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tidy( Tuesdays )

An image of a cartoon seal with a speech line from its head to text that says 'I approve'.

Each week features a new data set to explore. Come see examples of how others clean, analyze, and visualize data. Learn new methods and share your own. Bring your burning questions, new packages, funny graphs, puzzles, and everything else you'd like to discuss about environmental data.

πŸš€ Explore this week's [ Data ] and see what others are [ Sharing ]

Monthly themes

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Best of the year: tips & tricks Reproducible code ❀️ Spring cleaning 🧹      Forecasts and data flows 🌦️ Work smarter Learning resources       
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Web/PDF Reports + Shiny Statistics and Maps Β Β Β  Charts: Publish ready πŸ“° Spooky data objects πŸ‘» Guest speakers Β Β Β  Training Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Up Next

πŸ‘€ Show-n-tell 🍬 sugaR pts
May 2nd R Projects and code conventions -(Barbara, Dorian, Kristie, and Derek) 1007 pts
May 9th How to write functions -(Kristie and Derek) 431 pts
May 16th Regular Expressions -(Barbara) 958 pts
May 23rd Rmarkdown -(Dorian) 6502 pts
May 30th purrr - eliminate code repetition -(Derek) 9000 pts

See older topics
Date R demo
2nd half
🍬sugaR pts
Apr 25th Review solution for monthly exercise -(Dorian) 425 pts
Apr 18th Spring Cleaning! Bring a script that you would like clean-up -(Everyone) All the pts
Feb 21st Zotero bibliography for references - workflow and other reproducible tips and tricks -(Kristie and others) 5100 pts
Feb 14th Valentines aRt projects❀️ and weekly exercises -(Dorian) 580 pts
Fab 7th Programming with dplyr intro - ‼️ -(Derek) 144 pts
Jan 31st Best packages and functions of 2022 31 pts
Jan 24th Basics of Git and GitLab - why version control is AWESOME ❀️ -(Eric and Barbara) All the pts
Jan 17th Demos from friends -(All) 32000 pts
Jan 10th Bad maps, bad pies, hillarity ensued -(All) 32 pts
Jan 3rd Outliers and existential questions -(Alison) 🐱 76 pts
Dec 20th Text clean-up - clean_names to case_when *-(Barbara) 560 pts
Dec 6 Your idea! -(You) All the pts
Nov 22 Using R for transportation accessibility analysis -(Kevin Shen from Union of Concerned Scientists) 32000 pts
Nov 15 Pulling data to answer climate questions -(Carl) 32 pts
Nov 8 Text analysis of phone texts -(Eric @MDH) 76 pts
Nov 1 The meteorologists present something really COOL -(Nick, Matt, David, Daniel) 32 degs
Oct 25 More examples from peoples' pasts -(Barbara, Carl, Amanda, Brianna) 42 pts
Oct 18 Review of the sf exercise and shapefiles AND Leaflet basemap fun -(Dorian) 42 pts
Oct 11 Saving and reading other file types - json, eps, rdata, rds -(Carl, Dorian) 7401 pts
Oct 4 Complicated examples from peoples' past -(Carl, Amanda, Brianna) 4202 pts
Sept 27 Regression and linear modeling The Sequel: Residuals! -(Barbara and Carl) 42 pts
July 5 chit chat, catch up, and plan the training -(Kristie, Barbara) 250 pts
July 12 leaflet map with new EJ areas -(Quinn, Barbara) 2050 pts
July 19 JSON objects -(Barbara, Dorian, Andrea) 250 pts
July 26 Eric's data -(all hands on deck) 250000 pts
June 7 Web scraping -(Dorian, Allison) 54 pts
June 14 getting data from PDFs -(Derek, Barbara) 68 pts
June 21 make requests of websites to get data -(USGS packages) 900 pts
June 28 youtube on OCR optical character recognition and audio transcription *-(everyone) 10000 pts
May 24 Using RODBC to pull from databases -(Carl, Kristie, Andrea, Dorian) 78 pts
May 31 Regular expressions -(Kristie, Dorian, Barbara) 100 pts
May 10 scheduled tasks -(Barbara, Dorian) 123 pts
May 3 purrr functions recap -(Kristie, Dorian, Barbara, Derek, Carl) 23 pts
Apr 26 Nila Hines MPCA Data Governance - Program Manager -(all) 53000 pts
Apr 5 Rainier The Data Dictionary An Intro -(Barbara, Carl in absentia) 3200 pts
Apr 12 meet the new Data Governance Coordinator! -(Nila Hines) 520 pts
Apr 19 connecting to WISKI -(Andrea) all the pts
Mar 1 findR() & the R Studio way & set goals & begin clean up -(Kristie) 32 pts
Mar 8 working in projects and file structures & common code conventions -(Barbara, Dorian) 520 pts
Mar 15 clean up with help available, focus: deprecated functions -(all) all the pts
Mar 22 clean up with help available, focus: cleaning up workflows in R -(Anne Claflin) 53000 pts
Mar 29 clean up with help available, focus: getting rid of for loops with purrr*-(all)* all the pts
Feb 01 Month of connections, correlations, and joining ❀️ -(Kristie, Barbara, Dorian) 100 pts
Feb 08 Joins -(Kristie, Barbara, Dorian) 100 pts
Feb 15 purrrrrr package and map functions -(Derek) 2300 pts
Jan 25 Top tips and tricks used in 2021 -(Kristie, Barbara, Dorian) 100000 pts
Jan 18 Top 5 10 15 errors (Kristie) 98 pts
Jan 11 Top 5 packages used in 2021 (Dorian) 12200 pts
Jan 04 Top 10 functions used in 2021 (Barbara) 32 pts
Dec 28 No meeting. Celebrating ❄️ and πŸͺs and new pajamas -(the group) 20 pts
Dec 21 tidycensus and snow stuff and hitting apis -(Barbara and Kristie) 1000 pts
Dec 14 Check in on packages -(the group) 1220 pts
Dec 7 πŸŒ²β›„ Make a package / gift for others πŸ“¦πŸŽ (the group) 1220 pts
Nov 30 Share your workbook on Github (the group) 1220 pts
Nov 23 Holiday time! (Thanksgiving turkeys) Cancelled. Eat potatoes/turnips, work on your project 124 pts
Nov 16 Start w/ Github :octocat: Review openxlsx - Check in with questions on workbook (Kristie & Dorian & Barbara) 22 pts
Nov 9 complete() the data (Dorian) Check in with questions on workbook and review read_excel() (Dorian & Barbara) 122 pts
Nov 2 Make Excel from R - Format pretty workbooks (Barbara) 1022 pts
Oct 26 πŸ™πŸ’° R games: 1. Rock-Paper-Scissors πŸ‘» Scary functions and exists(ghosts) (Kristie) 3500 pts
Oct 19 fill(), complete(), and nesting -(Dorian) 10 pts
Oct 12 the new dplyr getting away from mutate_at() & mutate_all() (Kristie) 24 pts
Oct 05 pivot_wider and pivot_longer (Barbara) 200 pts
Sep 28 Shiny tool from UMN School of Public Health grad students 2500 pts
Sep 21 ♻️ Barbara's trashy leaflet adventures 3500 pts
Sep 14 USGS examples sf package review and updates (Kristie) 3500 pts
Sep 07 Spatial analysis of met data (Nick Witcraft) 4500 pts
Aug 31 Show-n-tell real world stats (Everyone) 2500 pts
Aug 17 Common mistakes and pitfalls in stats 1000 pts
Aug 24 Basic probability in swirl() all 5000 pts
Aug 10 Less basic stats 2 in R (Nick W & David Brown & Barbara Monaco) 100 pts
Aug 03 Basic stats 1 in R (AMA with Barbara Monaco) 30 pts
Jul 27 A Shiny example (Marta) Database panel discussion 10000 pts
Jul 20 Hands-on DIY Database and queries with Access 10000 pts
Jul 13 Database July Accessing legacy or external databases RODBC ORACLE MS ACCESS 445 pts
Jul 06 Writing and reading data into a database SQLite with Barbara 250 pts
Jun 29 Monte Carlo simulation with Max K 10000 pts
Jun 22 PDF data Calendar plots and times series -Barbara 215 pts
Jun 08 Animated maps - Pirate treasure wrap-up 326 pts
Jun 01 Exceling w/ ggplot -Kristie Celebrating DEREK! πŸ₯³ 36 pts
May 25 Data questions & Messy Barbara data Exceling w/ ggplot -Kristie 36 pts
May 18 Drag and drop Tableau style with the esquisse Extravaganza -Derek 326 pts
May 11 leaflet Lollapalloza on the High Seas -Dorian Hidden treasure 36 pts
May the 4th Begin the month of Plots! - plotly Party -Barbara 34 pts
Apr 27 Tidy Tuesday planning & sqlite databases in R -Barbara 14 pts
Apr 21 A %>% is a pipe. Pipes, pipelines, dots and magrittr operators What's the point? The dot (.) does a lot. 78 pts
Apr 13 dplyr:: dates, filter, mutate review πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Cat Detectives 🍰 14 pts
Apr 06 lubridate:: Working with Dates My 1st R Markdown document 14 pts
Mar 30 dplyr:: Data mutating Searching for emails -Derek 100 pts
Mar 23 dplyr:: filter() data Group - All hands on deck filter time -Dorian 0 pts
Mar 16 Intro to tidymodels and machine learning -Derek 58 pts
Mar 9 dplyr:: select & arrange Messy data contest - Barbara wins πŸ† 58 pts
Mar 2 More dplyr :: select & arrange Finding Carmen Sandiego! the sf package: distances, buffers and intersections - Kristie 48 pts
Feb 23 Intro to dplyr :: Data exploration Keeping tables and figures organized in R notebooks. --Bruce M. 28 pts
Feb 16 ggplot2 & Charts R Tips and Tricks/Best Practices -- 38 pts
Feb 9 Read data & CSVs Stage 1: Wampas R2D2 - R training tracker
Feb 2 RStudio: Project setup Stage 0: Start Here Bootstrapping πŸ‘’ your 95% confidence intervals - Derek
Jan 26 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ 1-Year ANNIVERSARY! Group Celebration time πŸ°πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ 444 pts
Jan 19 1-yr Celebration plan & Publication ready Tables - Barbara 244 pts
Jan 12 ggplot review - Plotting with stars and patchwork - Dorian 244 pts
Jan 05 R Resolutions: Learning goals for 2021 - Kristie & Send E-mails with R - Derek 144 pts
Dec 15 Survey Analysis w/ MPCA's Travel survery - Laura & Derek -- 650 pts
Dec 08 🎨🌍 Group Exercise: ARTsy Maps - Dorian -- 14 pts
Dec 01 Fabulous day of errors, mistakes, and Gotcha's - Kristie -- 42 pts
Nov 17 More Dates & Times - A Loon Survery Dates (quizzlet) 1.1 pts
Nov 10 Day of Dates and Timezones - Dorian Dates 1.1 pts
Nov 3 Regular expressions regex 101 - Derek Strings & things +novemdecillion pts
Oct 27 πŸ‘» Halloween exercise: Text mining candy / scary movie data Everyone +1031 pts
Oct 20 Time series forecasting πŸ“‰ Barbara +2050 pts
Oct 13 Group exercise: TidyTuesday data dive Warmup with Porgs. Data at read_csv("") Everyone +1000 pts
Oct 6 Questions and Andrea's Shiny tool Andrea +2000 pts
Sep 29 Group exercise fun: Data Validation Kristie 1024 pts
Sep 22 USGS R community & packages** (Emily B. and Aida and Dorian) +2000 pts
Sep 15 Group swirl Back to Basics :: Quick Start Barbara +300 pts
Sep 08 Q: How to join by date range or fuzzy join or non-equal join? A: Use unnest() or library(data.table) +55 pts
Sep 01 Landuse analysis w/ the raster package (Kristie) +140 pts
Aug 25 Finish for() loops, and apply() functions +120 pts
Aug 18 for() loop alternatives: apply() functions & looping w/ purrr (Derek) +1500 pts
Aug 11 Non-parametric stats with water Sulfate data +1000 pts
Aug 04 R Markdown mpcareports templates & easier databases: mpcadb (Dorian)** +50 pts
Jul 28 (Barbara improvises) +200 pts *
Jul 21 Get data from TEMPO or OnBase and score the similarity of names: stringdist() (Derek) +1264 pts
Jul 14 Introduction to Biological Monitoring program (Joel C) Bugs! πŸͺ² Generalized Linear Models (Carl S) +300 pts
Jun 23 Checking for differences w/ the waldo pkg: compare() (Dorian) Pear programming puzzles (everyone) +100 pts
Jun 16 MDH shares: Grouping data frames in a list & date intervals (Jennifer) Mapping HUGE Raster layers (Min) +100 pts
Jun 09 Barbara connects to GIS Rest API services - You can too! +100 pts
Jun 02 Zipping, factors, date joins and more Kristie tips (Kristie)
May 26 T-tests and the carr pkg; Nonparametric or parametric? (Barbara)
May 19 More mapping tools in R: With MPCA's Environmental Justice maps (Dorian)
May 12 Shiny tools & widgets (Barbara & Derek); Schedule your R scripts: Daily, Weekly, Monthly (Barbara) Use fill() to fill gaps in names w/ previous value (Kristie) +100 pts
May 05 Custom colors and palettes (Barbara) Allison on sulfate outliers +100 pts
Apr 28 Create a package πŸ“¦ (Dorian) +You? Me? Everyone? +100 pts
Apr 21 Princ. Comp. Analysis and multi-variate predictions (Kristie) Matt on toxic algae +100 pts
Apr 14 Get 100's of PDFs from TEMPO and read their messy data into R (Derek) +50 pts
🌏 Create & read shapefiles (Kristie)
πŸ“– Make website books w/ Rmarkdown: bookdown (Dorian)
Summaries of Non-detect data: EnvStats & NADA (Derek + Barbara)
Build your own package: devtools (Dorian)
Multivariate Analysis (Kristie)
Microsoft Access data. Arrrrgghh... (Barbara)
Time series forecasting, with total garbage data (Barbara)

Featured functions

(hex) Package Functions What it does Website
esquisse esquisser() Drag-n drop-ggplots like Tableau Get started esquisse
lubridate today(),mdy(), wday(), tz() Convert text columns to date objects, extract parts of dates and time such as month, hour, week day. Dates & times
tidyr 'pivot_wider' and 'pivot_longer' Make your data do WHAT YOU WANT IT TO Overview of tidyr

See more
(hex) Package Function What it does Website
magrittr %>%, (.) Make code readable from left to right %>% Overview
dplyr select(), arrange(), filter(), mutate(), summarize(), group_by() Toolbox for exploring, re-arranging, and summarizing data Intro to dplyr
FCUK library(FCUK) Suggests typo corrections when code doesn't run. Examples & setup
fitdistrplus denscomp(), qqcomp(), cdfcomp(), ppcomp() Provide plots for comparing the fit of various continuous distributions. Vignette

Upcoming Events 🌏

Date Time Event Event link Group webpage
Sept 17-20, 2023 RStudio - POSIT::CONF(2023) - In-person Conference and workshops


Year Event Topic Event link Group webpage
2023 Virtual Hybrid Conference useR! 2022 - Nashville TN
2021 Presentation David Robinson - dbcooper: Turn any database into an R package 2021 New York R Conference
2021 Workshop Rmarkdown: Tips & Tricks w/ the amazing Allison Horst Google Drive recording R-Ladies global
2021 Live demo First steps: Exploring deforestation data (TidyTuesday) w/ Mr. Robinson Screencast Past weeks
2021 Presentation ggplot: Take a Sad Plot & Make it Better w/ Alison Hill Take a Sad Plot & Make it Better R-Ladies global
2021 Presentation aRt + ggplot: exploring radial visualizations + coord_polar() aRt + ggplot w/ Ijeamaka Anyene R-Ladies global
2021 Live talks RStudio:: global conference RStudio::global 2021
2020 Conference useR! 2020: Intl. R user conference useR 2020
See more
Year Event Topic Event link Group webpage
July 5-9th, 2021 Live Virtual Conference useR! 2021
2020 Workshop Intro to R : MARAMA Intro to R; tidyverse; ggplot MARAMA training
2020 Workshop Plot anything w/ ggplot - Online workshop ggplot workshop
2020 Conference RStudio Conf 2020 - Recordings available RStudio 2020

🐣 What we are learning

πŸ“– Readings

🌍πŸ‘₯ Community projects

Open to all to contribute – that's you!

Project Details Team contact Wishlist
R training - Star Wars training
- Workshops (Maps, Connecting to databases, messy data)
- Cat training (the original)
library(mpcaej) Shapefiles with MPCA’s criteria for areas of concern for environmental justice Dorian
library(mncolors) Paint your data with colors from the MN State Brand style Guide, plus a few palettes inspired by local landscapes and wildlife. Dorian
library(mpcadb) Easy R connections to MPCA’s databases: DELTA, TEMPO, EQUIS, RAPIDS, ONBASE...
- Store common reference data
MPCA Data Guide MPCA guide to find data for water, land, air, and more Dorian Add data publishing/sharing tips
library(mpcareports) MPCA templates for Markdown reports w/ logo, header, etc. Dorian
Analysis Methods Guide How we analyze monitoring data in R (currently air focused) Derek

Future topics

See ideas
  1. Automate report updating on an R server?
  2. Download tables of data from websites (Sarah)
  3. Loops: purrr package or for() loops or lapply()?
  4. Find data in TEMPO database (Aida)
  5. Combine, clean and read output from environmental models such as AERMOD
  6. Compare large files submitted by consultants: k-diff or waldo package
  7. Intro to Rmarkdown
    • Create a manual for training or methods documentation
  8. Maps and shapefiles
    • Kriging / Spatial interpolating between map points
  9. Is it an outlier?
  10. Conditional probability
  11. Show-n-tell something you want to replace: An Excel tool, Word/PDF report, Access database,
  12. gganimate Add movement to your charts, make gifs to share
  13. Project swap - Will it run?
  14. Working in GitHub
  15. data.table (Derek)
  16. Write tests for your code / functions - testthat pkg
  17. R generative art


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No packages published