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Ergo GraphQL server is on top of Ergo Platform's explorer database schema.

This repository also includes a TypeScript package for client-side static typing.

Project Setup (Manual)

$ npm ci

Environment file pattern

The .env file must be placed in the root directory following the pattern described below.

DB_HOST =                 # database host address
DB_PORT =                 # database host port
DB_NAME =                 # database name
DB_USER_NAME =            # database username
DB_USER_PWD =             # database password
DB_SSL =                  # optional: true or false

ERGO_NODE_ADDRESS =       # http ergo node address

REDIS_HOST = localhost    # optional: redis host address
REDIS_PORT = 6379         # optional: redis host port
REDIS_USER_NAME =         # optional: redis username
REDIS_USER_PWD =          # optional: redis user password

MAX_QUERY_DEPTH = 5       # optional: maximum query depth

Compile and run for development

$ npm run dev

Compile and run for production

$ npm run build
$ npm run start

Run unit tests

$ npm run test


$ npm run lint

Project Setup (Docker)

You can use Docker to setup the project, or just the redis, as well.

Building the ergo-graphql Docker image

$ docker -t ergo-graphql build .

Using docker-compose, you can run the whole project, or just the redis container.

Running the redis container

$ docker compose up -d redis # For older versions, use docker-compose

Running the whole project

$ docker compose up -d

Requesting Data

You can either install some REST-API client (like Insomnia and Postman). Or you can use curl to send a query as well:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"query": "query {...}"}' http://server.url

We have a set of queries/mutation as well:

Boxes (Query)

With this query, you can get boxes of the ergo blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 50.
  • boxId(String): To filter a unique box by id; It's deprecated, please use boxIds instead.
  • boxIds([String!]): To filter a set of unique boxes by id.
  • registers(Registers): To filter boxes that have special registers from R4 to R9. Note that registers filter should be used in combination with spent and at least one of boxId, transactionId, headerId, address, ergoTree or ergoTreeTemplateHash fields.
  • transactionId(String): To filter output boxes of a unique transaction.
  • headerId(String): To filter boxes by their header id.
  • spent(Boolean): To filter spent or unspent boxes.
  • tokenId(String): To filter boxes which contain a certain token.
  • address(String): To filter boxes of a specific address; It's deprecated, please use addresses instead.
  • addresses([String!]): To filter boxes that belong to an array of addresses.
  • ergoTree(String): To filter boxes that have specific ergo trees; It's deprecated, please use ergoTrees instead.
  • ergoTrees([String!]): To filter boxes that have ergo trees belonging to an array.
  • ergoTreeTemplateHash(String): To filter boxes that have a certain ergo tree template hash.
  • minHeight(Int): To get boxes after a certain height in the blockchain (inclusive).
  • maxHeight(Int): To get boxes before a certain height in the blockchain (inclusive).
  • heightType(HeightFilterType): It could be either settlement or creation which indicated the type of height you want to filter boxes by.

Tokens (Query)

Get tokens that have been minted on the ergo blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 50.
  • tokenId(String): To filter a unique token by its id; It's deprecated, please use tokenIds instead.
  • tokenIds([String!]): To filter a set of unique tokens by id.
  • boxId(String): To filter tokens by their minting box id.
  • name(String): To filter tokens by their names. You can use wildcards like "name*". Keep in mind that the number of wildcard chars can't exceed 2.

Inputs (Query)

To get input boxes of transactions in the ergo blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 50.
  • transactionId(String): To get input boxes of a special transaction.
  • boxId(String): To filter a unique box by id.
  • headerId(String): To get input boxes of a special header.

Transactions (Query)

To get the transactions of Ergo Blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 50.
  • transactionId(String): To filter a unique transaction by is id; It's deprecated, please use transactionIds instead.
  • transactionIds([String!]): To filter a set of unique transactions by id.
  • headerId(String): To filter transaction by the header id.
  • inclusionHeight(int): To filter transactions by the block height in which they included in the blockchain.
  • address(String): To filter transactions of an specific address; It's deprecated, please use addresses instead.
  • addresses([String!]): To filter transactions that belong to a set of addresses.
  • minHeight(Int): To filter transactions occurring after a certain height.
  • maxHeight(Int): To filter transactions occurring before a certain height.

DataInputs (Query)

To get information about boxes that have been used as data input in the blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 50.
  • transactionId(String): To filter dataInputs of an specific transaction, filtering by its id.
  • boxId(String): To filter data inputs by box id.
  • headerId(String): To filter dataInputs of a block which has a specific headerId.

BlockHeaders (Query)

To get info about the block headers of the blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 10.
  • headerId(String): To filter headers by their id.
  • parentId(String): To fetch a block header using its parent id.
  • height(Int): To retrieve a block header at a certain height.

Addresses (Query)

To get information about some addresses on the blockchain. The argument of this query are:

  • addresses([String!]): The list of addresses to filter.

Mempool (Query)

To get mempool boxes of the blockchain. This query does not have any arguments/filters.

Block (Query)

To get info about the block headers of the blockchain. The arguments of this query are:

  • skip(Int): How many items to skip; Default value is 0.
  • take(Int): How many items to take; Default value is 10.
  • headerId(String): To filter the block by header id.
  • height(Int): To filter a block with certain height.
  • minHeight(Int): To filter all blocks after a certain height.
  • maxHeight(Int): To filter all block before a certain height.

State (Query)

To get the state of the graphql instance. This status contains difficulty, height, and the network. This query does not have any arguments/filters.

Info (Query)

To check info of the running graphql instance. This contains version for now.

CheckTransaction (Mutation)

To check whether a transaction is valid. It will return transaction id if it's valid, and empty string otherwise. The input of ths mutation is signedTransaction of type SignedTransaction which is:

type SignedTransaction {
  id: String!
  inpts: [TransactionInput!]!
  dataInputs: [TransactionDataInput!]!
  outputs: [TransactionOutput!]!
  size: Int

SubmitTransaction (Mutation)

To submit a transaction into the ergo blockchain. This will send the tx to the instance's node; if the operation suceeds it'll return the id of transaction. Input is the same SignedTransaction as defined above.