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feat(Normed/Field): completeSpace_iff_isComplete_closedBall (#15777)
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On the way to locally complete K iff complete O(K) 
Also add some helper lemmas about uniform continuity of multiplication by a constant with a variant for rings (via smul) instead of UniformGroup (which fields are not).

Co-authored-by: Yakov Pechersky <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yakov Pechersky <[email protected]>
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3 people committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 1928609 commit fb04c4b
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Showing 5 changed files with 175 additions and 0 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Field/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Set.Pointwise.Interval
In this file we define (semi)normed rings and fields. We also prove some theorems about these
Some useful results that relate the topology of the normed field to the discrete topology include:
* `norm_eq_one_iff_ne_zero_of_discrete`

-- Guard against import creep.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,6 +672,46 @@ theorem nndist_inv_inv₀ {z w : α} (hz : z ≠ 0) (hw : w ≠ 0) :
nndist z⁻¹ w⁻¹ = nndist z w / (‖z‖₊ * ‖w‖₊) :=
NNReal.eq <| dist_inv_inv₀ hz hw

namespace NormedDivisionRing

section Discrete

variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] [DiscreteTopology 𝕜]

lemma norm_eq_one_iff_ne_zero_of_discrete {x : 𝕜} : ‖x‖ = 1 ↔ x ≠ 0 := by
constructor <;> intro hx
· contrapose! hx
simp [hx]
· have : IsOpen {(0 : 𝕜)} := isOpen_discrete {0}
simp_rw [Metric.isOpen_singleton_iff, dist_eq_norm, sub_zero] at this
obtain ⟨ε, εpos, h'⟩ := this
wlog h : ‖x‖ < 1 generalizing 𝕜 with H
· push_neg at h
rcases h.eq_or_lt with h|h
· rw [h]
replace h := norm_inv x ▸ inv_lt_one h
rw [← inv_inj, inv_one, ← norm_inv]
exact H (by simpa) h' h
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ : ∃ k : ℕ, ‖x‖ ^ k < ε := exists_pow_lt_of_lt_one εpos h
rw [← norm_pow] at hk
specialize h' _ hk
simp [hx] at h'

lemma norm_le_one_of_discrete
(x : 𝕜) : ‖x‖ ≤ 1 := by
rcases eq_or_ne x 0 with rfl|hx
· simp
· simp [norm_eq_one_iff_ne_zero_of_discrete.mpr hx]

lemma discreteTopology_unit_closedBall_eq_univ : (Metric.closedBall 0 1 : Set 𝕜) = Set.univ := by

end Discrete

end NormedDivisionRing

end NormedDivisionRing

/-- A normed field is a field with a norm satisfying ‖x y‖ = ‖x‖ ‖y‖. -/
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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Field/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.MetricSpace.DilationEquiv
# Normed fields
In this file we continue building the theory of (semi)normed rings and fields.
Some useful results that relate the topology of the normed field to the discrete topology include:
* `discreteTopology_or_nontriviallyNormedField`
* `discreteTopology_of_bddAbove_range_norm`

-- Guard against import creep.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,6 +296,32 @@ end NormedDivisionRing

namespace NormedField

/-- A normed field is either nontrivially normed or has a discrete topology.
In the discrete topology case, all the norms are 1, by `norm_eq_one_iff_ne_zero_of_discrete`.
The nontrivially normed field instance is provided by a subtype with a proof that the
forgetful inheritance to the existing `NormedField` instance is definitionally true.
This allows one to have the new `NontriviallyNormedField` instance without data clashes. -/
lemma discreteTopology_or_nontriviallyNormedField (𝕜 : Type*) [h : NormedField 𝕜] :
DiscreteTopology 𝕜 ∨ Nonempty ({h' : NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜 // h'.toNormedField = h}) := by
by_cases H : ∃ x : 𝕜, x ≠ 0 ∧ ‖x‖ ≠ 1
· exact Or.inr ⟨(⟨NontriviallyNormedField.ofNormNeOne H, rfl⟩)⟩
· simp_rw [discreteTopology_iff_isOpen_singleton_zero, Metric.isOpen_singleton_iff, dist_eq_norm,
refine Or.inl ⟨1, zero_lt_one, ?_⟩
contrapose! H
refine H.imp ?_
-- contextual to reuse the `a ≠ 0` hypothesis in the proof of `a ≠ 0 ∧ ‖a‖ ≠ 1`
simp (config := {contextual := true}) [add_comm, ne_of_lt]

lemma discreteTopology_of_bddAbove_range_norm {𝕜 : Type*} [NormedField 𝕜]
(h : BddAbove (Set.range fun k : 𝕜 ↦ ‖k‖)) :
DiscreteTopology 𝕜 := by
refine (NormedField.discreteTopology_or_nontriviallyNormedField _).resolve_right ?_
rintro ⟨_, rfl⟩
obtain ⟨x, h⟩ := h
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := NormedField.exists_lt_norm 𝕜 x
exact hk.not_le (h (Set.mem_range_self k))

section Densely

variable (α) [DenselyNormedField α]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,3 +364,31 @@ instance Rat.instDenselyNormedField : DenselyNormedField ℚ where
lt_norm_lt r₁ r₂ h₀ hr :=
let ⟨q, h⟩ := exists_rat_btwn hr
⟨q, by rwa [← Rat.norm_cast_real, Real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_pos (h₀.trans_lt h.1)]⟩

section Complete

lemma NormedField.completeSpace_iff_isComplete_closedBall {K : Type*} [NormedField K] :
CompleteSpace K ↔ IsComplete (Metric.closedBall 0 1 : Set K) := by
constructor <;> intro h
· exact Metric.isClosed_ball.isComplete
rcases NormedField.discreteTopology_or_nontriviallyNormedField K with _|⟨_, rfl⟩
· rwa [completeSpace_iff_isComplete_univ,
← NormedDivisionRing.discreteTopology_unit_closedBall_eq_univ]
refine Metric.complete_of_cauchySeq_tendsto fun u hu ↦ ?_
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := hu.norm_bddAbove
have kpos : 0 ≤ k := (_root_.norm_nonneg (u 0)).trans (hk (by simp))
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := NormedField.exists_lt_norm K k
have hu' : CauchySeq ((· / x) ∘ u) := (uniformContinuous_div_const' x).comp_cauchySeq hu
have hb : ∀ n, ((· / x) ∘ u) n ∈ Metric.closedBall 0 1 := by
simp only [Function.comp_apply, Metric.mem_closedBall, dist_zero_right, norm_div]
rw [div_le_one (kpos.trans_lt hx)]
exact hx.le.trans' (hk (by simp))
obtain ⟨a, -, ha'⟩ := cauchySeq_tendsto_of_isComplete h hb hu'
refine ⟨a * x, (((continuous_mul_right x).tendsto a).comp ha').congr ?_⟩
have hx' : x ≠ 0 := by
contrapose! hx
simp [hx, kpos]
simp [div_mul_cancel₀ _ hx']

end Complete
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Normed/Group/Uniform.lean
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Expand Up @@ -379,4 +379,17 @@ theorem cauchySeq_prod_of_eventually_eq {u v : ℕ → E} {N : ℕ} (huv : ∀ n
intro m hm
simp [huv m (le_of_lt hm)]

@[to_additive CauchySeq.norm_bddAbove]
lemma CauchySeq.mul_norm_bddAbove {G : Type*} [SeminormedGroup G] {u : ℕ → G}
(hu : CauchySeq u) : BddAbove (Set.range (fun n ↦ ‖u n‖)) := by
obtain ⟨C, -, hC⟩ := cauchySeq_bdd hu
simp_rw [SeminormedGroup.dist_eq] at hC
have : ∀ n, ‖u n‖ ≤ C + ‖u 0‖ := by
intro n
rw [add_comm]
refine (norm_le_norm_add_norm_div' (u n) (u 0)).trans ?_
simp [(hC _ _).le]
rw [bddAbove_def]
exact ⟨C + ‖u 0‖, by simpa using this⟩

end SeminormedCommGroup
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/UniformGroup.lean
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Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,33 @@ theorem UniformContinuous.mul [UniformSpace β] {f : β → α} {g : β → α}
theorem uniformContinuous_mul : UniformContinuous fun p : α × α => p.1 * p.2 :=
uniformContinuous_fst.mul uniformContinuous_snd

theorem UniformContinuous.mul_const [UniformSpace β] {f : β → α} (hf : UniformContinuous f)
(a : α) : UniformContinuous fun x ↦ f x * a :=
hf.mul uniformContinuous_const

theorem UniformContinuous.const_mul [UniformSpace β] {f : β → α} (hf : UniformContinuous f)
(a : α) : UniformContinuous fun x ↦ a * f x :=
uniformContinuous_const.mul hf

theorem uniformContinuous_mul_left (a : α) : UniformContinuous fun b : α => a * b :=
uniformContinuous_id.const_mul _

theorem uniformContinuous_mul_right (a : α) : UniformContinuous fun b : α => b * a :=
uniformContinuous_id.mul_const _

theorem UniformContinuous.div_const [UniformSpace β] {f : β → α} (hf : UniformContinuous f)
(a : α) : UniformContinuous fun x ↦ f x / a :=
hf.div uniformContinuous_const

theorem uniformContinuous_div_const (a : α) : UniformContinuous fun b : α => b / a :=
uniformContinuous_id.div_const _

@[to_additive UniformContinuous.const_nsmul]
theorem UniformContinuous.pow_const [UniformSpace β] {f : β → α} (hf : UniformContinuous f) :
∀ n : ℕ, UniformContinuous fun x => f x ^ n
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/UniformMulAction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,39 @@ instance UniformGroup.to_uniformContinuousConstSMul {G : Type u} [Group G] [Unif
[UniformGroup G] : UniformContinuousConstSMul G G :=
fun _ => uniformContinuous_const.mul uniformContinuous_id⟩

section Ring

variable {R β : Type*} [Ring R] [UniformSpace R] [UniformSpace β]

theorem UniformContinuous.const_mul' [UniformContinuousConstSMul R R] {f : β → R}
(hf : UniformContinuous f) (a : R) : UniformContinuous fun x ↦ a * f x :=
hf.const_smul a

theorem UniformContinuous.mul_const' [UniformContinuousConstSMul Rᵐᵒᵖ R] {f : β → R}
(hf : UniformContinuous f) (a : R) : UniformContinuous fun x ↦ f x * a :=
hf.const_smul (MulOpposite.op a)

theorem uniformContinuous_mul_left' [UniformContinuousConstSMul R R] (a : R) :
UniformContinuous fun b : R => a * b :=
uniformContinuous_id.const_mul' _

theorem uniformContinuous_mul_right' [UniformContinuousConstSMul Rᵐᵒᵖ R] (a : R) :
UniformContinuous fun b : R => b * a :=
uniformContinuous_id.mul_const' _

theorem UniformContinuous.div_const' {R β : Type*} [DivisionRing R] [UniformSpace R]
[UniformContinuousConstSMul Rᵐᵒᵖ R] [UniformSpace β] {f : β → R}
(hf : UniformContinuous f) (a : R) :
UniformContinuous fun x ↦ f x / a := by
simpa [div_eq_mul_inv] using hf.mul_const' a⁻¹

theorem uniformContinuous_div_const' {R : Type*} [DivisionRing R] [UniformSpace R]
[UniformContinuousConstSMul Rᵐᵒᵖ R] (a : R) :
UniformContinuous fun b : R => b / a :=
uniformContinuous_id.div_const' _

end Ring

namespace UniformSpace

namespace Completion
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