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robgjansen edited this page Sep 5, 2012 · 13 revisions

This section discusses the format of Shadow's log files, and how to analyze the results contained therein.

the log file

Shadow produces log messages in the following format:

real-time [thread-id] virtual-time [logdomain-loglevel] [hostname-ip] [function-name] MESSAGE
  • real-time:
    the wall clock time since the start of the experiment, represented as hours:minutes:seconds:microseconds
  • thread-id:
    the ID of the worker thread that generated the message
  • virtual-time:
    the simulated time since the start of the experiment, represented as hours:minutes:seconds:nanoseconds
  • logdomain:
    either shadow or the name of one of the plug-ins as specified in the id tag of the plugin element in the XML file (e.g., scallion, filetransfer, echoplugin, torrent, browser)
  • loglevel:
    one of error < critical < warning < message < info < debug, in that order
  • hostname:
    the name of the node as specified in the id tag of the node element in the XML file
  • ip:
    the IP address of the node as specified in the ip tag of the node element in the XML file, or a random IP address if one is not specified
    NOTE: all IP addresses are random until this feature is completed
  • function-name:
    the name of the function logging the message
    the actual message to be logged

By default, Shadow only prints plug-in and core messages at or below the message log level. This behavior can be changed using the Shadow option -l or --log-level.
NOTE: in addition to Shadow's log level, Scallion experiments should also change Tor's log level in the *torrc files if lower level Tor messages are desired

gathering statistics

Shadow includes a heartbeat message that contains some useful system information for each virtual node in the experiment. This information is contained in messages containing the string shadow-heartbeat and includes:

  • CPU value %:
    the percentage of time spent executing code inside the plug-in over the previous interval
    NOTE: this value will be 0 if using --cpu-threshold=-1
  • MEM value KiB:
    the total memory currently consumed by the node's plug-in, in Kibibytes
  • interval value seconds:
    the number of seconds used to calculate interval statistics
  • alloc value KiB:
    the amount of memory allocated (i.e. malloced) in the last interval, in Kibibytes
  • dealloc value KiB:
    the amount of memory de-allocated (i.e. freed) in the last interval, in Kibibytes
  • Rx value B:
    the amount of network data received in the last interval, in Bytes
  • Tx value B:
    the amount of network data sent in the last interval, in Bytes

These heartbeats are logged at the message level every 60 seconds by default. The heartbeat log level can be changed with the option -g or --stat-log-level and the heartbeat interval set with the option -h or --stat-interval.

Each plug-in also generally prints useful statistics, such as file download size and timing information. See the plug-in usage pages for an explanation of what each provides.

parsing and plotting results

Shadow includes a python script contrib/ that can parse a log file and extract these important statistics. This script can also plot the results using python's pylab module.

The script is meant to be generic enough to parse any Shadow output and extract whatever information it knows about. This includes network throughput over time, client download statistics, and client load statistics (some of these are gathered from plug-in log messages).

For more information:

python contrib/ --help
python contrib/ parse --help
python contrib/ plot --help

NOTE: the script requires some python modules, most notably the pylab module


Here are some quick examples of how to use the script.


Consider a set of experiments where we would like to analyze the effect of changing the size of our nodes' network interface receive buffer. We run the following 2 experiments:

shadow --tcp-windows=1 --file > window1.log
shadow --tcp-windows=1000 --file > window1000.log

To parse these log files, we use the contrib/ script as follows:

python contrib/ parse --cutoff=0 --output=window1 window1.log
python contrib/ parse --cutoff=0 --output=window1000 window1000.log

Each of the directories window1/ and window1000/ now contain data statistics files extracted from the log files. We can now combine and visualize these results by plotting them with pylab:

python contrib/ plot --title "Shadow TCP Window Test" --prefix "window" --data window1/ "1 packet" --data window1000/ "1000 packets"

See any of the graphs in ./graphs, or if you have pdftk installed, you can simply view the window-combined.pdf file.


Suppose we want to test the performance difference between 2 of Tor's schedulers. We could do the following to setup our experiments:

cd resource
tar xaf tiny-m1.large.tar.xz
mv tiny-m1.large vanilla
tar xaf tiny-m1.large.tar.xz
mv tiny-m1.large priority

At this point you should add the string CircuitPriorityHalflife 30 to the end of each of the torrc files located in the priority directory. This will enable the scheduler that prioritizes circuits based on exponentially-weighted moving average circuit throughputs.

Now you can run both experiments and plot the results: (NOTE: each experiment may take up to an hour to run, so be patient)

cd vanilla
scallion -y
cd ../priority
scallion -y
cd ../

Since the scallion script redirects log messages to data/scallion.log, the following commands can be used to parse and plot those results:

python ../../contrib/ parse --output vanilla-results vanilla/data/scallion.log
python ../../contrib/ parse --output priority-results priority/data/scallion.log
python ../../contrib/ plot --title "Shadow Scheduler Test" --prefix "scheduler" --data vanilla-results/ "vanilla" --data priority-results/ "priority"

See any of the graphs in ./graphs, or if you have pdftk installed, you can simply view the scheduler-combined.pdf file.