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davesnx committed Aug 1, 2023
1 parent bd43ba8 commit a5c99a2
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Showing 5 changed files with 107 additions and 90 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
(:standard -w -27))))

(dirs packages demo mocked-hash-js)
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions packages/react/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -206,12 +206,18 @@ let createContext (initial_value : 'a) : 'a context =
(* let memo f : 'props * 'props -> bool = f
let memoCustomCompareProps f _compare : 'props * 'props -> bool = f *)

let use (type a) promise =
let exception Suspend of a Lwt.t in
(* `exception Suspend of 'a Lwt`
exceptions can't have type params, this is called existential wrapper *)
type any_promise = Any_promise : 'a Lwt.t -> any_promise

exception Suspend of any_promise

let use promise =
match Lwt.state promise with
| Sleep -> raise (Suspend promise)
| Return v -> v
| Sleep -> raise (Suspend (Any_promise promise))
(* TODO: Fail should raise a FailedSupense and catch at renderTo* *)
| Fail e -> raise e
| Return v -> v

let useContext context = context.current_value.contents

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions packages/react/src/react.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ type lower_case_element = {
children : element list;

(* TODO: add `component = (unit -> element)` *)
and element =
| Lower_case_element of lower_case_element
| Upper_case_component of (unit -> element)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +90,10 @@ type 'a context = {

val createContext : 'a -> 'a context

type any_promise = Any_promise : 'a Lwt.t -> any_promise

exception Suspend of any_promise

(* val memo : ('props * 'props -> bool) -> 'a -> 'props * 'props -> bool *)
val use : 'a Lwt.t -> 'a
val useContext : 'a context -> 'a
Expand Down
133 changes: 61 additions & 72 deletions packages/reactDom/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,87 +148,76 @@ let renderToStaticMarkup element =
(* TODO: try catch to avoid React.use usages *)
render_tree_to_string ~mode:Markup element

let render_to_stream element =
let buff = Buffer.create 16 in
let push = Buffer.add_string buff in
module Stream = struct
let create () =
let stream, push_to_stream = Lwt_stream.create () in
let push v = push_to_stream @@ Some v in
let close () = push_to_stream @@ None in
(stream, push, close)

type context_state = {
stream : string Lwt_stream.t;
push : string -> unit;
close : unit -> unit;
mutable waiting : int;

let render_to_stream ~context_state element =
let rec render_inner element =
match element with
| Empty -> push ""
| Empty -> ""
| Provider childrens ->
childrens |> (fun f -> f ()) |> List.iter render_inner
| Consumer children -> children () |> List.iter render_inner
childrens |> (fun f -> render_inner (f ())) |> String.concat ""
| Consumer children ->
children () |> render_inner |> String.concat ""
| Fragment children -> render_inner children
| List list -> list |> Array.iter render_inner
| Upper_case_component f -> render_inner (f ())
| List arr ->
arr |> Array.to_list |> render_inner |> String.concat ""
| Upper_case_component component -> (
print_endline "Upper_case_component";
let element =
try Some (component ()) with
| React.Suspend (Any_promise promise) ->
print_endline "| React.Suspend (Any_promise promise) ->";
context_state.waiting <- context_state.waiting + 1;
(fun _ ->
context_state.push (render_inner element);
context_state.waiting <- context_state.waiting - 1;
if context_state.waiting = 0 then context_state.close ()
else ())
|> Lwt.ignore_result;
| e -> raise e
match element with Some element -> render_inner element | None -> "")
| Lower_case_element { tag; attributes; _ }
when Html.is_self_closing_tag tag ->
push "<";
push tag;
push (attributes_to_string tag attributes);
push " />"
Printf.sprintf "<%s%s />" tag (attributes_to_string tag attributes)
| Lower_case_element { tag; attributes; children } ->
push "<";
push tag;
push (attributes_to_string tag attributes);
push ">";
children |> List.iter render_inner;
push "</";
push tag;
push ">"
| Text text -> push (Html.encode text)
| InnerHtml text -> push text
Printf.sprintf "<%s%s>%s</%s>" tag
(attributes_to_string tag attributes)
(children |> render_inner |> String.concat "")
| Text text -> Html.encode text
| InnerHtml text -> text
| Suspense { children; _ } ->
push "<!--$-->";
children |> List.iter render_inner;
push "<!--/$-->"
Printf.sprintf "<!--$-->%s<!--/$-->"
(children |> render_inner |> String.concat "")
render_inner element;
buff |> Buffer.contents

let renderToLwtStream _element =
let stream, _push = Lwt_stream.create () in
let abort () =
(* TODO: Needs to flush the remaining loading fallbacks as HTML, and will attempt to render the rest on the client. *)
Lwt_stream.closed stream |> Lwt.ignore_result

const request = createRequestImpl(children, options);
(* createRequestImpl ??? *)
let hasStartedFlowing = false;
(* startWork ??? *)
let pipe = (destination) => {
hasStartedFlowing = true;
startFlowing(request, destination);
(* startFlowing ??? *)
destination.on('drain', createDrainHandler(destination, request));
(* createDrainHandler ??? *)
'The destination stream errored while writing data.',
(* createAbortHandler ??? *)
createAbortHandler(request, 'The destination stream closed early.'),
return destination;
return {
pipe, abort

(* let () = push (Some (render_to_stream element)) in *)
render_inner element

let renderToLwtStream element =
print_endline "renderToLwtStream";
let stream, push, close = Stream.create () in
let context_state = { stream; push; close; waiting = 0 } in
let shell = render_to_stream ~context_state element in
push shell;
if context_state.waiting = 0 then close ();
(* TODO: Needs to flush the remaining loading fallbacks as HTML, and will attempt to render the rest on the client. *)
let abort () = (* Lwt_stream.closed stream |> Lwt.ignore_result *) () in
(stream, abort)

let querySelector _str = None
Expand Down
40 changes: 26 additions & 14 deletions packages/reactDom/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,40 @@
let assert_string left right =
Alcotest.check Alcotest.string "should be equal" right left

let assert_list ty left right =
Alcotest.check (Alcotest.list ty) "should be equal" right left

let make ~delay =
let () = React.use (Lwt_unix.sleep delay) in
React.createElement "div" [||]
React.createElement "span" [||]
[ React.string "Hello"; React.string "Hello" ];
[ React.string "Hello"; React.float delay ];

let cleanup switch abort =
let free () = Lwt.return () in
Lwt_switch.add_hook (Some switch) free;
Lwt.async (fun () ->
abort ();
failwith "All is broken");
Lwt.return ()
let assert_stream (stream : string Lwt_stream.t) expected =
let open Lwt.Infix in
Lwt_stream.to_list stream >>= fun content ->
if content = [] then Lwt.return @@ "stream should not be empty"
else Lwt.return @@ assert_list Alcotest.string content expected

let suspense_one switch () =
let _pipe, abort = ReactDOM.renderToLwtStream (make ~delay:0.1) in
let test_silly_stream _switch () : unit Lwt.t =
let stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
push (Some "first");
push (Some "secondo");
push None;
assert_stream stream [ "first"; "secondo" ]

assert_string "asdf"
"<div data-reactroot=\"\"><span>Hello<!-- -->Hello</span></div>";
cleanup switch abort
let suspense_one _switch () : unit Lwt.t =
let timer = React.Upper_case_component (fun () -> make ~delay:0.1) in
let stream, _abort = ReactDOM.renderToLwtStream timer in
assert_stream stream [ "Hello"; "1." ]

let case title fn = Alcotest_lwt.test_case title `Quick fn
let tests = ("renderToLwtStream", [ case "suspense_one" suspense_one ])

let tests =
( "renderToLwtStream",
case "test_silly_stream" test_silly_stream;
case "suspense_one" suspense_one;
] )

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