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WhiteSur GTK Theme

A macOS like theme for Linux GTK Desktops


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Installation is easy!

Required dependencies (click to open)

"Install from source" deps

  • sassc
  • libglib2.0-dev-bin ubuntu 20.04
  • libglib2.0-dev ubuntu 18.04 debian 10.03 linux mint 19
  • libxml2-utils ubuntu 18.04 debian 10.03 linux mint 19
  • glib2-devel Fedora Redhat

Misc deps

  • imagemagick (optional for GDM theme tweak)
  • dialog (optional for installation in dialog mode)
  • optipng (optional for asset rendering)
  • inkscape (optional for asset rendering)

Don't worry, WhiteSur installer already provides all of those dependencies.

Recommended GNOME Shell extensions (click to open)

Quick install

Installing from source

  1. Run git clone --depth=1

  2. Run ./ to install the default WhiteSur GTK theme pack.


For example: (click to open)
  • uninstall Gtk themes: ./ -r
  • uninstall GDM theme: sudo ./ -g -r
  • uninstall Firefox theme: ./ -f -r
  • uninstall Flatpak Gtk themes: ./ -F -r

There's so many customizations you can do!

Usage: ./ [OPTIONS...]

Options (click to open)
  -d, --dest DIR
   Set destination directory. Default is '/home/USER/.themes'

  -n, --name NAME
   Set theme name. Default is 'WhiteSur'

  -o, --opacity [normal|solid]
   Set theme opacity variants. Repeatable. Default is all variants

  -c, --color [Light|Dark]
   Set theme color variants. Repeatable. Default is all variants

  -a, --alt [normal|alt|all]
   Set window control buttons variant. Repeatable. Default is 'normal'

  -t, --theme [default|blue|purple|pink|red|orange|yellow|green|grey|all]
   Set theme accent color. Repeatable. Default is BigSur-like theme

  -m, --monterey 
   Set to MacOS Monterey style. 

  -N, --nautilus [stable|normal|mojave|glassy]
   Set Nautilus style. Default is BigSur-like style (stabled sidebar)

  -l, --libadwaita 
   Install theme into gtk4.0 config for libadwaita. Default is dark version

  -HD, --highdefinition 
   Set to High Definition size. Default is laptop size

  --shell, --gnome-shell 
   Tweaks for gnome-shell. Options:

     1. -i, -icon [apple|simple|gnome|ubuntu|tux|arch|manjaro|fedora|debian|void|opensuse|popos|mxlinux|zorin|budgie|gentoo]
     Set gnome-shell panel 'Activities' icon. Default is 'standard'

     2. -b, -background [default|blank|IMAGE_PATH]
     Set gnome-shell background image. Default is BigSur-like wallpaper

     3. -p, -panelopacity [default|30|45|60|75]
     Set gnome-shell panel transparency. Default is 15%

     4. -h, -height [default|smaller|bigger]
     Set gnome-shell panel height size. Default is 32px

     5. -g, -general, -normal 
     Set gnome-shell show apps button style to general/normal. Default is BigSur

     6. -s, -smaller 
     Set gnome-shell font size to smaller (10pt). Default is 11pt

  --round, --roundedmaxwindow 
   Set maximized window to rounded. Default is square

  --right, --rightplacement 
   Set Nautilus title button placement to right. Default is left

  --black, --blackfont 
   Set panel font color to black. Default is white

  --darker, --darkercolor 
   Install darker 'WhiteSur' dark themes. 

  --nord, --nordcolor 
   Install 'WhiteSur' Nord ColorScheme themes. 

  --dialog, --interactive 
   Run this installer interactively, with dialogs. 

   Meant for developers: ignore any confirm prompt and params become more strict. 

  -r, --remove, -u, --uninstall 
   Remove all installed WhiteSur themes. 

  -h, --help 
   Show this help. 

Fix for libadwaita (not perfect)

Details (click to open)

Since the release of Gnome 43.0, more and more built-in apps use libadwaita now, and libadwaita does not support custom themes, which means we cannot change the appearance of app using libadwaita through gnome-tweaks or dconf-editor. For users who love custom themes, it’s really sucks!

Anyway if anybody who still want to custom themes we can only do this way:

that is to use the theme file to overwrite the gtk-4.0 configuration file. The result is that only Fixed making all gtk4 apps use one theme and cannot be switched (even can not switch to dark mode) If you want to change a theme, you can only re-overwrite the gtk-4.0 configuration file with a new theme, I know this method is not perfect, But at the moment it is only possible to continue using themes for libadwaita's apps ...

Run this command to install WhiteSur into gtk-4.0 configuration folder ($HOME/.config/gtk-4.0)

./ -l                # Default is the normal dark theme
./ -l -c Light       # install light theme for libadwaita

Fix for Flatpak

sudo flatpak override --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-3.0 && sudo flatpak override --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-4.0

If you use flatpak apps, you can run this to fix theme issue

Connect WhiteSur theme to Flatpak (gtk 3.0) (Snap not support)

Parameter: --flatpak -F

Example: ./ -F

Change theme color and accent

Install theme color

Parameter: --color -c (repeatable)


./ -c Light          # install light theme color only
./ -c Dark -c Light  # install dark and light theme colors

Install theme accent

Parameter: --theme -t (repeatable)


./ -t red            # install red theme accent only
./ -t red -t green   # install red and green theme accents
./ -t all            # install all available theme accents

Change Nautilus style

Parameter: --nautilus-style -N

Example: ./ -N mojave

Explore more customization features!

You can run ./ -h to explore more customization features we have like changing panel opacity, theme opacity (normal and solid variant), window control button variant, etc.

Let's tweak!

Usage: ./ [OPTIONS...]

Options (click to open)
 [GDM theme]... options

  -g, --gdm [default|x2]
   Install 'WhiteSur' theme for GDM (scaling: 100%/200%, default is 100%). Requires to run this shell as root

  -o, --opacity [normal|solid]
   Set 'WhiteSur' GDM theme opacity variants. Default is 'normal'

  -c, --color [Light|Dark]
   Set 'WhiteSur' GDM and Dash to Dock theme color variants. Default is 'light'

  -t, --theme [default|blue|purple|pink|red|orange|yellow|green|grey]
   Set 'WhiteSur' GDM theme accent color. Default is BigSur-like theme

  -N, --no-darken 
   Don't darken 'WhiteSur' GDM theme background image. 

  -n, --no-blur 
   Don't blur 'WhiteSur' GDM theme background image. 

  -b, --background [default|blank|IMAGE_PATH]
   Set 'WhiteSur' GDM theme background image. Default is BigSur-like wallpaper

  -p, --panel-opacity [default|30|45|60|75]
   Set 'WhiteSur' GDM (GNOME Shell) theme panel transparency. Default is 15%

  -P, --panel-size [default|smaller|bigger]
   Set 'WhiteSur' Gnome shell panel height size. Default is 32px

  -i, --icon [apple|simple|gnome|ubuntu|tux|arch|manjaro|fedora|debian|void|opensuse|popos|mxlinux|zorin|budgie|gentoo]
   Set 'WhiteSur' GDM (GNOME Shell) 'Activities' icon. Default is 'standard'

  --nord, --nordcolor 
   Install 'WhiteSur' Nord ColorScheme themes. 

 [Others]... options

  -f, --firefox         [(monterey|flat)|alt|(darker|adaptive)]   Without options default WhiteSur theme will install...   Options:

      1. monterey       [3+3|3+4|3+5|4+3|4+4|4+5|5+3|5+4|5+5]   Topbar buttons number: 'a+b'   a: left side buttons number, b: right side buttons number

      2. flat           Monterey alt version    Flat round tabs...

      3. alt            Alt window control buttons version    Alt window control buttons style like gtk theme

      4. darker         Darker Firefox theme version    Darker theme according to darker gtk theme

      5. adaptive       Adaptive color version   You need install adaptive-tab-bar-colour plugin first

  -e, --edit-firefox [(monterey|flat)|alt|(darker|adaptive)]
   Edit 'WhiteSur' theme for Firefox settings and also connect the theme to the current Firefox profiles. 

  -F, --flatpak Support options: [-o, -c, -t...]
   Connect 'WhiteSur' theme to Flatpak. Without options will only install default themes

  -d, --dash-to-dock 
   Fixed Dash to Dock theme issue. 

  -r, --remove, --revert 
   Revert to the original themes, do the opposite things of install and connect. 

   Meant for developers: ignore any confirm prompt and params become more strict. 

  -h, --help 
   Show this help. 

There's more themes you can try!

Install and edit Firefox theme

Parameter: --firefox -f

Example: ./ -f

Edit Firefox theme

Parameter: --edit-firefox -e


./ -e           # edit the installed Firefox theme
./ -f -r        # remove installed Firefox theme
./ -f monterey  # install Monterey Firefox theme

Install and customize GDM theme

Install GDM theme

Parameter: --gdm -g (requires to be run as root)

Example: sudo ./ -g

Change the background

Parameter: --background -b


sudo ./ -g -b "my picture.jpg" # use the custom background
sudo ./ -g -b default          # use the default background
sudo ./ -g -b blank            # make it blank

Don't darken the background

Parameter: --no-darken -N


sudo ./ -g -N                          # darken the default background
sudo ./ -g -N -b "wallpapers/snow.jpg" # darken the custom background

Don't blur the background

Parameter: --no-blur -n


sudo ./ -g -n                           # don't blur the default background
sudo ./ -g -n -b "wallpapers/rocks.jpg" # don't blur the custom background

Do more GDM customizations

You can do the similar customization features in ./ like changing theme color (dark and light variant) and accent, GNOME Shell 'Activities' icon, etc. related to GDM. Run ./ -h to explore!

Other recommended stuff

WhiteSur Icon Theme

WhiteSur Wallpapers

Technical details and getting involved

Please go read for more info