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cd: This command is used to change current working directory. cd ~: Changes directory to home directory. cd: Changes directory to home directory. cd <dirname>: Changes directory to the directory dirname.

pwd: This command prints the current working directory.

echo <string>: This command prints the string we give as argument.

ls: Lists files and directories. Supports flags- ls -a: Shows hidden files too. ls -l: Long listing of files and directories. Displays some of their characteristics. ls -al: Displays all files(including hidden files) in long listing format. ls ~: Displays alll files in home directory. ls .: Same as ls. ls ..: Displays files of parent directory of current directory.

<process> &: Takes the current process being executed to the background i.e. the terminal does not wait for it to finish and continues taking input from user. Ex: emacs &

pinfo <pid>: Displays process information about the process that spawned the shell if pid not given else displays process information about process with process id pid.

nightswatch <options> <command>: Options​ : -n ​seconds​: The time interval in which to execute the command (periodically). Commands : newborn: Displays pid of the newest process spawned by the computer. interrupt: Displays how many times the Computer was interrupted by the keyboard controller. The results are displayed till key q is pressed.

history <num>: Displays past 20 commands typed in by the user if num not given else displays past num commands.

setenv <var> <val>: Creates environment variable var with value val.

unsetenv <var>: Unsets environment variable var.

jobs: Displays all background jobs spawned by the shell along with their state. State can be either Running or Stopped.

kjob <job number> <signal number>: Sends signal corresponding to signal number to background job with job number job number.

fg <job number>: Brings the job with job id job number to the foreground from background.

bg <job number>: Changes state of job with job id job number to Running in background.

overkill: Kills all the jobs running the background spawned by the shell.

quit: Exits the terminal.

Supports signal handling: CNTRL-C and CNTRL-Z. Terminates process when CNTRL-C is pressed. Stops the execution of the process and moves it to the background if CNTRL-Z is pressed.

Supports piping and redirection: Input, output and error can be redirected to desired files using <, >, >>. Output of one process can be given as input to another using | operator. Example: ls | wc -l > d.txt ./a.out < d.txt >> ans.txt

To clear the .o files, enter command make clean.

To run the terminal, first compile the code by make and then execute it by ./exe.


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