closures like mad and probably suffer around 5x-10x slowdown in case* forms.

If you want to develop Pattern Case, you will want to also get the unit test framework that Pattern Case uses. Type git submodule init and git submodule update.


The case* macro has the following syntax:

<case*>   = (case* <expr> <clause> ...)
<clause>  = (<pattern> <body-form> ...)
          | (<matcher> => <receiver>)
<pattern> = _
          | <var>
          | (<matcher> <pattern> ...)
          | (<matcher> <pattern> ... :as <var>)

<matcher>, <receiver>, <expr>, and <body-form> are Scheme expressions.

The semantics of a case* form are as follows. First, the <expr> is evaluated (once) to produce an object to be matched against. Then each clause is tried in turn (described below) until one matches; in which case the value of the case* form is the value produced by that clause. If none of the clauses match, the value of the case* form is unspecified.

Clause Matching

There are two types of clauses: normal pattern clauses and "arrow clauses", the latter being distinguished by the presence of the token => in the second position in the clause. The arrow clauses are simpler so I describe them first.

If the clause is an arrow clause, both expressions in the clause are evaluated. The first is expected to return a matcher procedure, and the second is expected to return a procedure. The matcher procedure is then called on the object being matched against, the procedure returned by the receiver form, and a nullary procedure that, if invoked, will continue matching later clauses. The effect is that if the object matches the matcher, the case* form will reduce to a call to the receiver with the destructuring results as defined by the matcher; otherwise case* will try the next clause.

If the clause is a pattern clause, the behavior depends on the pattern. If the pattern is a variable, it will automatically match, and the body of the clause will be evaluated in an environment where the object is bound to that variable. The special variable _ is treated as an ignore directive, and the object is not bound in this case. If the pattern is a list, then the first element of the pattern is evaluated to produce a matcher procedure, as per arrow clauses above. This matcher procedure is called on the object, a procedure constructed from the rest of the pattern together with the clause body, and a nullary procedure that will continue by trying the remaining clauses. If the remaining elements of the pattern are all variables, then, if the object matches, the body will be evaluated in an environment where the destructuring results are bound to those variables (underscores are again treated as ignore directives). If any of the elements of the pattern are nontrivial subpatterns, the corresponding part of the object will be matched recursively. If the whole pattern matches, the body will be evaluated in an environment where all the parts are bound to the given names; if not, the next clause will be tried.

If the second-to-last element of a pattern is the token :as, this is an "as-pattern". The object being matched against this pattern will be bound to the last element of the pattern (which must be a variable), and the match will proceed using the pattern without the :as token or that variable. In other words, if the match succeeds, the whole object will be available to the clause body in the variable that followed the :as token.

Matcher Procedures

The provided matcher procedures are:

  • pair matches Scheme pairs and destructures them into their car and cdr
  • null matches the empty list and destructures it into nothing
  • boolean matches Scheme booleans and "destructures" them into themselves
  • number matches Scheme numbers and "destructures" them into themselves

You are free and encouraged to write your own. In fact, that was the point.

Defining your own matcher procedures

A matcher procedure must accept three arguments: the object to match, a procedure to call if it matches, and a procedure to call if it does not. The meaning of matching depends on the particular matcher procedure; in the case of pair that would be being a pair, and in the case of null that would be being the empty list. If the object indeed matches, the matcher procedure must call its second argument with the results of destructuring, as separate arguments. What destructuring a matcher performs is also defined by the particular matcher procedure -- in the case of pair, that would be the car and the cdr of the pair, and in the case of null, there are no destructuring results (so the second argument to null must accept no arguments). If the object does not match, the matcher procedure must call its third argument with no arguments.

For example, pair could have been defined with

(define-integrable (pair thing win lose)
  (if (pair? thing)
      (win (car thing) (cdr thing))

Defining matcher procedures with define-integrable where possible is recommended for performance (as is appropriate application of (declare (integrate-external ...)) in files that use your custom matcher procedures).

The thing that makes Pattern Case Schemely is that the matcher procedure slot in the case* macro is evaluated, so you can compute matchers on the fly. To repeat the example from the motivational essay, you could make a matcher that matches hash tables by looking a given key up in them (with the destructuring result being the datum associated with that key):

(define (has-key key)
  (lambda (table win lose)
    (hash-table/lookup table key win lose)))

Then you could use such matchers in any case* expressions you wanted, choosing keys on the fly:

(case* some-table
  (((has-key "foo") d) ...) ; The datum under "foo" is now in d
  (((has-key "bar") d) ...) ; There was no "foo"; the datum under "bar" is now in d
  ...) ; There was neither "foo" nor "bar"

Help for defining your own matcher procedures

  • (define-algebraic-matcher name predicate accessor ...) For the fairly common case when your matcher procedure tests the object with an existing predicate and destructures it by applying several existing accessors. This defines a matcher procedure named name that tests with predicate and produces destructuring results by applying each of the accessors. pair could have been defined with (define-algebraic-matcher pair pair? car cdr). There can be zero accessors; null could have been defined with (define-algebraic-matcher null null?).

  • (id-project thing) Returns thing. Useful as the "accessor" for a matcher (like boolean) that returns the object being matched itself, without actually destructuring it. boolean could have been defined with (define-algebraic-matcher boolean boolean? id-project).



The lambda-case* macro returns an anonymous unary procedure that operates by case* on its one argument. To wit,

(lambda-case* <clause> ...)


(lambda (thing)
  (case* thing
    <clause ...))


The define-case* macro defines a unary procedure that operates by case* on its one argument. To wit,

(define-case* <name>
  <clause> ...)


(define (<name> thing)
  (case* thing
    <clause> ...))

which is functionally the same as

(define <name> (lambda-case* <clause> ...))

Developer Documentation

The developer documentation is the source code and the commentary therein. There's only one interesting code file, but you might want to read the philosophy of the system as well.

  • Interesting stuff

    • pattern-matching.txt: An essay on pattern matching in Scheme, of which this code is an implementation.
    • pattern-case.scm: The implementation.
  • Boring support

    • auto-compilation.scm: Automatically invoke the MIT Scheme compiler, if necessary and possible, to (re)compile files before loading them. This has nothing to do with Pattern Case, but I figured copying it in was easier than making an external dependency.
    • load.scm: Orchestrate the loading sequence. Nothing interesting to see here.
    • Makefile: Run the test suite. Note that there is no "build" as such; source is automatically recompiled at loading time as needed.
    • LICENSE: The AGPLv3, under which Pattern Case is licensed.
  • Test suite

    • Run it with make test.
    • The test/ directory contains the actual test suite.
    • test/*-examples.scm are example uses of case* that are automatically checked for compiling to the right result.
    • test/*-results.scm are expected results for compiling case* examples.
    • The testing/ directory is a git submodule pointed at the Test Manager framework that the test suite relies upon.


The idea of organizing pattern matching in Scheme like this should be applicable to any Scheme system, with the caveat that some optimizer support is necessary to get decent performance. You really don't want to make closures for the win and lose procedures that get passed to the matcher procedures when you don't have to.

This actual implementation is just one giant explicit-renaming macro, so it will only port to Schemes that support explicit-renaming macros; which may not even be the right macro system to use in the target Scheme for this job. Case* is actually a hygienic macro, so it does not necessarily require an escape into non-hygiene, but I didn't want to even think about writing it in syntax-rules.

Unimplemented Features

  • Fixed length list patterns: (case* ... ((list x y) ...)) could mean (case* ... ((pair x (pair y (null))) ...)).
  • Pattern guards: application of arbitrary predicates which backtracks into the matching process if they do not pass.
  • Integration with define-structure: Right now, to get pattern case to work on user structure types, the user has to incant (define-algebraic-matcher foo foo? foo-x foo-y ...). It would be nice if this could be made automatic; there may also be performance improvements available, because the inside of the destructurer could use unsafe accessors (because it already performed the type test).


Alexey Radul, [email protected]


This file is part of Pattern Case, a Schemely pattern matching case facility in MIT Scheme. Copyright 2013 Alexey Radul.

Pattern Case is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Pattern Case is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Pattern Case; if not, see


A Schemely pattern matching case facility in MIT Scheme.







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