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A living specification document for VIAT. VIAT is the native embedded cryptocurrency of the Universal Web.

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Viat Core

VIAT - is the native crypto currency for the Universal Web and specifically the Viat Network. Viat is not a fork of any existing network or crypto but it’s design was inspired by many others as well as introducing novel and unique concepts. The distribution is designed to be extremely slow and small but with many mechanisms and modifiers that alter the mining rewards or how Viat is released.

Wallets & Identity

Viat wallet in essence just a cryptographic key pair encased in a cryptographic certificate but functionally they are far more than that. Wallets store funds and prove ownership but they also are part of your identity on the Viat Network & the Universal Web. A Viat wallet is and can be accessed by using any Identity and or domain certificate. A Viat wallet is created every time a new identity is created. That identity could be represent anything an IoT device, person, business, government, website, car, boat, plane, blog, store, pet (for example a dog or a cat), animal, building, location, computer, cell phone, tablet, server, router, and any other “thing” in existence. Even Bitcoin could be assigned an identity and have a Viat wallet. All identities (Identity Certificate or chain of identity certificates) are anonymous by default and only what the owner puts out on the Universal Web or given in public, shown on TV, or said over the radio determines if other info could be associated with it. In other words your identity is anonymous by default and protects you behind a wall of cryptography. However, you decide what info is given to services and the systems you interact with so be mindful. A Viat wallet can be verified and clearly listed as an official address for a specific person, place, and or thing.

A business could have their Identity verified and clearly displayed in a QR code on the front of their store which could bring you to a domain and thus a Viat wallet for easy shopping. A specific location can be verified and when you visit that location you could be alert and given specific details. For example if you enter a gym you could be welcomed and then use your phone to display a QR code or hash at the front desk which authenticates you. If you enter a store you could be notified with a greeting and shown a sale, promotional event, and or be given a personalized promotion.

Viat wallets could be used for secure decentralized voting for political elections, public events, and online communities. Viat makes digital secure transparent democratic voting possible and easy. All backed up with strong cryptography and verifiable without compromising your identity publicly. What makes it perfect for democratic voting is that a government system could verify and authenticate a citizen is voting while still being able to transparently show a fair election was held without compromising the voters identity to people even those involved in managing the election or assisting in the voting process. Even the contents of the vote can be encrypted and protected from prying eyes. No one will be able to single a voter out because of who they voted for or selectively discard their vote.

Centralized Systems

Viat is a hybrid cryptocurrency at many levels. In terms of the network it’s hybrid nature comes from it having both centralized as well as decentralized systems responsible for various features many of which are opt-in.

Viat’s centralized systems provide instant transactions for free or at a rate lower than the decentralized transaction cost. This part of the system is a centralized Viat block validator and each block can be seen as one or many transactions on the network. When validating multiple transactions it increases the complexity and security of a specific branch of transactions. Multiple transaction validation for a branch of direct relatives can also be used to compress the transactions. This compression feature is responsible for keeping the blockchain size small and efficient. One major issue regarding blockchain is that it could grow indefinitely and then create an extreme class system where only those with significant storage capabilities could be a full node. Therefore one of the primary functions of the centralized systems is to keep the blockchain optimized by reducing redundant, needless, and or compressible data. Ensuring that the size remains small indefinitely the centralized systems make use of technologies such as fragmenting, chunking, compression, deletion, and snapshots.

Centralized wallet security is an opt-in feature, deterrent, and active security measure for Viat wallets. When a wallet is compromised depending on your config the backup key and or the wallets master key can be used to freeze funds, halt transfers, or even reverse them. When interacting with a specific wallet with these features enabled it’ll be clearly noted as having centralized wallet security enabled. This makes Viat particularly suited for businesses, banks, and security conscious folk.


Mining in Viat is primarily done with a mixture of staking mechanisms and cryptographic work to validate transactions. Viat’s mining systems are also hybrid in that it incorporates traditional proof of work, staking, and a new form called Dynamic proof of work. Viat is gamified in many ways but done so with great purpose for security, equal opportunity, and economic mobility. Much like any cryptocurrency mining results in a specific amount of reward (Viat) but there are modifiers such as districts and artifacts which alter the mining process and Viat reward amount. No work on Viat is wasted or done without purpose. Mining per-transaction is fast, efficient, and does require guess work. However, the complexity can change depending on the work given or chosen and the districts or artifacts involved. Viat mining is designed so that transactions are as fast as possible or near real-time and as inexpensive as possible or in some cases free.
Dynamic Proof of Work
The dynamic proof of work is simply any work that can be distributed in parts, computed, and validated either by the network or a centralized source. The dynamic proof of work can be something as simple as mathematical work or more complex work such as protein folding or work that assist in cancer research. DPW takes advantage of a feature of decentralized distributed blockchain networks which is their computational ability and distributed super computing potential. DPW gives Viat purpose beyond the realm of cryptocurrency and into all fields that may require vast computation. The work could be humanitarian, medical, and or great benefit to humanity across the globe. The dynamic proof of work could be sold as a computation service for government and private sector use which will further fund the network. The dynamic proof of work is primarily optional or not present during typical mining operations. It can be turned on at any moment but could still be avoided if other work is available for doing.
The cryptography used is less relevant compared to other networks because it’s subject to change with the times and at any moment when the network has a tangible benefit to do so. All cryptography used can be found in Libsodium. Only after great use, validation, and need will a new cryptographic algorithm be used and or replace an older one. There is less backwards compatibility in this sense because it’s forced that you switch for your security as well as the networks to a better algorithm. Refer to the Universal Web’s White Paper cryptography section for specific details.

Viat Wallets are multi-keypair & multi-certificate by default. Viat is unique in that it makes use of cryptographic certificates which in some cases encases a keypair in more cryptography. They’re more than just a keypair like seen on other blockchains they are certificates. Using multi-certificates/keypairs instead of a singular keypair makes collision attacks and brute forcing like those seen on Bitcoin (large bitcoin collider) exceedingly more difficult. Viat makes use of blockchains with singular keypairs by default into a feature called Wallet Farming refer to that section for details.

that you brute force . Based on known current computational abilities it would be merely impossible.

Brute forcing is still possible given enough qbits in a quantum computer running shor’s algorithm. However, Viat is ready to adopt quantum resistant cryptography and or new cryptography algorithms the moment it’s made available and viable.

Mining Districts
A district is a virtual factory for your wallet that produce some form of work as well as enable a wallet to participate in specific work in the network. There are various types of districts which differ based on the work they do such as CPU Mining, GPU Mining, and ASIC mining. Once a Mining District is acquired you must first spend Viat to build it and stake Viat to enable it. If the Viat is removed from staking the district is disabled and thus the wallet isn’t capable of mining.

Mining Districts ensure that mining isn’t easily abused, separates the rewards based on hardware, raises the costs required to attack the network, and keeps Viat staked in use on the network. Another benefit from separating districts based on hardware is that it makes mining relevant even if they don’t have expensive or specialized hardware. Have Hardware based Mining Districts help to keep rewards more consistent with the type of hardware used to mine. A CPU has to put in considerably more effort relative to its size and takes greater time to mine than optimized hardware such as a GPU or ASIC. The Mining Districts allow for a specific algorithm to be chosen that make rewards and the work involved more ideal for the specific type of hardware being used. Specific hardware districts can also open a miner up to specialized and or different types of work which may not be available to other hardware based districts. For example a GPU Mining District has an algorithm which favors GPU hardware and is designed for it that would other wise not work or wouldn’t be ideal for a CPU and it adjusts rewards to match that type of hardware.

Mining Artifacts
Artifacts are wallet or district modifiers represented as unique important historical figures, historical events, historical art, historical items, gems, elements, metals, and art. Artifacts can modify the way rewards are computed and or distributed during the mining process. Artifacts can also perform a unique action during the mining process such as opting into a public lottery. They can also modify or enhance a district’s capabilities.

Artifacts differ from districts in that they are primarily modifiers rather than actors. Districts work to produce an item such as a proof of work where as well as enable you to do that certain type of work in the network. Artifacts can be applied to districts or wallets but districts are built and setup in wallets.

Mining by proxy
There are many ways to mine Viat. A way that happens passively and only when needed or enabled by the root party is proxy mining. It’s a way for a party to requested on its behalf and the rewards could be given to the one who requested the work or the root party. However, the reward split is determined by the root party and could if it so desired take all the rewards from any of the work. This makes it an effective tool and deterrent for DDoS attacks. It provides sites with a way to throttle and mitigate attacks while also having the opportunity to gain some Viat in the process. This is done in the form of packet puzzles, refer to the UW White paper for additional details regarding packet puzzles.
Wallets have various forms of passive staking which can modify the rewards gained during the mining process. Staking occurs during district use and can be done within wallets by selecting a certain amount of Viat to stake for a set time period. The default wallet staking could be locked up to a certain point or set to be available for use still. Staked amounts are calculated during the mining process when rewards are free to be distributed. Depending on the time and the amount that was staked will alter mining rewards. It’s considerably more favorable to have Viat locked during staking for a set period of time rather than having it unlocked and free to move in and out as needed.


Viat max supply is 42MM with up to 24 decimals but community vote could alter that in the future if it was so required. The distribution rate for Viat is expected to adjust as the network grows and can increase or decrease between updates. Overall the distribution is extremely slow and when rewards are released they will be small typically in the decimal ranges. Viat gives greater community control over the economics within the network. Much like in the real world unforeseen events could greatly affect Viat and it’s perceived value. It’s important to acknowledge that these networks are designed for people not machines. Thus there must be mechanisms and protocols available in the event of unforeseen variables begin to affect the performance or capabilities of the Viat network. When addressing inflation & deflation the community can vote on altering the Viat supply, lottery, decimal count, release timing, release amounts, and mining algorithm parameters between updates. These mechanisms must only be enacted between version updates.
Part of the distribution process is a lottery which is only made available to those who contribute to the network. The lottery could be taken out automatically from rewards and thus all miners would be entered or it could be done as an opt-in. Lottery rules are not pre-defined for the network rather are inputted or computed based on community voting. The rules could include one or man winners. The rules can also stipulate what tasks are involved to enter a lottery and can be as complex as a game or guessing a series of numbers.

Multi-chain Mining Districts

Using a multi-chain mining district a miner could also attempt to aid other blockchain networks by contributing hash power to other networks. This is an opt-in feature and the portion of the network which has conducted the work reaps the majority of rewards. The left over portion of the rewards are divided up and sent to: the growth and development of the network, those with Viat staked, and a Viat lottery. Portions are transparently democratically decided and voted on by the Universal Web Republic (All Viat holders and elected Viat officials). Rewards must be sent as quickly as possible and decided by the UWR. This is to mitigate and limit an event where a wallet may be compromised. Thus where multi-keypair wallets may be used they should and in the event singular keypair wallets are used a new one must be generated. This ensures rewards are constantly flowing to the parties which contributed to them.

Multi-chain Viat Tokens

In order to streamline Viat adoption and use across existing networks networks which support token creation. These Viat tokens can be used to bridge Viat to new networks or store its value inside of a token on another network. This would allow games that use cryptocurrency tokens to easily incorporate Viat without having to integrate the Viat network or its technologies into their existing ecosystem. Viat tokens also provide a way to trade Viat on other networks without having to go through complex integrations into the Viat Network.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are part of Viat Extended and not Viat Core. Viat Core is focused purely on providing primary cryptocurrency functions built for high speed and transaction rate. This focus and separation of concerns keeps Viat striving for as near real-time as possible. Viat Extended incorporates more complex state machine functions such as Smart Contracts.

Browser Integration

Viat is meant to be presented as part of a unified ecosystem under the Universal Web. Viat wallet and toolkit must be integrated into a browser and part of the browser experience. Every time a profile is created for the Universal Web a new Viat wallet is created and thus a new identity on the network. When visiting a site the domain certificate is also a Viat Wallet address and enables quick shopping or donations.

Wallet farming District

A Wallet Farming District is a type of district which allows miners on the Viat network to mine other blockchain wallets directly via collisions or brute forcing. In particular blockchains that use singular keypairs for wallets. The rewards from this follows the same overall protocol as multi-chain farming. When a wallet farming district is built and begins work the network dictates portions of work to be done via Dynamic Proof of Work. This could be done as an opt-in or a user may encounter the work passively while browsing the Universal Web. From components such as the DIS to websites & apps on the Universal Web all can be ways in which average users encounter this type of work that comes in as packet puzzles also known as Viat’s Dynamic Proof of Work. This gives the Universal Web Republic the ability to mine other network’s wallets directly and although significantly more difficult than traditional forms of mining could yield far more rewards. This process also includes the ability to wallet farm multiple blockchains at the same time maximizing the chances of success as much as possible.

It should be noted that Viat has a multi-certificate thus multi-keypair design by default making Wallet farming to Viat Wallets significantly more difficult, if not merely impossible given current hardware. This gives individual Viat wallets significant protections against collective brute forcing efforts such as the Large Bitcoin Collider or even Viat’s own wallet farming capabilities. The same protections are afforded to all Identity Certificates as they have a master certificate. Both master and children keypairs along with other aspects of certificates are independently generated and are not descended from one another in any sort of deterministic creation. This ensures that even if the master key is brute forced any keypair in the child certificates can’t be sourced from it. Hence the importance of cryptographic certificate chains.


A living specification document for VIAT. VIAT is the native embedded cryptocurrency of the Universal Web.






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