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Updating Portal with new CKEditor zip

Jonathan Mak edited this page Sep 26, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. Copy the new ZIP files (CKEditor, WSC, SCAYT) to portal-web\third-party

Note: Because CKEditor plugins may be version dependent, you may also need to download and update the WebSpellChecker (WSC) and SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT) plugins.

  1. Edit portal-web/build.xml (Liferay Portal 6.2 & 6.1 & 6.0 only):
<property name="ckeditor.file" value="ckeditor_<VERSION>.zip" />
<property name="scayt.file" value="ckeditor_<VERSION>.zip" />
<property name="wsc.file" value="ckeditor_<VERSION>.zip" />
  1. Delete (Liferay Portal 6.0.x & 6.1.x only):
  1. Build CKEditor in Portal

For 6.0.x, 6.1.x, 6.2.x:

$ cd portal-web/
$ ant build-ckeditor

For 7.0.x:

$ cd modules/frontend/frontend-editors-web/
$ ant clean deploy
  1. Commit files to Portal (repository owner only)

Be sure NOT to commit the uncompressed development version.

$ cd ..     # portal root
$ git add . # ckeditor.js, build.xml, ckeditor_?.?.?.zip, wsc_?.?.?.zip, scayt_?.?.?.zip, ckbuilder.jar, versions.xml, versions.html, etc. 
$ git commit -m "<JIRA-ID> Updating CKEditor to <GIT-TAG>" # 6.0.x & 6.1.x only
$ unzip -z portal-web/third-party/ckeditor_?.?.?.zip
  SHA: xxxxxxx
$ git commit -m "<JIRA-ID> Updating CKEditor to <SHA-FROM-ZIP-COMMENT>"
  1. Send changes for further review to be pushed upstream (repository owner only)
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