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A plugin that provides HTTP functionality for the Seneca framework


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A Seneca.js Web plugin

Seneca web plugin

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This plugin provides a web service API routing layer for Seneca action patterns. It translates HTTP requests with specific URL routes into action pattern calls. It's a built-in dependency of the Seneca module, so you don't need to include it manually. Use this plugin to define your web service API.

This plugin supports Express-style middleware. This plugin supports (starting from version 0.5.0) also hapi, see bellow usage example.

  • Node: 0.10, 0.12, 4, 5
  • License: MIT

seneca-web's source can be read in an annotated fashion by,

  • running npm run annotate
  • viewing online.

If you're using this module, and need help, you can:

If you are new to Seneca in general, please take a look at We have everything from tutorials to sample apps to help get you up and running quickly.

Seneca compatibility

Supports Seneca versions 1.x and 2.x


This plugin module is included in the main Seneca module:

npm install seneca


The primary purpose of this plugin is to define URL routes that map to action patterns. This lets you turn your action patterns into a well-defined web service API.

  • Use a separate set of action patterns for your web service API. Don't expose your internal patterns! *

The role:web action accepts a use parameter that is a declarative definition of a set of routes. You specify a set of action patterns that will be exposed, and the URL routes that map to each pattern. Each call to the role:web action defines a middleware service with a set of routes. Incoming requests are passed to each service in turn until one matches. If none match, the request is passed onwards down the middleware chain.

The use parameter can also be an Express-style middleware function of the form function( req, res, next ). You are then free to handle the action mapping yourself.

To use the services in your app, call seneca.export('web') to obtain a wrapper middleware function that performs the route matching.

Hapi usage

Note: Hapi implementation is supported only for node v4 or later.

Quick example

This example defines some API end point URLs that correspond to Seneca actions:

  • GET /my-api/zig: role:api,cmd:zig
  • GET /my-api/bar: role:api,cmd:bar
  • GET /my-api/qaz: role:api,cmd:qaz
  • POST /my-api/qaz: role:api,cmd:qaz
var Chairo = require ( 'chairo' )
var Hapi = require ( 'hapi' )

var server = new Hapi.Server ()

    register: Chairo,
    options: {
      // options for Seneca
  }, function ( err ) {
    var seneca = server.seneca





      // define some routes that start with /my-api
      prefix: '/api',

      // use action patterns where role has the value 'api' and cmd has some defined value
      pin: {role:'api',cmd:'*'},

      // for each value of cmd, match some HTTP method, and use the
      // query parameters as values for the action
        zig: true,                // GET is the default
        bar: {GET:true},          // explicitly accepting GETs
        qaz: {GET:true,POST:true} // accepting both GETs and POSTs
} )

Express usage

Quick example

This example defines some API end point URLs that correspond to Seneca actions:

  • GET /my-api/zig: role:api,cmd:zig
  • GET /my-api/bar: role:api,cmd:bar
  • GET /my-api/qaz: role:api,cmd:qaz
  • POST /my-api/qaz: role:api,cmd:qaz
var seneca = require('seneca')()





  // define some routes that start with /my-api
  prefix: '/my-api',

  // use action patterns where role has the value 'api' and cmd has some defined value
  pin: {role:'api',cmd:'*'},

  // for each value of cmd, match some HTTP method, and use the
  // query parameters as values for the action
    zig: true,                // GET is the default
    bar: {GET:true},          // explicitly accepting GETs
    qaz: {GET:true,POST:true} // accepting both GETs and POSTs

var express = require('express')
var app = express()

// This is how you integrate Seneca with Express
app.use( seneca.export('web') )


// run: node test/example.js --seneca.log=type:act

// try: curl -m 1 -s http://localhost:3000/my-api/bar?zoo=a
// returns {"bar":"ab"}

// try curl -m 1 -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"zoo":"b"}' http://localhost:3000/my-api/qaz
// returns {"qaz":"bz"}

Alternative Approach

You can use Seneca directly from with your route handlers by just calling seneca.act directly. You don't need to use seneca-web at all. This approach may be more convenient if you already have a larger scale application architecture, or are integrating Seneca into an existing system.


This plugin does not provide an access control feature, or protect you from attacks such as request forgery. However, since it does support the middleware pattern, you can use other middleware modules to provide these features.

Action Patterns


Define a web service as a mapping from URL routes to action patterns.


  • use: mapping object, or middleware function

Middleware Function

When use is a function of the form function(req,res,next) { ... } it is considered to be a middleware function, and placed into the list of middleware provided by the seneca-web plugin.

Use this approach when you need to write special case custom code. The req parameter will contain a seneca property that gives you access to the Seneca instance bound to the current HTTP request. In a HTTP middleware context it's important to use the request specific Seneca instance, as other plugins may have added context to that instance. See, for example: seneca-user.


seneca.act('role:web', {use: function( req, res, next ){
  if( '/zed' == req.url ) {

    // NOTE: req.seneca reference
      if(err) return next(err);

      // assumes an express app
  else return next();

Route Action Mapping

The action mapping object is a convenience format for declarative definition of a HTTP API based on Seneca actions. You can see examples of this use-case in these projects:

You specify a set of action patterns, and the URL routes that map to these patterns. The set of patterns is specified using a pin, an example pattern that includes wildcards for some properties.

For example, if you have defined the patterns:

  • seneca.add( 'role:color,cmd:red', ... )
  • seneca.add( 'role:color,cmd:green', ... )
  • seneca.add( 'role:color,cmd:blue', ... )
  • seneca.add( 'role:sound,cmd:piano', ... )

Then the pin role:color,cmd:* will pick out the first three patterns:

  • role:color,cmd:red
  • role:color,cmd:green
  • role:color,cmd:blue

but not role:sound,cmd:piano as that does not match the pin pattern.

A simple mapping can then be defined as follows:

seneca.add('role:color,cmd:red', function( args, done ){
  done( null, {color:'#F00'} )

seneca.add('role:color,cmd:green', function( args, done ){
  done( null, {color:'#0F0'} )

seneca.add('role:color,cmd:blue', function( args, done ){
  done( null, {color:'#00F'} )

seneca.act('role:web', {use:{
  prefix: '/color',             // the URL prefix for the web service API
  pin:    'role:color,cmd:*',   // the set of patterns to map
  map: {
    red:   true,                // GET /color/red triggers role:color,cmd:red
    green: true,
    blue:  true,

Which creates an HTTP API that responds like so:

$ curl -m 1 -s http://localhost:3000/color/red

$ curl -m 1 -s http://localhost:3000/color/green

$ curl -m 1 -s http://localhost:3000/color/blue

The properties of the mapping define the routes and the action patterns to call:

  • prefix: prefix string for the URL, in this case /color
  • pin: the pin that selects the actions
  • map: each property of this sub-object should correspond to a matched wildcard value, in this case: red, green, and blue

The map entries define the nature of the route. In the above example, the default case is to respond to HTTP GET requests. The mapping forms URLs by appending the name of the wildcard value to the prefix to form the full URL. So you end up with these endpoints:

  • GET /color/red
  • GET /color/green
  • GET /color/blue

To respond to POST requests, do this:

seneca.act('role:web', {use:{
  prefix: '/color',
  pin:    'role:color,cmd:*',
  map: {
    red: { POST:true }

The argument properties for your action are built from the URL parameters, query string, and body data, merged in that order of precedence. You can modify this behaviour with the useparams and usequery settings, as described below.


// just echo the args back out again!
seneca.add('role:api,cmd:echo', function( args, done ){
  done( null, args )

seneca.act('role:web', {use:{
  prefix: '/api',
  pin:    'role:api,cmd:*',
  map: {
    echo: {POST:true, suffix:'/:foo'}

Which behaves as follows:

$ curl -m 1 -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"zed":"c"}' \

Note: you do not have to list all the matching wildcards in a map. Only those you list explicitly will be supported.

The wildcard mapping object accepts the following optional properties that let you refine the route specification:

  • METHOD: any HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc); the value can be:
    • true: accept requests with this method.
    • a middleware function: this allows you to completely customize the route.
    • a method specification, see below.
  • alias: custom URL path, concatenated to top level prefix; can contain Express-style route parameters: /api/:bar sets
  • suffix: appended to route URL.
  • useparams: merge any URL parameter values into the arguments for the Seneca action; default: true
  • usequery: merge any URL query values into the arguments for the Seneca action; default: true
  • dataprop: provide all request parameters inside a data property on the Seneca action, default: false
  • redirect: perform a 302 redirection with the value as the new location URL.
  • handler: function that translates inbound requests to Seneca actions, see below.
  • responder: function that translates outbound Seneca results into HTTP response data, see below.
  • modify: function that modifies the output object in some way (usually to delete sensitive fields), see below.

The response object that you provide to the seneca-web plugin via a Seneca action response, can contain a http$ object to control the HTTP response. This object can have the optional properties:

  • status: set the HTTP status code
  • headers: sub-object defining custom header values
  • redirect: redirect URL

For each HTTP method, you can provide a method specification (as a sub-object) that overrides some of the route specification. Note that URL cannot be modified at the method level - that would be a different route! In particular this means that the alias can only be set at the route specification level. If you need other behaviour, your best option is to write a custom middleware function, as noted above.

The method specification can contain the following properties, which override the route specification:

* _useparams_
* _usequery_
* _dataprop_
* _handler_
* _responder_
* _modify_


seneca.act('role:web', {use:{
  prefix: '/color',
  pin:    'role:color,cmd:*',
  map: {
    red: { POST:{dataprop:true} }

Handler Function

This function has the form: function( req, res, args, act, respond ), where:

  • req: Express Request object
  • res: Express Response object
  • args: Seneca action arguments derived from the HTTP request parameters
  • act: the Seneca action function, call with act(args,respond)
  • respond: call to return a result: respond(err,out)

Provide your own handler function when you need to customize the behaviour of a route.

Responder Function

This function has the form: function( req, res, err, out ), where:

  • req: express Request object
  • res: express Response object
  • err: Seneca action error, if any
  • out: Seneca action result, if any

Provide your own responder function when you need to customize the exact data of the HTTP response.

Modify Function

The output of a Seneca action is an object that is serialized to JSON and returned over HTTP. It is normally necessary to remove unwanted properties that should not appear to network clients. The default modifier removes all properties that contain a $, as these are used by Seneca for internal meta control. The http$ is preserved, as this is used (and removed) by the default responder. Provide your own modifer function to customize this behavior.

General Middleware

At the top level, you can also provide general middleware functions that get called before the mapping handlers are executed. These functions allow you to perform shared operations, such as extracting a cookie token, or attaching meta data to Request objects.

seneca.act('role:web', {use:{
  prefix: '/color',
  pin:    'role:color,cmd:*',

  startware: function(req,res,next){
    // attach something to every request = "bar"

  premap: function(req,res,next){
    // attach something only to mapped requests
    req.zed = "qux"

  map: {
    red: { POST:true }

These general middleware functions are:

  • startware: always executed, before any mappings, even when there is no route match
  • premap: only executed when a mapping matches, and before the mapping; can also be used at the mapping level for route-specific behaviour
  • postmap: executed only when a custom mapping middleware calls next.

The primary advantage of using the mapping specification over a custom middleware function is that seneca-web maintains a list of mapped routes, and also performance statistics for those routes. Each time you call role:web you define a service, and the service defines a number of routes.

Example Code

You can see some (admittedly terse) examples of mapping specifications in the test/test-server.js and test/test-client.js testing code, or in the example applications noted above ( etc).


This command returns an array of all of the routes that have been defined.

seneca.act('role:web, cmd:routes', function(err, routes) {

Each route is described as an object with properties:

  • url: the route URL
  • method: the HTTP method
  • srv: the service that defined the route


This command returns an array of all of the service functions that have been defined.

seneca.act('role:web, cmd:list', function(err, services) {


This command is used to send processing response to Express. A default implementation is provided. This implementation will take into account that if error is reported then the next middleware implementations will not be called and also http$.redirect and http$.status are used. This action can be used to implement another desired behavior.


  • req - web request
  • res - web response
  • err - processing error
  • response - processing response
  • next - next function to be used to call the next middleware registered in Express.


The Senecajs org encourage open participation. If you feel you can help in any way, be it with documentation, examples, extra testing, or new features please get in touch.


To test, use:

npm test

To install separately (if you're using a fork or branch, say), use:

npm install seneca-web

And in your code:

var seneca = require('seneca')({
seneca.use( require('seneca-web') )


Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Richard Rodger and other contributors. Licensed under MIT.


A plugin that provides HTTP functionality for the Seneca framework







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