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Release testing instructions for the WooCommerce Stripe payment gateway 6.0.0

Rafael Zaleski edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 8 revisions

Make sure customers are not required to click on "use new payment method" when no card is saved on Pay Order Page

  • As a shopper

  • With UPE active

  • Remove any saved card in My account > Payment Methods

  • Buy any product

  • Go to checkout

  • Select Stripe as the payment gateway

  • Make sure the radio button "Use new payment method" does not show up

  • Use a valid card 4242 4242 4242 4242

  • Click on save credit card

  • Place order

  • Must be successful

  • Repeat but this time use the saved card to checkout

  • The saved card radio button and the "Use new payment method" must show

  • Place order

  • Must be successful

  • Remove any saved card in My account > Payment Methods

  • Buy any product

  • Go to checkout

  • Select Stripe as the payment gateway

  • Make sure the radio button "Use new payment method" does not show up

  • Use an invalid card 4000000000000002

  • Try to place order

  • Go to My account > Orders

  • Click on pay on the last order

  • Select Stripe

  • Make sure the radio button "Use new payment method" does not show up

  • Select Stripe as the payment method

  • Use a valid card 4242 4242 4242 4242

  • Place the order

  • Must be successful

  • Repeat but this time use the saved card to checkout on pay order page

  • The saved card radio button and the "Use new payment method" must show

  • Place order

  • Must be successful

Make sure payment method names are correctly capitalized

Note: For the following tests, here are the correct payment method name's capitalizations: iDEAL, Sofort, and giropay.

Make sure Stripe card's description has payment method names' correctly capitalized

  • As a merchant, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  • Select the Stripe payment method
  • If account keys have been entered, make sure to remove them
  • Ensure the Get started with Stripe card displays the capitalization of the payment methods, iDEAL and Sofort, correctly (see image below)


Make sure admin notices have payment method names' correctly capitalized

  • As a merchant, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  • Enable Stripe giropay, Stripe iDEAL, and Stripe Sofort
  • Refresh the page
  • Ensure the notices at the top of the page displays the capitalization of the payment methods, iDEAL, giropay, and Sofort, correctly (see image below)


Make sure admin "Payments" tab's title has payment method's name's correctly captialized

  • As a merchant, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  • Click on Stripe giropay link, to configure
  • If account keys have not been entered, make sure to enter them
  • Ensure the page's title at the top of the page displays the capitalization of Stripe giropay correctly (see image below)
    • Repeat this for Stripe iDEAL and Stripe Sofort


Make sure Sofort's checkout notice is correctly capitalized at checkout

  • As a merchant, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  • Enable Stripe Sofort
  • Click on Stripe Sofort link, to configure
  • If account keys have not been entered, make sure to enter them
  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > General
  • Update the Currency field to "Euro" and click Save changes
  • Next, as a customer, add an item to your cart and proceed to checkout
  • Enter Billing details and select a country that is not supported by Sofort (e.g. France)
  • Ensure notice that appears at the top of the page displays the capitalization of Sofort correctly (see image below)


Make sure the user is redirected to the settings tab after a successful account connection

Follow instructions in the docs ( to set up the Stripe Payment Gateway.

1 - On a clean install, go to the Stripe settings page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe), and connect an account using OAuth (needs SSL enabled).

Expected result: the page is redirected to the settings tab after the connection. The Enable Stripe checkbox is disabled.

2 - On a clean install, go to the Stripe settings page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe), and connect an account entering the account keys manually.

Expected result: the page is redirected to the settings tab after the connection. The Enable Stripe checkbox is disabled.

Screen Shot 2021-12-22 at 14 14 16

Make sure a message is prompted when navigating out of Stripe settings with unsaved changes

  • In the admin area, Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments"
  • Click the "Manage" button in the Stripe row
  • Click any input from the "Payment Methods" tab
  • Click the "Settings" tab

Expected Result: No alert should be displayed.

  • Click any link from the sidebar

Expected Result: Alert should be displayed.

  • Go back to Payment Methods by clicking the "Payment Methods" tab

Expected Result: No alert should be displayed

  • Refresh page
  • Click the "Settings" tab
  • Click any input or enter any tests into to any input text
  • Click any link from the sidebar

Expected Result: Alert should be displayed

Make sure a message is shown when new payment methods are activated in the account

Prepare test keys from a verified and unverified account (2 different accounts).

Using the keys from the unverified account:

1 - Enable UPE on the settings tab of the plugin settings (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe&panel=methods).

2 - Enable all payment methods for the Stripe account on the Stripe dashboard

3 - Check if the payment methods appear in the Plugin settings page with the requires activation status (screenshot below).

Screen Shot 2021-12-22 at 15 31 42

4 - Use an account already verified to update the keys on the settings tab (Do it in a new browser tab, do not touch the tab opened in the payment methods list)

5 - Once the keys were updated on the new tab you used on step 4, click Refresh payment methods on the 3-dots menu from the payment methods list. (screenshot below)

Screen Shot 2021-12-22 at 15 32 24

6 - You should see a message like in the screenshot below, listing all payment methods that are now active in the Stripe account used for testing.

Screen Shot toast message

Make sure the account keys modal works as expected and there is no page redirects when the keys are saved.

From the stripe settings dashboard:

1 - Click Edit account keys

2 - Check that all input fields don't show autocomplete options. For live and test keys.

3 - Enter valid live keys and save.

Expected Result:

  • Save button is blocked for a while.
  • Modal closes automatically.
  • Message Account keys Saved is shown.
  • Page is not reloaded.

4 - Enter valid test keys and save.

Expected Result:

  • Save button is blocked for a while.
  • Modal closes automatically.
  • Message Account keys Saved is shown.
  • Page is not reloaded.

5 - Enter invalid live keys and save.

Expected Result:

  • Save button is blocked for a while.
  • Modal does not close automatically.
  • Message Error saving account keys. is shown.
  • Page is not reloaded.

6 - Enter invalid test keys and save.

Expected Result:

  • Save button is blocked for a while.
  • Modal does not close automatically.
  • Message Error saving account keys. is shown.
  • Page is not reloaded.
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