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Stanza Wrapper for the Z3 Solver Library

This project attempts to wrap Z3's solver functionality and provide a tool for solving and optimizating over domains.


From tests/Solver.stanza:

  val cfg = Config()
  val ctx = Context(cfg)

  val s = Solver(ctx)
  val [R1, R2] = to-tuple(RealVars(ctx, ["R1", "R2"])) as [AST, AST]
  val [Vin, Vout] = to-tuple(RealVars(ctx, ["Vin", "Vout"])) as [AST, AST]

  assert-on(s, R1 == 100.0e3)
  assert-on(s, Vin == 24.0)
  assert-on(s, Vout == 6.0)

  assert-on(s, R2 > 0.0)
  assert-on(s, Vout == Vin * (R2 / (R1 + R2)))

  val r = check(s)
  println("Result: %_" % [r])

  val m = get-model(s)
  println("%~" % [m])

This will generate:

Result: Z3_L_TRUE
R2 -> (/ 100000.0 3.0)
R1 -> 100000.0
Vout -> 6.0
Vin -> 24.0
/0 -> {
  (/ 100000.0 3.0) (/ 400000.0 3.0) -> (/ 1.0 4.0)
  else -> 0.0

Where R2 = 100k / 3.0 == 33.3k. This creates a voltage divider with an output of 6.0V when there is an input of 24V.


This project uses conan to manage compiling the Z3 library dependency for the current platform. To build the Z3 dependencies:

  1. Setup a compiler on the $PATH
    1. Ubuntu: sudo apt install build-essential
    2. Mac: xcode-select --install
    3. Windows: Install MinGW
      1. Use MinGW-W64 gcc compiler.
      2. I'm currently using version 12.2.0.
  2. Setup Stanza on your path:
    1. Check that stanza version reports something reasonable.
  3. Setup a virtualenv:
    1. python3 -m venv venv
    2. source venv/bin/activate or venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1
    3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Build the tests:
    1. Linux/Mac: make z3-tests
    2. Windows:
      1. $env:SLM_BUILD_STATIC=1
      2. ./build_conan.ps1
      3. stanza build z3-tests
  5. Run the tests:
    1. ./z3-tests
    2. On Mac/Linux - you can alternatively just run make tests

Running the Tests

$> mingw32-make.exe tests
stanza build z3-tests
[Test 1] test-cfg-basic

[Test 2] test-basic

[Test 3] test-bool-sort

[Test 4] test-int-sort

[Test 5] test-real-sort

[Test 6] test-bitvec-sort

[Test 7] test-finite-domain-sort

[Test 8] test-array-sort

[Test 9] test-numerals

[Test 10] test-ast-vector

[Test 11] test-basic
Result: Z3_L_TRUE
y -> 0
x -> 7


[Test 12] test-divider
Result: Z3_L_TRUE
R2 -> 100000.0
R1 -> 100000.0
Vout -> 12.0
Vin -> 24.0
/0 -> {
  100000.0 200000.0 -> (/ 1.0 2.0)
  else -> 0.0


Tests Finished: 12/12 tests passed. 0 tests skipped. 0 tests failed.

Longest Running Tests:
[PASS] test-basic (28 ms)
[PASS] test-divider (22 ms)
[PASS] test-cfg-basic (12 ms)
[PASS] test-basic (11 ms)
[PASS] test-bool-sort (11 ms)
[PASS] test-numerals (11 ms)
[PASS] test-int-sort (10 ms)
[PASS] test-finite-domain-sort (10 ms)
[PASS] test-ast-vector (10 ms)
[PASS] test-bitvec-sort (10 ms)
[PASS] test-real-sort (10 ms)
[PASS] test-array-sort (9290 us)

Wrapper.stanza & Enums

This project uses the tool defined in lbstanza-wrappers to generate the C function wrappers and the enumeration definitions.

Highly recommend running this in Linux or Mac - Windows is not well tested.

Setup for Wrappers

In the same virtualenv, you will need to install additional dependencies:

(venv) $> pip install -r wrapper_requirements.txt

Wrapper Build

You can use the Makefile to generate the wrapper:

(venv) $> make wrapper

This will build the static conan dependencies and then attempt to extract the definitions from the z3.h header file into the src/Wrapper.stanza file (as well as the src/Enums directory)

Writing a solver

There are a couple examples in the unit tests. There are primarily two different types - Solvers and Optimizers. There is an interface called Constrainable that is intended to make it easier to work with either.

The Shellable provides a means of implementing different scopes:

  within shell(s):
    assert-on(s, ((vout * vout) / r1) < 0.01)
    val r = check(s)

The asserts inside the within body will only apply during that scope. Once we leave that scope, they will be removed from the stack of constraints.