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@evil159 evil159 released this 02 Aug 14:37
· 417 commits to main since this release


⚠️ More info on migrating from v10 to v11 can be found here: Mapbox Maps v11 Migration Guide.

  • Introduce hsl, hsla color expression.
  • Introduce random expression.
  • Introduce measureLight expression lights configuration property.
  • Introduce LineLayer/lineBorderColor, LineLayer/lineBorderWidth APIs.
  • Introduce SymbolLayer/iconImageCrossFade API.
  • Introduce experimental BackgroundLayer/backgroundEmissiveStrength, CircleLayer/circleEmissiveStrength, FillLayer/fillEmissiveStrength, LineLayer/lineEmissiveStrength, SymbolLayer/iconEmissiveStrength, SymbolLayer/textEmissiveStrength, ModelLayer/modelEmissiveStrength, ModelLayer/modelRoughness, ModelLayer/modelHeightBasedEmissiveStrengthMultiplier APIs.
  • Introduce experimental FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionWallRadius, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadius, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundAttenuation, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionFloodLightColor, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionFloodLightIntensity, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionFloodLightWallRadius, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundRadius, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundAttenuation, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionVerticalScale APIs.
  • Rename Viewport to ViewportManager.
  • Apply ModelScaleMode.viewport to Puck3D configuration and remove the custom expression for the modelScale of the puck. This means if you are using a constant for Puck3DConfiguration/modelScale in v10, you need to adjust this model-scale constant so the puck would be rendered correctly in v11, while this value depends on other configurations of your puck, we have found the new adjusted model-scale to fall between 10x-100x of the old value.
  • Add experimental tileCover method to the Snapshotter that returns tile ids covering the map.
  • Add optional maxZoom and offset parameters to coordinateBounds:). coordinateBounds:), coordinates:), and geometry:) no longer return a padding value.
  • Location is splitted into Location and Heading structs, the location and heading data are now animated individually.
  • Replace loadStyleJSON(_:completion:)/loadStyleJSON(_:completion:) with overloaded loadStyle(_:completion:).
  • Mark Expression.Operator.activeAnchor as experimental.
  • Add transition options as a parameter to loadStyle(...) methods.
  • Expression.Operator is now a struct with static variables instead of enum.
  • Add MapboxMap.coordinate(s)Info(for:) for converting offscreen points into geographical coordinates.
  • Fixed an issue when MapboxMap.point(for:) could return false negative result.
  • Remove source, sourceLayer, filter properties from the Layer protocol requirement.
  • Refactor style Light API: introduce AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, FlatLight and methods to set them.
  • Add expression support to Layer.visibility.
  • Expose new APIs for working with style importing and configuration: getStyleImports(), removeStyleImport(forImportId:), getStyleImportSchema(forImportId:), getStyleImportConfigProperties(forImportId:), setStyleImportConfigPropertiesForImportId(:configs:), getStyleImportConfigProperty(forImportId:config:), setStyleImportConfigPropertyForImportId(:config:value:)
  • Expose slot property for all Layers to link layers from imported styles.
  • Convert Style properties enums into structs.
  • Bump core maps version to 11.0.0-beta.2 and common sdk to 24.0.0-beta.2.
  • Remove MetaKit reexport.
  • Remove unnecessary check before updating a geo json source.
  • Remove deprecated LocationManager.updateHeadingForCurrentDeviceOrientation() method.
  • Remove deprecated MapEvents.EventKind.
  • Make NSNumber extension internal.
  • Remove experimental MapboxMap.setRenderCache(_:) method.
  • Remove deprecated GestureOptions.pinchRotateEnabled.
  • Remove deprecated Location initializer.
  • Remove deprecated transition properties from layers.
  • Make easeTo/flyTo return non-optional cancelable token.
  • Add rotation case to GestureType to be able to detect rotation separately from other gestures.
  • Enable zoom during a drag gesture.
  • Fix bearing value is fluctuating between initial value and correct value during a rotation gesture.
  • Allows animation during any ongoing gestures.
  • Sync map size to the size of the metal view.
  • Fix missing feature properties for nil/null values.
  • Added experimental tileCover method to MapboxMap that returns tile ids covering the map.
  • Expose owner property for CameraAnimator protocol
  • Updated core styles to the latest versions.
  • Merge TilesetDescriptorOptions and TilesetDescriptorOptionsForTilesets. To enable tileset descriptor creation for a list of tilesets that are not part of the original style use TilesetDescriptorOptions.
  • Use DataRef to pass snapshot and style image data by reference, improving performance
  • Bumped min iOS version to 12.0
  • Expose a subset of ModelLayer APIs.
  • Protocol LocationProvider now requires class semantic for implementation.
  • The Map events have been reworked:
    • Now all Map events payloads are serialize-free, which brings more type safety and eliminates possible deserialization errors;
    • The MapboxMap and Snapshotter now expose on-prefixed properties that allows you to subscribe to map events via observe and observeNext methods:
      mapboxMap.onCameraChanged.observe { [weak self] event in
        self?.camera = event.cameraState
      }.store(in: &cancelables)
      mapboxMap.onStyleLoaded.observeNext { [weak self] _ in
      }.store(in: &cancelables)
    • The AnyCancelable object returned from observe and observeNext should be stored, otherwise the subscription will be immediately canceled;
    • The same on-prefixed properties can now be used as Combine.Publisher:
      import Combine
        .debounce(for: .milliseconds(500), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
        .sink { [weak self] cameraState in
          self?.camera = cameraState
        }.store(in: &cancellables)
    • Methods MapboxMap.onEvery, MapboxMap.onNext, Snapshotter.onEvery, Snapshotter.onNext have been deprecated;
    • Methods MapboxMap.observe and Snapshotter.observe have been removed.
  • Deprecate PointAnnotationManager.iconTextFit and PointAnnotationManager.iconTextFitPadding in favor of PointAnnotation.iconTextFit and PointAnnotation.iconTextFitPadding.
  • Remove deprecated PuckBearingSourceand related APIs.
  • Experimental API MapboxMap/setMemoryBudget was renamed to MapboxMaps/setTileCacheBudget and promoted to stable.
  • Location consumer methods have been renamed to align with Swift API Design Guidelines. Use addLocationConsumer(_:) and removeLocationConsumer(_:) rather than addLocationConsumer(newConsumer:) and removeLocationConsumer(consumer:).
  • SourceType and LayerType are now structs with static variables instead of enums
  • Remove ResourceOptions and ResourceOptionsManager. Introduce MapboxOptions and MapboxMapsOptions to handle application-level access token and other generic options.
    • Mapbox's access token can now be set with MapboxCommon.MapboxOptions. By default, MapboxMaps SDK will try to read the access token from app bundle's property list or MapboxAccessToken file when Maps service are initialized; if you wish to set access token programmatically, it is highly recommended to set it before initializing a MapView.
      import MapboxMaps
      MapboxOptions.accessToken = accessToken
    • TileStoreno longer requires TileStoreOptions.mapboxAccessToken to be explicitly set.
    • Configurations for the external resources used by Maps API can now be set with MapboxMapsOptions:
      import MapboxMaps
      MapboxMapsOptions.dataPath = customDataPathURL
      MapboxMapsOptions.assetPath = customAssetPathURL
      MapboxMapsOptions.tileStoreUsageMode = .readOnly
      MapboxMapsOptions.tileStore = tileStore
    • To clear the temporary map data, you can use MapboxMap.clearData(completion:)
  • Expose new 3D Lights API: AmbientLight and DirectionalLight.
  • TypeConversionError, SnapshotError, and ViewAnnotationManagerError are now structs with static variables instead of enums
  • Extend Layer protocol with visibility property.
  • Add required id property to Source. After that change id should be specified for source upon creation:
    let terrainSource = RasterDemSource(id: "terrain-source")
  • Support string option in GeoJSONSourceData.
  • Allows passing extraOptions (which must be a valid JSON object) when creating StylePackLoadOptionsand TilesetDescriptorOptions.
  • Deprecate MapboxMap/style and Snapshotter/style, from now on you can access Style APIs directly from MapboxMap and Snapshotter instance.
  • Add a new API to enable Tracing with Tracing.status = .enabled. Checkout Tracing reference to see more.
  • Introduce FillExtrusionLayer.fillExtrusionRoundedRoof , FillExtrusionLayer.fillExtrusionEdgeRadius API.
  • Introduce line-depth-occlusion API.
  • Introduce FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionRoundedRoof, FillExtrusionLayer/fillExtrusionEdgeRadius API.
  • Introduce lineDepthOcclusionFactor API for LineLayers and PolylineAnnotiationManager.
  • Add Codable support to CameraOptions, CameraState, FollowPuckViewportStateBearing, FollowPuckViewportStateOptions.
  • Expose new Style APIs for partial GeoJSON update:
  • Different data types are now used for querySourceFeatures and queryRenderedFeatures: QueriedSourceFeature and QueriedRenderedFeature. QueriedRenderedFeature has a new field layer which contains the queried feature's layer id.
  • Remove deprecated queryRenderedFeatures() methods. Use queryRenderedFeatures(with:options:completion:) instead.
  • Remove deprecated queryFeatureExtension() method. Use getGeoJsonClusterLeaves()/getGeoJsonClusterChildren()/getGeoJsonClusterExpansionZoom() instead.
  • Add the MapboxMap.resetFeatureState method.
  • Add callback argument to the MapboxMap methods getFeatureState, setFeatureState, removeFeatureState.
  • Return cancelable from the MapboxMap methods : getFeatureState, setFeatureState, removeFeatureState, querySourceFeatures, getGeoJsonClusterLeaves, getGeoJsonClusterChildren, getGeoJsonClusterExpansionZoom.

Dependency requirements:

  • Compatible version of Xcode: 14.1.0